"You lost me...."
Sounds like you are lost in a very dark place.
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
"You lost me...."
Sounds like you are lost in a very dark place.
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
Miss Worldly,
Sorry for your "roller coaster ride".
Hope for the best!
Thanks for the "heads up".
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
"I still texted her a few days ago to say "Merry Christmas".
Good for you WireRider!
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
Thanks Oneyedjoe
I understand what you are saying.
I've been a selfish person my whole life. No more. It's not about me.
At first I had heartache, but no longer.
She is a Beautiful soul, but she is so tormented. So, I'm here to help her.
I agree that She, alone, has to make the right decision. I'm hoping and praying that she does.
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
Thank you. I sincerely appreciate your opinion.
You could very well be right and that's the way it will turn out in the end.
" have no obligation to this girl".
But that's the thing. In my soul I feel a spiritual obligation. I don't need her love or her warm body. I need to help her. I have unlimited girl friends.
It can't be explained with just words here.
We'll see. I'll post the result when the time comes.
Thanks Man!
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
Everyone's opinion is more than appreciated !
"You just need to work out if the person likes you enough either to leave or to break the rules for you."
Yes sir, infinite patience, that's what I'm trying to do.
I'm sure I look like a fool, but it's cool.
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
Thanks OneEyedJoe
I wish it was that easy
jw girl non-jw guy.
tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship.
what is more likely to strengthen a relationship?.
JW girl Non-JW guy
Tenuous boyfriend-girlfriend relationship
What is more likely to strengthen a relationship?
(1) Greet her for the "New Year's Holiday" or not?
(2) Mention religion or never mention religion?
Thank you kindly !
the noble fir.
the fir tree stands silently in the corner of our living room: proud, erect, strong.
even unadorned, it is beautiful.
family background: my wife ("liberal" jw), me (ubm), two children aged 5 and 2.
(want more details?
Zana, OneEyedJoe,
I apologize. I'm not trying to hijack your thread. Just want to praise OneEyedJoe's profound analysis of JW "brainwashing".
"It just hits her emotionally as a big red flag of fear and terror and sadness... and she can't handle it and shuts down. It's designed to do this so that you can't get past it. It's designed to be a wall too tall to climb so that she won't put in the effort even if you try to work through it with her. That said, it might be something you can get past, but be patient and go slow because it's going to be difficult for her."
Your words are absolutely brilliant !
They aptly characterize the situation I've been facing in trying to get my Non-JW self together with a really special JW gal, where there is obvious mutual attraction countered by JW "brainwashing". Very sad.