witnesses do accept blood and kidney transplant my friends father had a kidney transplant and was not looked down upon for it infact that is the only reason he is alive but he did not accept blood during the surgery and the witnesses make their own choice to sign the blood cards it is not required
JoinedPosts by trisha
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
i am sorry if i offended u in some form and that u feel i am uneducated i feel in my heart i am doing what is right and it is my decision i feel i am more educated because i am not attacking you for what you believe it takes a strong person to stand up to those opposing what u believe jesus stated that his people would be persecuted and put down . so i am sorry for standing up for what i believe in and i am sorry you feel the need to try to stop me
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
and also whose fault is it if the blood contains HIV or some other diese and they suffer their whole lives and then die from that
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
we dont want people to die but we do also believe in the resurrection hope my father just died a month ago and i believe i will see him again and yes if my child needed blood i would not because even though it would kill me if she were to die i know i would see her again
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
i feel i have defended what i believe scriptually but it is also a medical question not just scriptual
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
you are all taking bits and pieces of the religion and twisting it around not looking at in a whole
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
it has nothing to do with a scriptual answer it is a medical answer i am not a doctor i cant tell u what components are actually blood if i was ever in that type of situation i would do the research and make my decision based on that and my concience and how i feel on the matter why dont u ask the mormons why they believe u cant drink caffeine.and there are many alternatives to bllod and a simple solution is saline solution or ringers solution dextran which are plasma volume expanders the risks of needing blood are avoided by using theses types of things the canadian anasthetics says :" thr risk of blood transfusion are the advantages of plasma substitutes avoidance of bacterial or viral infection transfusion reaction and Rh sensitzation " jehovahs witnesses have no objection to the use of nonblood plasma expanders jehovahs witnesses usually benefit from better medical treatment because they do not accept blood- american journal of obgyn june 1 1968 p 395 it is also a protection for us not to accept blood and i for one and glad the GB has done the research they have for my own well being
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
if u do medical research u will fin what components are considered the blood and what arent and for the most part witnesses usually abstain from the transfussion as a whole and use other methods blood transfusions are not necessary it is a lazy doctors way of taking care of things instead of harping on witnesses for what we believe do some research ur self medical research and learn why i have never done the research because i have never needed to be in that situation the GB also says it is a concince matter what we decide to do in the end anyways weather we feel it is right or not and every person is different some may feel it is ok to use some components and others may not it is a personal matter between that person and god but as for blood my last responce answers why we dont accept it
How do you make a JW vanish?
by Lionel_P_Hartley inask them a hard question!.
amazing how the chorus of jw defenders has vanished - as if one man - despite the promise from yoyomama to answer my question if i answered hers.
you want to know the answer ask a JW in person here is ur answer. the GB is not inspired by god. they are the head quarters for the JW religion they say that witnesses can accpet parts of the blood but not others because some of it is not considered blood. you want scriptures here are some genesis 9: only flesh with its soul its blood you must not eat..........lev 7:26 and you must not eat any blood in any places where you dwell whether that of fowl or that of beast.......lev 17 :10b i shall certainly set my face against the soul that is eating the blood and i shall indeed cut him off from among his people lev 17: 13,14 acts 15:20 acts 15:29 there are plenty of place in the bible we are told to abstain from blood!!!!!
by Serena inthis is the strangest thing that i have ever seen, and i have to ask cuz it's just sooooooo wacky, i'm just wondering what the hell it means: the jw guy that i have been seeing, well, he sometimes would wear two pairs of underwear?????
is this usual to witnesses, or is he just trying to protect his goodies?
or is he just a freak?????
did you ever stop to think that maybe he wears 2 pair just because he does not that it has anything to do with him being a JW. JW's are people just like everyone else out there and until you all take the time to stop and look at your own lifes dont sit and make fun of the JW's. ind out what the JW's believe from one not from what u hear!!!!!!!! JW's dont normallt wear 2 pair of underwear i know because i have been one my whole life