I mentioned previously i teach meteorology (mainly) sometimes also geography becasue as you correctly said its very difficult to keep the job for anyone who doesnt support atheisitc and homosexual propaganda and with meteorology its easier than with geography. One of my colleagues has been fired recently becasue he said publicly that human bodies are not made for anal. So all your smart "scientists" are not able to admit this simple thing but you want to speak about science. Have you ever talked with these guys? I'm affraid you are just stunned too much when you see someone in white dress or with microscope. You dont know they beat their wives, they take drugs, they have shit family life and they do plenty of the other stupid things. And one more very important thing what you dont understand is when you tell them for example "life has been designed" they hear "you must not fuck prostitutes and you should be faithul to your wife" I used to talk with one teacher and he could listen everything what i had to say until one day i mocked some immoral behaviour. When he heard that he just got mad and he started to stalk me with thousands of atheists messages and then i understood what ive done and what he does in his private life.
Regarding your invitation as i said before if you can show me in practice how 2 pieces of hammer can meet accidentlally and be put together without design agent we can talk about more complicated things. You are not charlatan so you can do it