A lot of the "Undecided" were saying for ages that they felt they had not been given enough reliable information upon which to base a decision.
In the end, the 660,000+ undecideds were only about ~15% of the vote (huge 84%+ turnout) so over half of them would have had to vote "Yes" to make a difference to the outcome.
I sort of understand why the first minister feels he has to quit, but if you think about it, more people still voted for "Yes" than voted for him and his party at the last election.
The vow of more powers for Scotland Is under threat already!
I'm really quite amazed at the speed of back-pedalling there has already been, less than 12 hours after the vote. Leader of the opposition in Westminster, Ed Milliband already threatening to veto any proposals. Is this how he appeases all those p***d off Labour voters that just voted for independance in Scotland? Has he forgot there is an election in 8 months?