Hi All,
I saw an link at the top of the watchtowernews.org site (posted 7/27/01), but can't open it up. Is it working for you?
hi all,.
i saw an link at the top of the watchtowernews.org site (posted 7/27/01), but can't open it up.
is it working for you?
Hi All,
I saw an link at the top of the watchtowernews.org site (posted 7/27/01), but can't open it up. Is it working for you?
i came across the above book while i was browsing in a bookstore.
since i was on my lunch hour, i could not read it fully, but did quickly look over the information.
it spent a great deal of time discussing matters pertaining to russell.
To Ianao,
Thanks for the apology. It's accepted! (I've been accused of being "too sensitive" in the past, so I may have taken it the wrong way, and you may have worded it the wrong way.) So maybe we both contributed.
In any case, thanks for replying. I feel much better about it now!!!
i came across the above book while i was browsing in a bookstore.
since i was on my lunch hour, i could not read it fully, but did quickly look over the information.
it spent a great deal of time discussing matters pertaining to russell.
Yes, I've looked at the website some, but haven't read everything yet. There's alot there!
I'm just wondering what printed books/publications are out there? If I want to show someone else, I will need proof. And if I just print off something from the web, people might claim it was fabricated (i.e., typed up to look official, PDF'd, and posted).
dear friends,.
i have come a long way from when i was 18 years old and fresh out of my parents house and the borg.
i went throught stages...so many stages... of recovery.
I read your post and really feel for you. The whole disfellowshipping/shunning thing is something I'm looking at myself and questioning. As a 15-year JW, the thing that started me taking a good, hard look at the DFing issue was my talks with my therapist regarding childhood issues. What I mean is, I came to realize how hurt I've been over my parents general disapproval and lack of emotional concern for me (since I was a kid). It has been hard for me! (I guess you always want your parents to love and approve of you, no matter how old you are).
Then it hits me:
If I've felt so incredibly hurt over not being supported by my family (who are not JW and who, though they are disapproving, still visit me, etc.), how must it feel for DF'd JWs whose parents (and others) quit talking to them altogether?
Now that I've been in therapy, I can't help feeling it's psychologically damaging to do that to someone. Even if you don't agree with the choices they are making. So I'm having to study and reevaluate this matter for myself all over again. Wondering, can I continue doing this to DF'd people? And can I teach others to do the same?
i came across the above book while i was browsing in a bookstore.
since i was on my lunch hour, i could not read it fully, but did quickly look over the information.
it spent a great deal of time discussing matters pertaining to russell.
Can anyone else refer me to some information?
(As a current JW, I'm not very welcome here, am I?)
i came across the above book while i was browsing in a bookstore.
since i was on my lunch hour, i could not read it fully, but did quickly look over the information.
it spent a great deal of time discussing matters pertaining to russell.
I don't think this is a very nice response. By telling me if I saw the facts, I wouldn't know it, and would just view it as "biased," you are showing a "biased" opinion of me. This was not a helpful response.
i came across the above book while i was browsing in a bookstore.
since i was on my lunch hour, i could not read it fully, but did quickly look over the information.
it spent a great deal of time discussing matters pertaining to russell.
I came across the above book while I was browsing in a bookstore. Since I was on my lunch hour, I could not read it fully, but did quickly look over the information. It spent a great deal of time discussing matters pertaining to Russell. I'm wondering what other books are out there that perhaps discuss more recent concerns within the WTBTS? What I'm looking for is a factual, documented, book with references I can check, in my attempts to find out the full facts of the matter and weigh both sides.
hi dunsscot:.
you said: "... the contentions of silentlambs seem like much "sound and fury" that in truth signify nothing.".
child molestation is something serious.
A previous poster said they could provide a citation for an existing case going on in Colorado. I'm in Colorado, I'd be interested in seeing this info.
http://www.aph.gov.au/house/committee/jfadt/religion/relchap5.pdf .
i'm trying to download it..... from the apostle ak
Thanks for the reference to the website. I checked it out, saving off the PDF file on the chapter "Cults." Just wanted to get an idea of how the Australian government defines them.
As some of you who have read my posts know, I'm a current JW, but have felt a need lately to do additional research.
Anyway, the website indicates that the WTBTS submitted article #87 in connection with this subject, and that copies of submissions are available from the following address:
Committee Secretariat
Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade
Department of the House of Representatives
Parliament House
Canberra ACT 2600 Australia
Email address to request submissions is:
[email protected]
I thought I'd request article 82 from the WTBTS, just for curiosity's sake, and am giving this info in case someone else wants to request it too.
p.s. It's hard being at this "troubled" stage. I just need to know (and do) what's right. At one time, I had answers to my questions. But now, I feel torn between two worlds. And the only thing that seems to make sense is to keep considering both sides, in an effort to understand.
i have a question involving disassociating, disfellowshipping, and apostasy.
particularly daing.. the bible say where someone comes to you and does not bring "this teaching" or is an unrepentent practicer of gross sin, never let them into your homes or greet him; remove the wicked man from among yourselves.
and this is the scriptural basis used for shunning persons who are df'd or da'd.. but my question is this: when it says if someone comes to you and doesn't bring "this teaching," what specifically does "this teaching" refer to?
Thanks for replying. Anyone else have any information/advice?