FYI I am a 65 year old born-in and yes 1975 as the end was being pushed. Fred Franz the president of WTBTS was behind this. Many JWs quit their jobs, sold homes and ruined their lives as well as their childrens.
JoinedPosts by gma-tired2
False Prophecy Part 3 With A Jehovahs Witness Elder
by Watchtower-Free injw: they are not.. kw: but if they were, would you want to know?.
jw: they are not.. kw: im not saying they are.
jw: no.. kw: really?
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
Cowboy boots were looked down on in Southern California but we lived in central California. The LA brothers just coudn't understand brothers wearing cowboy boots. My husband was a beach kid who ended up living in a redneck area. Thats how he eneded up wearing cowboy boots
Elders receive a report that I am openly displaying false religious symbol
by confusedandalone inwhen you look at the image above what do you see?
a sneaker or an outward display that i am now following after another religious group?.
well yesterday i had a 10 minute conversation with an elder who finally got the balls to call me.
Shared the picture of your shoe with my husband. His response I really like that shoe. It reminded him of the brother who came to him and said dress cowboy boots weren't accptable. We soon came to the conclusion "Who Cares"
A mistake in fading 4 months ago is coming back to haunt me... HELP!!
by ILoveTTATT inso today, two elders from a congregation i was in two years ago came by the house.
they said they wanted to talk to me about things that they have heard, and that they want to talk to me very quickly, as soon as possible.
perhaps before this week ends.. i don't know what to do!!
Don't meet with them, use the excuse you are suffering from depression and not able to discuss things at this time. Do not speak to them in person, as they will not respect boundries. They kept pushing until my son had a breakdown and still didn't stop. They do not control you no matter what they think. Hint around of depression to mom and let her know talkig to Elders could push you over edge. Mom may likely go into mama bear mode and start protecting you.
My son said looking back he would not meet with the Elders. It just gives them power. You have your dad convinced as I said above now try to get mom in protective mode. We mom are usually protective of those who want to hurt our children no matter how old our children are,
Well it is time for me to say GOODBYE!!!
by mouthy init has been nice talking with you.but i seem to upset a few because of my faith.. so have a great christmas.... & be good, i wont be here to send you to your rooms .
i have grown close to many of you.... if i have ever said anything to hurt you sorry!!!!.
when i kick the bucket i am sure "mary" who ssometimes post will let you know.. mouthy grace gough.
Grace I envy your faith. I have lost all faith in god.
A very dear life long friend died
by KariOtt inhe died a little over 7 months ago.
his liver failed and didn't get the transplant we all were hoping for.
1 of his daughters just latched on to me.
As a grandmother of two teen granddaughters, teens can be very emotional. They haven't learned to understand that life doesn't revolve around them. We need to shoe patience ans most do grow up some faster than others. I can tell you there is a big difference between 16 and 2O.
JW came to door
by gma-tired2 injws don't waste time talking today.
she knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left.
i remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation.
Steve 2 I forgot about 70s Kingdom News tracts and I actually took part in distributing them. I liked it because I really didn't have to have conversations with the householders. . Now as a householder it bugs me. I have a new prospective.
I have a Grandson!
by watson inmy first grandson, and he is beautiful.
i remember so clearly thinking i would never graduate from high school in this "system of things".. .
this boy will play soccer/football/basketball/band/baseball/camp, whatever the h, e, double l, he is passionate about.. .
Congratulations, Enjoy, Enjoy, and Enjoy. Grandchildren are so much fun.
JW came to door
by gma-tired2 injws don't waste time talking today.
she knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left.
i remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation.
All I can say its not the same religion I grew up in. In the 4 years I haved lived in this state this is the first time we haved had a JW knock on our door. I actually feel a little insulted by the blitzing, I guess I have been out so long I didn't know how much it is a knock and run actvity now. It was not worth the effort for my husband and I to go thru the effort to answer the door. I had to grab our dog and restrain her before hubby answered the door, and the to have a pamplet shoved in his hand. We really didn't want to talk to her but felt we should of had that option. Oh well we now have another 4 years until the next knock,
JW came to door
by gma-tired2 injws don't waste time talking today.
she knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left.
i remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation.
JWs don't waste time talking today. She knocked on door, husband answered, she said were doing a world wide work and shoved a pamplet in his hand and left. I remember the days when we actually try to get the householders in a conversation. Today it is hit and run.