Richard Dawkins wrote The God delusion and actively, publicly debates the merits of his conclusions because as the author he is responsible for his work.
The only person who needs to defend The Bible is its author. But who exactly is that?
although you may not practise any religion anymore do you still defend what the bible says to your best, when someone of another faith says something you know is completely false...
Richard Dawkins wrote The God delusion and actively, publicly debates the merits of his conclusions because as the author he is responsible for his work.
The only person who needs to defend The Bible is its author. But who exactly is that?
somebody is always insisting they have an invisible and mysterious source of divine information and selling it like hotcakes and syrup.
but, why are you still buying?
when will you ever learn that this is a scam among many scams.
I'm caught in the middle here. While I believe in a Creator, I have doubts that the bible was directed by God Himself.
Mary - you are not caught any where except where you choose to be. That is where all of us are.
We Occupy different positions throughout our lives, depending on the level of our insight and development. We are all at different points on the journey so we all see life from different perspectives.
So much is lost in the ambiguity of the words we choose to describe our experience and explanation of where we think we are - if we are anywhere at all.
one thing that the jws are always proud of themselves over is the idea that they come across individuals that are low in spirits and were praying for help just as they were stopping by in the door to door magazine selling work, thus proving they have god's backing and are being led by angels.
this happened to me sometime recently.
i was out door to door and came across a man that was severly depressed.
Of course this sort of 'it was meant to be,' fatalistic approach to life is as dangerous as any religion. What it comes down to is whether we believe invisible forces control our lives or we don't.
Superstition/supernatural all refer to a belief that such mysterious forces are controlling our world.
Whether you believe they do or not is vitally important. Once you surrender you destiny and purpose to invisible forces that you believe have ultimate control over your life, you have diluted and weakened you own power.
In the words of Simon & Garfunkel - you have squandered your resistance for a pocket full of mumbles.
But it is Saturday night and I am enjoying a bottle of superb chilled wine - not my fault - it was meant to be...
one thing that the jws are always proud of themselves over is the idea that they come across individuals that are low in spirits and were praying for help just as they were stopping by in the door to door magazine selling work, thus proving they have god's backing and are being led by angels.
this happened to me sometime recently.
i was out door to door and came across a man that was severly depressed.
Many years ago that renown Austrianapfelstrudel - Carl Jung - investigated coincidences and tried to attach mystical/spiritual meaning to them. He coined the word synchronicity and looked for invisible forces at work that were responsible for these coincidences.
Any mathematician could have told him that it is all just numbers game.
There is a certainty that JWs will regularly call on people who have prayed to their uncommunicative god for help or guidance. They will call on people who have been bereaved and want to believe that there is hope for the dead. They will call on people who are sick of living in this old world and want a hope for the future.
The JWs offer to deliver just what these vulnerable people want, right to their door, free of charge, and with a warm smile while claiming that their god is orchestrating these unions.
Don't be fooled!
As always, a perfectly worded summary and insight into the workings of a board like this. I would like to add more, but when it has all been done so well there is no point.
For those who have not been mentioned - I notice you all and you add value and depth to the purpose of this discussion board.
Remember - the whistle makes the most noise but it is the engine that pulls the train!
Be seeing you
thinking out loud.... .
justice.. topics that need discussing.
justice is getting what you deserve.
Is it fair to pay the same debt twice?
We have all paid the same debt twice and many times more. Each time we blame ourselves - again - for a past mistake. Each time we look back on the past actions of others and relive the hurt. It is all a trick of the mind that fills our hungry mind with emotion and entertains us.
Painful as this is it satisfies a need that the human mind has - the need to play tricks and to entertain itself with concepts that distract it from reality. We are inherently escapists and the pain and pleasure that this mental action causes are part of what gives the conscious mind its identity.
Was the greatest sacrifice, allegedly, ever made fair? Does it make sense or add up?
This thread analyses the absurd ramblings of a so called holy book and seeks to debate in a serious manner that which is admittedly hypothetical of fiction.
It could be said that it is sad that sane people buy into this sort of nonsense but if they didn’t buy into this then they would fill their lives with more TV of some other conspiracy theory.
It is all a trick of the mind, an illusion that distracts from the mundane business shovelling reality day after day. It doesn’t matter whether it’s fact or fiction because it is all part of the game we play to escape boredom.
Be seeing you
how do you feel about the current slump in the housing market and it's impact on the stock market?.
The rise of the stock market and housing market has been caused by cheap credit. Any investment is worth more than it appears in a Bear market and less than it appears in a Bull market.
We need to treat both these imposters with caution, otherwise it always ends in tears.
Trevor - of the shrewd and cautious club.
lately on here someone got a piecing and my question is did it mean anything to you or was it a thing to do?
i have thought of getting a tattoo but i don't know what to get.
it needs to repersent something of significance in my life.
Everyone should be compelled by law to have a tattoo.
On the sole of their right foot it should state where they are from. Made in the USA or made in England. Other products are marked in this way. What is wrong with us all?
hey all,.
just checkin' in.
been here since '01, but don't even have 500 posts.
Like many other old timers here, we run out of things to say and the emotion that initially drove us diminishes with time. Also the board is much bigger than before and there is far more competition for attention.
I have only started one thread in about 3 years, preferring to make an occasional comment on other peoples threads when I am bored, grumpy of actually interested in the subject. If there were few threads being started and I felt there was a need for my input, then I would start some but this board, like the world at large, can get along happily without me.
I have no need to shout to be heard but just pop in now and then and do not try to play with the big boys so much now (or the girls!)
The number of threads we start can say something about our personality. I have never been a leader but someone who is happy to join in and merge rather than stand out too much. Big thread starters are often on the other end of the spectrum. We all play our part in the way that suits us individually.
I expect those of you who read this will find it strikes a cord in you and you will be aware where you fit in to scrum of things?
hello, my question is about the following website:
it's very nice internet site, but my question is :.
are you members of jehovahs witnesses , if yes i think that it's not allowed for us as a jehova's witnesses to make our own website(we must only use the official website of jehova's witnesses)!!
As a Jehovah's Witness you must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart mind and soul. You claim to be one of the people he has taken out for his name. Yet you have not taken the trouble to learn how to spell the Watchtower Societies idea of how this sacred name is spelt.
I smell rat...