Posts by baker
2016 Election getting family members disfellowshipped
by Ryan007 in
sarah-jane cunningham knew that her facebook posts about the election were rubbing her family the wrong way, but she didn’t realize the posts would get her uninvited from thanksgiving dinner.. the 19-year-old said her mother called a week before thanksgiving and confronted her about the facebook posts regarding president-elect donald trump.. “she asked me if i was going to be disrespectful to my family, and i told her that it could work either way, cunningham said.
"if the things i am saying are disrespectful to trump supporters, the things they are saying are also disrespectful to me.”.
"Just around the corner." The dumbest song that I have ever heard..
by DATA-DOG ini'm at my quasi-thanksgiving dinner with relatives.
i hear a haunting sound from another room.
"is that a children's song?
D0 Y0U KN0W that the most rapid means of communlca. tion in· 1799' the beginning of" the time of the end,". was on horse- back, while now telephones and telegraphs unite cities, nations and continents?
D0 Y 0 U K N 0 W that the first effedive steamboat was built A. D. 1806? and that the first effedive locomotive, the Ironsides, was built A. D·..,831?
D0 Y0U K N0 W tl1at Sir Isaac Newton, the great Christjan philosopher, who ·died A. D.·1727, studying ·this very prophecy: said, on the strength ofit, "I should not wonder if some day men wil(travel at the rate of fifty miles an hou(? "
D0 Y0 U K N0 W that Voltaire, the great infidel philosopher, who died A. D. I 778, when much more ~as known of the power of steam, despising this prophecy of God's Word, declared that it had made a fool of Sir Isaac Newton when it led make the above statement?
D0 Y0U KN0W: thattheprediCl:ed"runningtoandfro"•is· being fulfilled by yourselfand others as you travel everywhere by steam- boats, steam and electric cars, etc.?
D 0 Y 0 U K N 0 W that knowledge is greatly increased, in .har- mony with the prophecy ?-anilcan you not distern such pl~1n sigils of the times in which we are now .
Do you Know that this is the BS that emulated from Charles Taze Russell in 1904 and is defended to this day by Zombies?
2016 Election getting family members disfellowshipped
by Ryan007 in
sarah-jane cunningham knew that her facebook posts about the election were rubbing her family the wrong way, but she didn’t realize the posts would get her uninvited from thanksgiving dinner.. the 19-year-old said her mother called a week before thanksgiving and confronted her about the facebook posts regarding president-elect donald trump.. “she asked me if i was going to be disrespectful to my family, and i told her that it could work either way, cunningham said.
"if the things i am saying are disrespectful to trump supporters, the things they are saying are also disrespectful to me.”.
Huh? Duh, are you lost? What does this have to do with the price of tea in China?
Quite Possibly The Most Sinister Speaker Ever?
by pale.emperor inhi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
OMG, the creepy video at 15:00 is the worst one Ive seen, and they are getting to full cult mode. The typical woman shown cleaning toilets is jealous of other workers who had the nerve to go on a vacation and enjoy life. And then the g.o.d. voice calls them Wicked. Cant get more cultish, then to hear the clapping, makes you want to go out and get a job cleaning toilets...
Quite Possibly The Most Sinister Speaker Ever?
by pale.emperor inhi guys.. "brother" jose is quite possibly the most sinister speaker i've ever seen or heard.
and i've seen/head a lot of cults in my time.. he's over the top with his voice tone and gestures.
i see a future governing body member in the making here:.
Satan used his own thinking, Imagine that, he just said that if you think, you are just like satan. Soooooo thinking is evil...I just quit thinking...and had to turn this video off.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you!
by ttdtt ini hope you are all having a nice day with family and friends.. :).
My still in spouse refuses to go to see family on this day, even if for just a few minutes to visit and not to eat. Those 7 white old in New Yark are more evil than cancer, at least you can take medicine for cancer. Im going myself and have a good time if not just to see a few people enjoying themselves together.
October Surprise?
by kairos inwhy the anticipation?.
"no one knows the day or hour", i thought?.
i knew this very mentally unstable jw woman years ago.
A lot of whispering about this magazine cover, like Jehober would use it instead of the WT.
Anyone else hear of this?
by Tahoe ina jw family member informed me they are filling out an application to preach the truth in israel.
interested ones in the congregation were asked to start saving now, as the cost of the flights would be their own responsibility.
the time frame for this preaching work is for a couple of weeks in may/june 2017. the applications are to be turned in this sunday.
Maybe just a nice vacation...
Jehovah's Witnesses Crime Against Grammar
by Simon inso this is really starting to grate on me the more i think about it because it's just wrong grammatically.. one of my friends always refers to me used to being "a jehovah witness" which used to grate whenever she said it but now it seems more correct.. think about it this way: bruce springsteen has fans.
they are fans of bruce springsteen or, bruce springsteen's fans.
but each of them isn't a bruce springsteen's fan.
A little lite humor
Dr. Denton Cooley, famed Houston heart surgeon, dead at 96
by darkspilver inthe news of dr denton cooley's death is hitting the newspaper obituary columns around the world (friday 18 and saturday 19 november 2016).
he was quoted a fair bit by wt, particularly during the 1970's, with reference to not using blood on jw patients, for example:.
jehovah’s witnesses and the question of blood (1977), pages 55 to 56. courageous doctors who have agreed to operate on jehovah’s witnesses without using blood have often found the experience revealing.
He was a well renowned member of society, who contributed greatly. Reminds each of us of our own mortality on this one way never stopping street.