How long can a 969 year old man tread water?,well if it was for only half an hour,perhaps thats why he didnt make it 970.
I read something about these supposed great ages that people lived to a while ago,as this interests me as well.
Now these are not my ideas,Im no scientist,but the theory as a possibility I read about,was that if there was a great cataclysm in the way of a worldwide flood,there would have been a tremendous amount of water vapour in the atmophere,which would have blocked out most of the harmfull radiation from the sun i.e ultra violet light,which is one of the things that makes us age and go wrinkly,so it could have been possible for people to live longer.
Where did this worlwide flood come from?,again stuff ive read,but maybe the stories that make up the old testament of the bible,go back a lot further than they are given credit for,racial memory,I dont know,but maybe a distant echo from when the ice age ended,after all,people were around then,that looked much the same as we do today.
Dont laugh too much at these ideas,as I said,its stuff ive read about,there not mine,but at the same time,I find them food for thought.
Take care,