Hello everybody :) I have been visiting this forum for some time. I noticed that many can't really free from the past in the org despite many years outside of JW.
I can appreciate it. I was awaken with a bang. I had been an elder for 20 years. And watching my fellow elders...how they dealt with sheep, applied Bible principles and orgs policies, fought for power, lied, covered sins of their pals or family members and so on. They were appalling experiences. Actually it was my last boe which makes me feel sick 😷 But..
Sorry for long intro. I was taken down few years ago without legitimate reasons but allowed to remain a pioneer and on Rbc as there was no wrongdoing. Elders and their relatives ostracized my family. Even my children were excluded by children of an elder at school
And yet. I chosen to stay in the org. I don't agree with many teachings. I treat them like possible options. I hate lack of transparency and freedom of speech. But JW is my tradition although I am a convert.
I used to neglect my family duties for the org. Not any more. I did donate. Not any more. I left Uni to pioneer abroad.
But, hey, I met some lovely people, made true ( I mean it) friends, I have superb family. So, as with any other religion / tradition I keep it. I decided to because it is easier. If there is no the truth why bother kicking against anything? Go easy, enjoy your life. These moral standards work for me. Life is short and unpredictable so...I am not going to waste it on harboring bad feelings.
By the way, I was asked to serve as an elder again. And I said" no way"
Love to you all.