The question you seem to be asking Terry is - Why would a loving God create man and woman with free will and then punish them for exercising choice. Of course you already know the answer - it never happened - it is just a story.
The more one looks into the whole story of Adam and Eve, the more it becomes clear that the story has been written backwards, which often happens when authors write with the benefit of hindsight.
Humans have not always been as conscious as they are now. Each advancement towards consciousness has bought greater freedom of choice. The reason we have fallen out of harmony with nature is that we have used our free will to dominate it.
We are collectively damaging the Garden of Eden, our planet, in a way that was not possible before we developed consciousness and free will.
We can not expect a God who allegedly walked in the Garden of Eden to help us.
Analysing the story of Adam and Eve is like studying the seven dwarves in an attempt to understand Snow White and her motives.