Can't quite remember his name, but I definitely recognize the brother on the left from parts on assemblies and conventions here. I'm sure he's given a few talks or been chairman. Greenock congregation I guess, going by the Facebook photographer...
Posts by 88JM
Powerful photo
by zakharijah inhi,.
i just stumbled upon this photo on facebook (pic by david j. m. coleman), and as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words.... .
Current circuit visit
by Saltheart Foamfollower inas we are into the third week of the new circuit visit arrangement, i was wondering if any had experienced it yet and whether there are any changes.
what is done with the spare evening?
anyone tried to get an appointment through with the c/o doing the appointing?
I'm sure this sounds like last year's C.O. talks still on the rounds - this can't be the new stuff surely?
Scottish independance in two days what do you think?
by barry inone thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
many more voted "no"
Not sure how much you've been watching the campaign, but it's pretty clear that a huge chunk of those people only voted "no" because of the panicky concession promises that the party leaders in Westminster made a week before the vote, when it looked like the "Yes" campaign was making ground.
It's only nationalism that inflates the "yes" numbers.
It's also about a hatred for Westminster politics, which of course many people south of the border share as well.
Scottish independance in two days what do you think?
by barry inone thing i would like to say is will the union jack be changed because the scottish flag is incorpreted in it.
if the union jack is changed will we change our australian flag because the union jack is in our flag?
even hawawi has the union jack also fiji and many other commonwealth countries.. .
A lot of the "Undecided" were saying for ages that they felt they had not been given enough reliable information upon which to base a decision.
In the end, the 660,000+ undecideds were only about ~15% of the vote (huge 84%+ turnout) so over half of them would have had to vote "Yes" to make a difference to the outcome.
I sort of understand why the first minister feels he has to quit, but if you think about it, more people still voted for "Yes" than voted for him and his party at the last election.
The vow of more powers for Scotland Is under threat already!
I'm really quite amazed at the speed of back-pedalling there has already been, less than 12 hours after the vote. Leader of the opposition in Westminster, Ed Milliband already threatening to veto any proposals. Is this how he appeases all those p***d off Labour voters that just voted for independance in Scotland? Has he forgot there is an election in 8 months?
The 7/14 APOSTATE study articles are preparing the rank and file for new light!
by ADJUSTMENTS ini believe the last two wt studies in the 7/14 wt study articles were planned for this exact time and did not come about by happenstance... the jw cult is preparing the rank and file for some faith altering "new light" to be announced fairly soon, and these scare tactics will do just the trick.... the articles are preparing the rank and file to become apostataphobic, they have the rank and file in such a frenzy, even have them questioning themselves and their own motives for being in the borg!.
with paragraphs like:.
if you hear someone that has doubts or questions about the borg avoid them like the plague, and tell your local elders, but don't judge them!!!.
Maybe not nescessarily "new light" but quite possibly more money-grabbing in the trend set over the last few months. New light on tithing, if anything.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-14-2014 WT Study (UNRIGHTEOUSNESS)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 09-14-2014 wt study (july 15, 2014, pages 12-16 (renounce unrighteousness).
review comments will be headed outside the boxes.
Oh yes - a poster saying "No, No, No" would really be effective
They're really trying to paint "apostates" as idiots, aren't they?
Someone at the meeting also commented how scruffily they were dressed! As if "apostates" should dress up to go on a protest?!?!
Also, what is the significance of the red-edged books in the guys hands? Is that supposed to be a different bible translation? Don't NRSV bibles sometimes look like that?
Public defiance against blood transfusions. Will this guy be disfellowshipped?
by kneehighmiah in
we've been following this story.
how can someone openly defy the governing body and yet avoid being disfellowshipped?
The headine is being far too "distilled" from what is actually said - from the way this story is being posted on Facebook, you would think a blood transfusion was actually going to happen, but as far as I know, any treatment Ashya has is very unlikely to involve anything like a blood transfusion - it's purely a hypothetical thing.
Blondie's Comments You Will Not Hear at the 09-14-2014 WT Study (UNRIGHTEOUSNESS)
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 09-14-2014 wt study (july 15, 2014, pages 12-16 (renounce unrighteousness).
review comments will be headed outside the boxes.
I really had to laugh at the picture of the supposed "apostates" waving banners outside a convention - comments in the meeting were actually analysing it as if it was an accurate presentation of an "apostate".
If it really did happen, at least one of those banners would say ""!
Relocation of UK Bethel
by krejames ini heard a rumour that the uk hq is moving from mill hill in london to a location in essex near chelmsford.
explanation being that it's closer to the transport networks.
anyone know anymore?.
I thought that the old Ridgway was used as residence when Bittacy Hill was built, if there are 650 plus in the Mill Hill family
The figures are actually more like 800+ at the moment I'm told, and they actually are putting up people at a local Premier Inn (the branch has a deal with them).
How many use iPads or tablets in your cong?
by stuckinarut2 ina question for those that still attend meetings.... how many use tablets or ipads in your hall?.
i did roving microphones this week, and i counted 43 people (variety of ages) out of an audience of 98!.
just curious....
Yes I'd say that's about the ratio I've seen in the congregation, and also at the convention a few weeks ago. Definitely the biggest uptake is unsurprisingly among the younger folk.