@somedude : ) Since you put it like that , Iguess it sounds mental : )) You are a true salesman lol And no , Im not a jW
@Honest . Yes this is what is ( slowly ) what I becoming aware of , and its the blatant truth , I understand that .
@jwundubed, ok , so thats why she gets a bit anti when i call them a bunch of Pedo allowing fat , lying childkillers ( with reference to the " awake may 1994 ) , shes a bit touchy then
We met today and i tried the non anti WT approach I was just a normal loviing guy , just to let her " human " side out and it was great as we walked through the forest , she wont come back to my place because she knows it would end up in bed , but we snogged etc in the forest .
As we walked to our cars , she said we could do this all the time if I " knew the truth " so I replied " never , ever " then she got cold and reverted back to Miss WT lady .
I keep asking her if she would shun her own kids , they are 20 , 24y , and she just says she would not see them as the same people , but anybody else she would shun .
How can i tell her shunning is bad ? Ive sent her Psychological reviews of Shunning , without JW references . But she just recites the Bible where the Isralites shunned .
Also , her 20y old daughter is suffering from depression and loneliness , is this a common disoredr in young JWs ? I guess any 20y kid can have depression though