Did God create the best of all possible worlds?
Let’s for the sake of argument, suspend common sense and accept the Bible idea that an all knowing, perfect God carefully created the world and everything in it and then declared that ‘it was good.’ He would have known in advance that the world he was creating would be a living thing, subject to change and development.
According to the Bible, he felt regret that he had created man. God’s world did not work out the way he planned. To any rational mind this constitutes failure. As he engineered the world into being, any fault in any part of it rests on his invisible shoulders.
Man can not be blamed for this because he was just a part of creation, he did not choose to be created or choose whether he had free will. These were the deliberate choices of the creator. If man was not supposed to use his free will then it is not free will but a built in flaw.
This was God’s world and he alone was responsible the world he created. He must take the credit or the blame for a successful project or a failed project.
IF ON THE OTHER HAND God created a world just to see how it would all work out, then we would have no problem. Like any experiment, any outcome would do.
But the Bible tells us that God had a preconceived plan with a predicted outcome. His plan failed to work out. He could have just said oops! Then worked with what was left to improve his world. That is what all responsible adults do.
Instead God placed the total blame on man and punished him. Not just a spank but a death sentence.
Did God create the best of all possible worlds? Logic dictates that God created the worst of all possible worlds but was too egotistical to admit that he was to blame.