Posts by baker
Do you still believe in God?
by FormerlySandL ini never thought i would admit it, but i don't.
i might superstitiously have some kind of doubt but digging a bit deeper in my heart i really don't believe in god.
as a human i could never just sit and watch people be tortured, live years of abuse, suffer from illness and disabilities and all the other awful things people have to endure day after day without doing something about it.
Just watched the news yesterday and a 2 month old was shaken by her uncle to death. And the family already had a sign up that said, "God has another new angel" How sick is that? -
by Terry ini've been using windows 7 for several years and have had no complaints.. i've tried many browsers and settled on google chrome.
it has absolutely everything i want or need.. i kept hearing about the free upgrade to windows 10, so i went to youtube and watched endless "reviews" pro and con.. what pushed me over the (microsoft edge) was the fact i could test drive the new operating system.
for 30 days and go back to windows 7 if i didn't like it!
Got a Mac 3 years ago and don't miss windows at all. This computer just works and no viruses so far... -
ten plagues of egypt explained.
by atomant inlve been researching the ten plagues of egypt.saw a tv doco few years back explaining scientifically how they all occurred.for anybody interested simply google ten plagues of egypt explained.
sure is worth a look.cheers.
Mel Brooks at his best
only 90
by pepperheart inshucks only 90 teaching books trashed last week still there is a new week starting lol
Use them for the fireplace, at least you get a little new light out of them... -
JWs the kings of plagiarism
by Hecce inthe wt used to be rich for the quality of their public speakers, at the top of the ladder were the dos motivating the brothers on a weekly basis.
some of them used very folksy experiences related to the brothers as motivational tools, when you left the convention those experiences were the talk of the town.
i remember one very well qualified brother serving as do that was constantly using those sort of experiences as part of his arsenal, at one time he related one about a sister that new that she was going to die soon and while meeting with the family and brothers for final preparations she requested to be buried with a fork in her hand.
“ For example, the teenage son of a single mother was leading a double life. A well-meaning Christian sister said to the mother: “It’s too bad you have failed at child training.” The mother thought for a moment and responded: “It’s true that things are not going well right now, but his training is a work in progress. Talk to me after Armageddon; then we will know for sure.” This mild response helped to maintain peace between the sisters, and it encouraged the son, who overheard the conversation. He realized that his mother had not given up on him. This moved him to stop his bad associations. In time, he got baptized, and he later served at Bethel.”
Excerpt From: WATCHTOWER. “The Watchtower, December 15, 2015.” iBooks. I,ll bet u 40 quarters that this little story cannot be verified by anyone. Just another expample that "most" have gotten use to tales like this and never question veracity. -
JWs the kings of plagiarism
by Hecce inthe wt used to be rich for the quality of their public speakers, at the top of the ladder were the dos motivating the brothers on a weekly basis.
some of them used very folksy experiences related to the brothers as motivational tools, when you left the convention those experiences were the talk of the town.
i remember one very well qualified brother serving as do that was constantly using those sort of experiences as part of his arsenal, at one time he related one about a sister that new that she was going to die soon and while meeting with the family and brothers for final preparations she requested to be buried with a fork in her hand.
they seem to get some stories from the old Readers Digest -
TV / Movie Clips That Summarize Life
by jw07 inthis is just meant to be a fun topic.. what are some tv and movie snippets that summarize the conformity and extremism of watchtower life in general?.
i found this trailer for the giver to be dead on :-).
it shows what happens when you start to openly question the organization and its policies..
Found The Giver on Showtime on demand. gonna play it for my friends tonite over coctails without making any comments and see who is the first to see the irony... -
Can any believer make a case for the superiority of faith over knowledge?
by Half banana ini find it curious why so many here on this site, in the face of factual evidence for things such as evolution and the impossibility for anyone to make a coherent interpretation for the bible, would still prefer faith to knowledge?.
can any believer attempt a defence of this position?.
here is Steve Martin,s take on the matter..
Thier new Bible translations funny Scripture and how stupid they are.
by Crazyguy inif you go to their bible at genesis 18: starting at verse 3 you will read that abraham sees jehovah yep sees him, with a couple of other men (angel's) then talks to him about getting water to wash his feet.
then he runs to sarah and talks to her about preparing food for jehovah.
so let me get this strait abraham sees jehovah face to face, jehovah has feet and apparently likes to eat human food too.
The Pope Tells Trump He's Not A Christian
by minimus inthis should be fun.
building a wall is unchristian.
i can't understand why the pope is getting involved in american politics.. poor donald..
The Pope is the Catholic,s governing body, infallible