I would be grateful if you could send these to me. Thank you for all your efforts
Posts by kford
Alright Mr. Bond!--There Are Documents to Deliver!--(as of 2020-09-03)
by Atlantis inwell mr. bond!.
i see your staying..... .
on top of things!.
2020-08-14 Announcement! (as of 2020-08-15)
by Atlantis in2 documents.
2020-08-14 announcement.
one in english and one in german.. .
May I have the document please? Enjoy your weekend
2020-08-S-236-E-- Instructions For New Regular Pioneers!
by Atlantis in2 documents.
2020-08 instructions for new regular pioneers, s-236-e, in english and in spanish.time to grab the hair brush.https://docdro.id/ikgig7gpetra!.
May I have this document please? Hope you are safe with the hurricanes
Assistance Received!--2020-August-S-147-E Announcements And Reminders! (as of 2020-08-02)
by Atlantis insomeone has stepped forward to assist us.
that sure didn't take very long!.
2020-august-s-147-e announcements and reminders, in english and in german.. .
I would be grateful if you could send me the letter.
That is very lovely hair and a beautiful photograph -
2 Letters Arrived-English and Spanish-Announcement!--(as of 2020-07-17)
by Atlantis in2020-07-10--announcement.
(2 letters--one in english and one in spanish.).
use of messaging apps to share video files:.
May I please?
2 Letters Arrived--COVID-19--Instructions--and Consent Form--(as of 2020-07-09)
by Atlantis in2020-07-04--and 2020-07 consent and contact form.
direction related to covid-19 pandemic for bodies of eldersgeneral precautionssecular authoritiesmeetingsfield ministryshepherdingtheocratic facilities and congregation recordscongregation expensesjudicial and other serious mattersconventions and assembliesschedule for viewing 2020 convention sessionstheocratic schools-----------------------------------letter 2 is a form to be filled out for:consent and contact details for attendees at the kingdom hallin order to support the nhs test and trace programme, we are taking contact details (name and telephone number) of all visitors, as well as recording the times people have entered and left the kingdom hall.if you are on the email list these letters are already sitting by your tv.
if you are not on the email list, reply below that you want a link put in your pm box.petra!https://docdro.id/dwwuizv
I would like those please. Thank you for your efforts
3 English and 3 Spanish Letters Arrived! (as of 2020-07-06)
by Atlantis in3 english and 3 spanish letters arrived as of (2020-07-06).
textos bíblicos y referencias para visitas de ánimo.
scriptures and references for encouraging calls.
Yes please
11 More Documents--Kingdom Hall Trust and Other Stuff!
by Atlantis in11 more documents, a bunch of stuff!.
2020--sample accounts sheet—congregation bank version.
kingdom hall trust documents.
May I please?
2020-July--S-147--English and German!
by Atlantis in2020-july-s-147-announcements and reminders.. english and german.. those on the email list have already received this.
if your not on the email list, reply below that you would like a link sent to your pm box.. petra!.
Could I have this please?
2020-06-26--Announcement and Outlines for July and August!
by Atlantis inannouncement:.
the following outlines should be presented in the christian life and ministry meeting during the dates specified below.
please assign a qualified elder to apply the material locally.
May I have these please?