Heck, you're doing a great job of explaining things. I'm eternally grateful.
Misogynistic, geez! She has so many problems. Minority, female, poverty, 99% chance of history of abuse, possibly emotional-mental issues, and now caught up in this kind of situation.
I'm sure there are many layers to her. But, to me she comes across as a nice person.
The location the JW set up in is "extremely" coincidental then. There are other beach parks, and even within this beach park there are many places to set up such a public display.
Here's another coincidence. She is black. One of the JW gentleman is black. They both have the same first name which can be used as either masculine or feminine. I assume her total innocence, but it's a significant amount of coincidence.
With all her problems, it just makes me want to help her even more.
I never wanted to pry into how long she has been a Witness and/or how deep her beliefs are.
The only thing I ever said to her was that "I checked out your religion online and it looks like a lot of people feel it involves mind control". "And, I hope you can get out of it.."
She didn't say anything.
She is extremely bright, so she must know at some level.
Thank you again very much!