Posts by 88JM
88 store in Rouen, France
by breakfast of champions in
we're not a business.
25 YEARS of compiled yearbook statistics
by 88JM inhello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, i've been working on turning yearbook statistics into excel spreadsheets.. coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).. i've now updated the spreadsheet with yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year i was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.. there were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data.
some are a simple change of name like south-west africa to namibia.
others, for example - in 1993 with czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (czech republic and slovakia) i have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining czech republic and slovakia back together as if they were still one country.
Thanks mariu - it's a good suggestion - I use Bitbucket and GIT at work, but I just thought it might be a bit technical for people on here (sorry!) and they might not understand what it was. But I'll look into it, and the Faroe Islands too.
25 YEARS of compiled yearbook statistics
by 88JM inhello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, i've been working on turning yearbook statistics into excel spreadsheets.. coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).. i've now updated the spreadsheet with yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year i was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.. there were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data.
some are a simple change of name like south-west africa to namibia.
others, for example - in 1993 with czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (czech republic and slovakia) i have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining czech republic and slovakia back together as if they were still one country.
By all means, do have a go yourself SBF - I don't quite have the time to do that much. Use the data as you wish. And happy birthday
Thanks for the birthday wishes everyone.
25 YEARS of compiled yearbook statistics
by 88JM inhello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, i've been working on turning yearbook statistics into excel spreadsheets.. coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).. i've now updated the spreadsheet with yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year i was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.. there were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data.
some are a simple change of name like south-west africa to namibia.
others, for example - in 1993 with czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (czech republic and slovakia) i have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining czech republic and slovakia back together as if they were still one country.
Whoops - thanks Marvin - I knew I would forget to do something. Thanks for the reminder.
25 YEARS of compiled yearbook statistics
by 88JM inhello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, i've been working on turning yearbook statistics into excel spreadsheets.. coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).. i've now updated the spreadsheet with yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year i was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.. there were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data.
some are a simple change of name like south-west africa to namibia.
others, for example - in 1993 with czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (czech republic and slovakia) i have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining czech republic and slovakia back together as if they were still one country.
I will add more alternative mirrors if that helps. Atlantis uses pretty much the same services to distribute his files, and I'm not aware of any problems reported there.
25 YEARS of compiled yearbook statistics
by 88JM inhello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, i've been working on turning yearbook statistics into excel spreadsheets.. coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).. i've now updated the spreadsheet with yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year i was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.. there were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data.
some are a simple change of name like south-west africa to namibia.
others, for example - in 1993 with czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (czech republic and slovakia) i have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining czech republic and slovakia back together as if they were still one country.
Hello again folks - as promised in my last thread here, I've been working on turning yearbook statistics into Excel spreadsheets.
Coincidentally, today is my 25th birthday (spare a thought for a fader).
I've now updated the spreadsheet with Yearbook data all the way back to 1988 (the year I was born), therefore it now contains 25 years of statistics.
There were a lot of countries changing around and for some it was possible to create a continuation of data. Some are a simple change of name like South-West Africa to Namibia. Others, for example - in 1993 with Czechoslovakia splitting into two countries (Czech Republic and Slovakia) I have added an extra row that provides a continuation of the data, combining Czech Republic and Slovakia back together as if they were still one country. For other instances, this was not possible, especially around the U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia - things got very complicated trying to "reconstruct" these, so I was not able to provide the same continuation of data. (If anyone else wants to have a go, feel free)
As before, there are two files for download, the second being the more useful one to most of you.
Yearbook Stats 1988 - 2012:
As before, the second .xls file has each statistic field in a separate tab with each year in a column, and is far more useful for year-by-year graphs etc. This time, I've also added a few additional sheets on the end, giving examples of the sorts of calculations that are possible with the data (e.g. Bible Studies per Publisher).
Yearbook Stats by Field 1988- 2012:
I hope you find them useful. As before, if you do spot any errors, feel free to comment or PM me and I will update the files.
2013 June Our Kingdom Ministry!
by Atlantis in.
2013 june our kingdom ministry.send the link by the blue arrow.. slow download. the green download button.
Thanks Atlantis - nice to have you back. Hope you got all your computer problems sorted?
This weeks study article: God gave us these truths, yet we admit he hasn't actually given us the truth yet-- think about it
by The Quiet One inwt 2/13 page 3 paragraph 3--> "though religious error abounds worldwide, how thankful we are that god has given us spiritual light and truth!
(read psalm 43:3,4.
) whereas the masses of mankind walk in darkness, we joyfully keep on walking in god-given spiritual light.
Only three times near the end in paragraphs 18 and 19 in fairly brief references.
Differences Between JWs in the US and Europe
by BU2B inthere are many cultural differences between the general population of the us and europe, what about jws?
i have heard about such things as beards being allowed, movies that a jw cant watch in the us or would be frowned upon watching being ok, same with tv shows, and even the way they dress in public.
seems more laid back over there if this is true.. any truth to this?
"The friends" is not a term used by JWs in the U.K. - I've only heard JWs in the USA use that one.
There is a Mole in Brooklyn
by Oubliette inreading cedar's excellent article about the july 15, 2013 new-light" study edition of the watchtower got me thinking:.
the control freaks in brooklyn known as the governing body (aka fds) must be having conniption fits knowing that there is a mole in bethel leaking information to apostates!
"three weeks ahead of its expected release date in mid-april, a scanned copy of the july 15 2013 "study edition" of the watchtower was leaked to the office of jwsurvey by a conscientious active witness within the organization.".
They are farming out translation more and more these days outside of Bethel walls so these leaks are only going to become more commonplace.
I'm not saying this leak is nescessarily from a translator, but they have to send the articles out to hundreds of people before they are printed, so leaks are inevitable really.