What's next Bible character action figures.
Or even governing body action figures?
in the february jw broadcasting they show anthony morris the iii out witnessing with his wife during a convention.
she is wearing the convention badge and also a badge with sophia & caleb on it.
i find it very amusing and she is not even a grandmother even though they like to portray am as a grandfather.. here's what their 1990 w 12/1 says about movie stars.
well, this is a new development.
she broached the subject of ttatt tonight.
said i was right about the flood.
today i added a new article to my blog that shares a bit of astounding evidence of just how ridiculous it is for a jw to tell anyone anywhere that jws abstain from transfusion of blood, and plasma in particular.
this article is based on two studies authored by medical staff at duke university's center for blood conservation, a program that is heavily touted by the active "noblood" crowd among jws.
one of these studies contains a real whopper of a piece of information!
i am 6th generation.
i have been out for a few years.. back story on the situation:.
i had a co come by while going door-to-door in the neighborhood.
paragraph 1.
paragraph 2.
paragraph 3.
hoser and steve2 nailed it - the WTBTS is hemorrhaging younger members, and all they can come up with is a Watchtower blaming young people for looking elsewhere? They are so far up themselves, they never stop to consider that people might be leaving because there are huge problems and people can see the WTBTS for what it is?
There is no real future for young people by staying in, missing out on college etc. - if they stay in, they will just be another slave to the WTBTS property development business, and Armageddon will still be "just around the corner".
i use to dream about designing a bathroom that was, well.
crazy.. today, i saw this photo and almost fell over.
obviously somebody else had the same dream!.
my ex husband and father of my daughter was never baptized but is still a believer in the wt.. a couple years ago we were talking about evolution ( which he does not believe in ) i brought up the subject of the neanderthals and how we all have their dna except africans ( the ones that never left africa ).
he said neanderthals are apes and not humans and jw's do not teach that they are humans.
i said i believe they do.. in the life- how did it get here book, under the sub heading " the human family "is says " neanderthal man....... was undoubtedly human.. his response was " they are just talking about what other people believe " ahhhhh .
you know how the org goes on and on about how the "preaching work" takes place in so many languages by the website?.
they also trumpet the fact that witnesses are in "sooooo many lands and nations"....... so what!.
just because the message is spread far and wide, does not mean the content of the message is correct or of value.. take the example of coca-cola or mcdonalds.... these products are in nearly every nation around the world....but does that mean they are beneficial or healthy?
richard ashe a full-time special servant of the order of jehovah's witnesses testified in the lopez case that every single disfellowshipping and disassociation and other things have all been scanned in 2011 and are and will be on permanent record with jw's forever.
is this legal?
another completely ironic and warped thing is the disfellowshipping form is called the s77 form.
If they are doing it here in the U.K. they must already have their story worked out as regards data protection - I think as long as they can "legitimize" the reasons for holding the data then they are probably in the clear.
It's not like they're unfamiliar with the data protection laws already, after the whole S-8 form debacle.
They probably don't even hold the data in the U.K. anyway - they can probably circumvent it even more if they just upload it to the U.S. branch.
in my first kingdom hall, the elders were ultra conservative.
our presiding overseer used to be a zone overseer.
the second hall i was in was moderate.