Thank you very much for a thoughtful helpful reply. I really appreciate it!
You must be prescient too.
"A great idea would be for you to move on romantically .......... get her off your mind in that way."
Now I'm not narcissistic, bragging, boasting, or egotistical etc. etc., but at the time I met the JW girl I already had 2 very nice looking girl friends, but rapidly lost interest in them n haven't been able to "move on" romantically.
However, "the powers that be" must think; hey this guy is a helpless sad case. He needs help.
Because, New Years Day my daughter called from CA to greet me. She told me "dad, don't be chasing girls, it's too stressful, just live your life and if it happens, it happens".
I thought well, maybe. But the problem is you could be waiting forever.
Before "women's lib", girls would chase guys. And, it seems to me guys n girls were much happier. I know I was. Rarely happens now. The most a girl will do now is smile and hover around you giving you chances.
I mean I never let today's situation stop me. I'm cautiously aggressive. But, you know that nonsense that you hear all the time about "stalking" does lurk in your mind. That's obviously creepy stuff and easy to recognize, but doesn't apply to the average guy, but it does, I believe, affect/restrict him.
Anyway, after hanging up the phone conversation w/my daughter, I immediately went into the large grocery store here.
A girl of the same race, height, age as the JW girl was talking on her cell phone n checking me out, as they say.
I thought to myself "oh, I got enough troubles" and walked straight to the back of the store to buy some packaged pre-cut fruit. As I reached in to get it, this girl was now standing next to me n talking to me.
After about 30 seconds of conversation, without asking her, she wrote down her cell ph nbr and gave it to me, then typed my cell nbr into her cell ph n immed. called my ph.
When I got home, she had called an additional 2x. The 4th time I answered and she gave me a legitimate reason to go back to the store parking lot to talk some more. And, we did.
"On the face of it", this girl now a days would appear to be too aggressive or weird or something. But, I gave it a chance. I thought she might just be her "real self", as people used to be, before the women's lib crap. (I mean I do agree there were guys who were "unfaithful", or abusers but that was a small minority).
So far, and I emphasize "SO FAR" she's proven to be a really nice and a religious girl too.
She has called me like 2x day and we've met almost every day. I guess the universe had to send a gal to whom I really appealed in order to weaken my resolve/hope for the JW girl. Believe me, it's really nice to have someone attracted to you.
She said she's trying to get me, but that she believes I'm running. I explained that I'm meeting her n talking to her so I'm not running from her.
Anyway, she's getting to me, which I guess is what was necessary for me to realize the JW girl may never happen again.
In my heart, I believe the JW girl n I felt the same way about each other naturally, it's just that JW is "controlling" her. You folks know far better than I will ever know exactly how JW can damage a person.
So anyway, I don't know what's going to happen with the JW girl. I'ld be perfectly happy to be her life long friend and be supportive and helpful to her. I just don't know if it's going to be possible. I fear she could "slip" through the cracks of society. I worry about her a lot.
Anyway, you kindly wrote a comprehensive reply, so I thought I'ld do the same. And who knows some aspect of it may help some other guy.
To me, years ago guys seemed a little competitive. Now a days guys seem really ok and kind of resigned to the consequences of the women's lib. movement.
My advice to a girl is if you are seeking a boyfriend or significant other, or husband, be cautious/prudent of course, but if you meet a guy that appeals to you don't be afraid to pursue him to the extent that you need to in order to find out if he is a decent, responsible, wholesome guy.
It's 2am here, good night