TD, you're killing me. Almanzo was a good guy from what I can remember of the storyline. I'll have to google to learn about her 'Plan A'. (btw: I was a little dispappointed to learn what you said about the "Blindside' earlier today. I figure there's some dramatic licence but I thought the main facts of the story were true.) Apparently I'm naive. Please don't tell me Honey Boo Boo is fake too. ;)
JoinedPosts by new22day
When Real Life Becomes Fiction
by TD inthis is a spin-off from the argo thread.. who here has read the 'little house' books by laura ingalls wilder?
were you disappointed when you realized how much could not possibly have happened the way it was told?.
When Real Life Becomes Fiction
by TD inthis is a spin-off from the argo thread.. who here has read the 'little house' books by laura ingalls wilder?
were you disappointed when you realized how much could not possibly have happened the way it was told?.
OMG! Are you now saying "Little House on the Prairie" is false too :( My world is being undone today. LOL I liked watching re-runs of the TV show as a kid and I saw another rerun a month or so ago. Never read the books.
(on a side note: saw "Sliver Lining Playbook" today. Two thumbs up.)
This Year Will Bring The End (T.F.D.S.) Estephan
by Este ini witnessed the cleansing of the heavens in the year 2004, like the birth pains of a women, or nine years........ an increase of lawlessness, the economic downfall, the trials and tribulations of the faithful and discreet are being fulfilled as we speak.......prepare for the return of jesus christ........and every eye shall see him........ the slave of jah and of christ....... estephan.
Seriously, you guys totally crack me up. I love this site. lol
I didn't watch the credits or what came after (who does? lol). But anyway I accept the points given regarding the entertainment industry and I am now off my soap box. Most Canadians are quite fond of our colourful friends to the South but it would be nice to see credit given where it's due. All that said the movie itself was well done.
@Phizzy - Argo was portrayed as a historical account. Real story = just as entertaining, much more dramatic and contains all the same elements. Sci-fi screenplay and fake film crew cover - Canadian plan. Producing fake Canadian passports, and hiding American hostages for months in the Canadian embassy was a risk for Canada and their own relations with Iran.
Exact same story but a very different hero. No need to distort the facts.
Canadian Ambassador deserved to be acknowledged for the risk he took. Shame on Ben Affleck. At least President Carter told the truth - LOL.
It was a good movie but (speaking of Watchtower) it wasn't true. It was a distorted version of history. The truth is this was a Canadian plan and the Canucks put their own butts on the line to save the Americans.
Check out what Jimmy Carter, who was President at the time, had to say about Argo and what really happened...
wow that just hit me like a ton of bricks
by cptkirk init just hit me why none of you have a clue as to who i am or what to make of me.
you are all completely foreigners that is like crazy as shit.
most of you have not even a clue as to east coast hardcore new york philly personality types, esp of xy generation.
Captain Kirk, why aren't you working? It was the middle of the day when you started this post. Get back it - the middle class depends on you. LOL ;)
And BTW: Captain Kirk is Canadian - did ya know that?
Jack JWs - is this common?
by new22day ini've heard about jack mormons.
are there jack jws (folks that partially believe but their lives are pretty worldy) ?
what are your thoughts about these peeps?
So other than the hypocrisy, (which, yes is wrong), I'm wondering, for someone's who's a born-in, who has limited options, if there's anything wrong with being a 'Jack'? If you're born in and your family is held hostage, maybe being a 'Jack' is a good survival course?
My friend doesn't shun, never would (he was shunned for years), hangs out with worldly people more than JWs and doesn't believe they're going to die in the big A cuz they aren't JWs. He says Jehovah will decide -- worldly people aren't any worse/better than JWs. Seems like JWs just give him access to his family and a community he wouldn't otherwise have. Go Jack.
(Personally I think the WTS should be exposed for exactly what it is - total garbage.)
Is this a religion run by PSYCOPATHS?
by Terry inglibness/superficial charmgrandiose sense of self-worthpathological lyingconning/manipulativelack of remorse or guiltshallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)callousness; lack of empathyfailure to accept responsibility for own actionsthe hare psychopathy checklist-revised by robert d. hare, 1991. multi-health systems, 908 niagara falls blvd, north tonawanda, new york, usa, 14120-2060. psycopaths do not feel empathy but learn to imitate those who do.
psychopaths don't even understand charity.. .
i was thinking today how much psycopathy is reflected in the governing body leadership and especially manifested in policy.. jehovah's witnesses are not led by people devoted to charity, benevolence, outreach or social provision for those less fortunate which.
In psych terms, the psychopath and narcissist are almost indistinguishable personality disorders. The Narcissist, similiar to the psychopath, has no capacity for empathy but maintains a grandious self image - all powerful, God-like. The Narcisisst possesses a high persecution complex - despises ridicule and will go to all means to destroy those who disagree. For sure, cult leaders (and those with an 'I'm God' complex) are by nature Narcissists. A disorder that in psych terms is also near to impossible to cure. Narcissists fight to the end.
Jack JWs - is this common?
by new22day ini've heard about jack mormons.
are there jack jws (folks that partially believe but their lives are pretty worldy) ?
what are your thoughts about these peeps?
Yikes - thx for that, Witness My Fury (great freaking name). I'm sadly talking about a mid-aged person, who lives in both worlds. Seems to believe the big doctirnes i.e. Armageddon, but can ignore the simple basic teaching. I dunno - wondering how many just play the game? Are they bad? Or are they practical based on what life dealt them??? No judgie.