Thank you Mommie for posting these as well. I did a thread recently on physical abuse to children and it's nice to see someone else feels the same way I do.
JoinedPosts by TweetieBird
From the files by request: JWs & 'discipline'
by Mommie Dark insomeone asked me to post some of the material i have collected regarding how jws treat kids during their meetings.
the following was culled from my raw files.
those with tender sensibilities might want to read with caution.
by closer2fine ini have seen several mentions of watchtower cd's.
where might i obtain one?
You need to find a JW that can order/get one for you from the Kingdom Hall.
Or, there may be someone on this board willing to give/sell you theirs.
The UN and the Watchtower Society
by Norm inconsidering the simple fact that the watchtower society has declared the united nations an organization lead by satan, it certainly devote a lot of attention to what the un do and say.
*** w99 5/1 15 "let the reader use discernment" ***.
the watchtower definitively said: the whole tendency of the league of nations is to turn the people away from god and from christ, and it is therefore a desolating thing, the product of satan, and an abomination in the sight of god.
Bravo, hit the nail on the head.
Doubt Not!
by silentlambs ini only use this expression when something big is forth coming.
within the next four days another major news story will hit the papers regarding the pedophile issue and jw's.
as soon as i have the go ahead we will release the details here, so stay tuned and you can hear it first here.
I agree with Seeker. Good things come to those who wait.
We trust you!
Strange Mail...
by silentlambs ini got my first crank mailing today.
it was a large envelope containing the following:.
1. two paper plates together.. 2. plastic fork and spoon.. 3. three small packets of ketchup.. 4. one packet of mayonnaise.. 5. two packets of salt and pepper.. 6. pair of old boxer shorts with the seat ripped out.. no message or writing, perhaps what is listed above is the message in totality.
Very strange indeed. I can't imagine the significance of the items sent to you.
Please keep us posted.
I agree with teejay, you probably ought to delete the address or at least part of it.
Songs that remember when
by TweetieBird inthis is the third damn time i have tried to post this.
i keep hitting the wrong button and losing it.. anyway, sometimes i hear songs on the radio that bring back some really great memories of my childhood and teenage years.
despite being raised in the borg, i had a pretty good life.
I just thought of another great artist and I don't think anyone has mentioned him but he was really on top when I was a teenager.
Stevie Wonder-too many great songs to list.
Which meeting was the hardest to attend for you ?
by NoLongerAjw infor me i think it was the sunday meeting.. just wanting to stay home and sleep in.. but i think the watchtower study was the hardest to sit threw... you had to have it studied before hand.. and highlighted.. then sit there and listen to it all over again..
Speaking of bathrooms at the DC
by TweetieBird inreading mulan's thread about her daughter-in-law's experience in the bathroom, i couldn't help remembering what happened at one district convention in jacksonville.. a sister brought her little 2 year old son in to spank.
she whipped him for so long with a thick comb and everytime the little boy would cry she would spank him some more because he was crying.
i went back to my seat crying.
One of the circuit overseers favorite story was of a child (4yrs) who wouldn't sit still. After several warnings, his dad picked him up and headed to the back for a meeting with the "rod". The child, knowing what was coming, yelled "Jehovah, save me!"
______________________________________________________________________I think every circuit overseer I have ever had has relayed that story. I had the same response as you.
I'm not totally against spanking, as I too think there are some occasions(and at certain ages) where that is the only way to deal with a situation. But I consider it child abuse to drag a 2 year old to the circuit/district assembly, make them sit perfectly still for 8 hours and then take them out and beat the living daylights out of them because they are fussy. We had one CO that actually suggested strapping our youngsters into a chair with a belt of strap of some sort at home to get them use to sitting in the meetings.
Anyway, I have 4 children. I spanked my first one quite a bit to make him sit still at the meetings. By the time my second one came along I wised up a little and the spankings were less frequent. When the third one came along I pretty much quit spanking all together and the fourth one has never had a spanking. I have had more trouble with the first two children than the second two. Is spanking/not spanking a factor? I don't know. All I can say is that if I had it to do over again, I would handle things differently.
Speaking of bathrooms at the DC
by TweetieBird inreading mulan's thread about her daughter-in-law's experience in the bathroom, i couldn't help remembering what happened at one district convention in jacksonville.. a sister brought her little 2 year old son in to spank.
she whipped him for so long with a thick comb and everytime the little boy would cry she would spank him some more because he was crying.
i went back to my seat crying.
Reading Mulan's thread about her daughter-in-law's experience in the bathroom, I couldn't help remembering what happened at one district convention in Jacksonville.
A sister brought her little 2 year old son in to spank. She whipped him for so long with a thick comb and everytime the little boy would cry she would spank him some more because he was crying. I went back to my seat crying. This was the worst case I ever saw at an assembly, but, believe me not a convention goes by that hundreds of children are getting those beatings.
There are too many elders and CO's advocating using the rod. It's almost hailed as being the sign of a true Christian.
I remember one time when we were having some trouble with my oldest son, we had an elder talk with him. The elder basically said that if he had been his son, blood would be everywhere. This elder's own son had threatened to call HRS on him and the elder said, "Go ahead, and they can clean up the blood off the floor at the same time." What a fine example of a loving shephard.
Do you want the real truth or not?
by Jason inon this website there seems to be so many lies and so little actual truth.
is this supposed to be a place to get answers or confuse the hell out of truth seekers?
well, for you seekers out there, if you find the truth on this site it'll be a major fluke.
Jason, this board has never, to my knowledge, proclaimed itself to be "the Truth." Rather, it is a place for JW's, ex-JW's, wounded JW's and those that have had doubts about the Watchtower Society being Jehovah's channel for mankind to come and exchange stories.
We come hear as an outlet. For some of us, like me, who were raised in the borg, it is refreshing to chat with others who share the same feelings. Growing up in the borg, we were never allowed to do that. For others that were assimilated later on in life, they meet others with the same perspective on the borg.
However, if you feel like this is nothing but a board full of liars, maybe you should start your own, since you seem to have cornered the market on "Truth."