We are very quick about putting pressure on weirdos by "marking" them or shunning and they get the hint and leave.
JoinedPosts by AuntConnie
Did you ever have any real weirdos ? in your congregation who were Elders ?
by smiddy in.....some of the things he did and got away with , to me now is unbeleivable , and maybe to you.. in all fairness he was well versed in the bible and very clever how he used it to put a critic to rest at the doors and in one instance when i was witnessing with him , he demoralised a pastor of his church .and i was impressed at that time.. but he had some strange ways , he was always looking for someone to break gods laws so to speak .he did set himself up as the policeman for enforcing gods law on the congregations .
( this is my description ) he was known to stand outside bros/sis.
homes to see if he could find something incriminating against them .
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
I placed a book and two magazines in field service today, this means I get to be the example on "how did you place the magazines and book" in January of 2013.
Antidepressants are not a option, my husband was able to use drugs to loose weight and never told a soul. The excellent weight loss he experienced going from 289lbs to 195lbs he lied to everyone saying "I don't sit on my butt, I work out every day, It's pure will power "mind over food". The same time "you don't need Prozac, that's for crazy people and I am not married to a psycho bitch".
My husband said "It would be wonderful if everyone in our Kingdom Hall was spiritually strong, instead of half the brothers pulling the strong half underwater." We have been ripped off by families that borrowed money with no intention of paying it back. My husband could care less if I worked eighty hours of week while he stayed at home, playing super elder and next-assistant circuit ovesear in line here.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
jgnat, the sisters I know who started taking antidepressants gained weight and lost their motivation (not wanting to get out of bed in the morning) I asked them what it was like, the commonality of antidepressants was that they make you feel numb. The stigma attached to taking these medications is still strong among the brothers, even if we have a higher than normal reliance on these medications in our community. I am afraid of addiction and gaining weight and turning off even more emotionally (what if my apathy spreads to my kids, and my low sex drive?).
My husband would never allow me to take these medications, he despises the brothers and sisters who take them, and can't get away from them quick enough. My taking antidepressants would mean my whole family from my side of the family is screwed up, I am the only one who does not take them. Thanks jgnat and others who understand my rant and rave, although it started out in a bad example, I have problems that need to be addressed.
BP: I am deeply in the something I can't leave, it's my whole life and who can I mention any of my feelings to? We had a meeting part on JW.org and the emphasis on keeping away from other websites (local needs part) so I don't think anyone from my circuit will visit this site. My husband is not a listening person, after meetings he heads for the TV and that's it. Unless he want's sex, the TV is his best friend.
There are times I felt like a prisoner in my marriage, my husband has helped me build a hatred against my parents, his mother abandoned him when he was teen. His mother left his younger brother and sister for a pedophile and his dad took off before he was born. He hates my parents, I think part of his anger is not so much Watchtower policy, it's the fact his mother and father abandoned him and our family was very close until I married him and he moved me two thousand miles away. He hated it when I would call them as a teenage married girl, my parents screwed up letting us marry at age 17.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
Crisis of Conscience: I pour my heart onto this thread and you assume I am a troll because I am angry people are gossiping about me and my family. It's a paradox I would post my grievances about my mentally ill sister and drug addict brother on a Jehovah Witness friend site, but you don't know how hard I have tried to make my parents proud! Your conclusion about me being a "bored bethelite" makes no sense. What are your premises for the conclusion you are drawing? I thought this website is for Jehovah Witnesses either active or inactive, good status or bad status. We have no outlet to discuss issues in the gray areas that are currently plaguing me.
The doctors have offered me antidepressants to battle my panic attacks and anxiety but I do not want to become addicted to those things. Not all answers are solved by popping a pill, field service and reading the Bible do help with exercise. I will not become a drug addict and start taking those pills.
I am the one who did not have to be bailed out of jail for two DUIs, nor did I allow myself to get so overweight I had to have emergency surgery and pop Prozac to deal with the pains of life. I can't talk to my husband about this, this is his whole life and for the most part, the brotherhood treats us very well. Where can you go with a seventh grade education and become a church elder held in high esteem? The friends without heavy baggage make this ride worth almost every emotional dollar we pay for. What evidence would you like to show I am a real person with real problems without getting myself reproved for being on this site.
Something is really festering inside of me, like a boil or tumor driving me crazy. I feel very empty inside almost like I don't care about other people except my kids. It's hard to keep a smile at the Kingdom Hall, especially during the circuit overseers visits as people crawl out from the woodwork, and remind us they have projects they would like us to work on (not paying projects, just freebies the infrequent meeting attenders need help with) in front of the circuit overseer, almost like a black-mailing tactic. My older brother finally crumbled five years ago from the pressure of nonstop serving the flock, he seems happy being "off call", "no more freaky phone calls" done with elderhood. He does not talk to my parents either, we both decided they are weak and don't deserve to associate with us. I am happy to get this off my mind.
My post is not only to release all the built up anger, I know other friends on this site have been taken to the cleaners by people claiming to be witnesses. The shortage of qualified elders has placed additional burdens on the brothers serving the Kingdom Halls. The sisters here with brothers serving the Hall, now it's endless the demands placed upon the brothers who care. Murmering if we decline to help "Old Sister Mable" with her bi-weekly visit to the doctors. I was on the "Meal List" almost to years, often nobody even wrote a thank you card for the efforts of the hard working sisters.
Go ahead and judge me, and thank you for helping me vent, two of my veins in my forehead won't explode tonight thanks to this outlet of free speech.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
jgnat, this is not a spoof, I am telling you why I should not feel guilty for not going to see my mother in the hospital. I had two elders call my husband today, asking "What is wrong with you? Do you want this to get back to the Organization because your parents were missionaries in South America for twenty years!" My father was a elder for decades and served the Organization until mother emasculated him, by insisting he allow the "drug addict brother" a place to stay with them. At the time my brother was disfellowshiped and according to the Society's rules, mom and dad should have been disfellowshiped for bringing this sick man into their house. My brother has conned mom dozens of times, and he got all the attention!
My mother spent a hundred thousand dollars trying to help the screw ups of the family, she would coddle my alcoholic brother while ignoring the fine examples we were making with the Organization. She drove my brother eighty miles to see a psychiatrist because my brother did not want anyone to see him walking into a local office. She is so dumb, she dropped him off with his $150 payment and he told her "come back in a hour and a half", he later bragged he used the money to buy Meth and never say the doctor!
Mom's attention and approval were not based of doing good with Jehovah, she need a "project person" so she could feel happy and play "saviour", yes, she has the saviour complex and gave all the attention to children with drug or mental problems. My brothers and sisters with their shit together, were blown off or marginalized, so why should the brothers be harrassing me and my family?
We played by the rules all our life, it makes me mad as hell we should be forced to talk with people who do not value Jehovah's clean organization and the spiritual protection we receive by obeying. You don't know how long I watched my brother work my mother for money, attention and love. Obedient children got very little of her time, so pay back is a bitch, I am returning her lack of attention and affection.
My sister is a loser and mentally ill on Prozac, in fact I think everyone except me is on some type of antidepressant. Let the weak members of the Organization take care of each other, the examples of obedient members are growing more scare every year. I have no regrets and if Mom does pass away this week, the only back-splash will be people judging me for not going to the hospital. I can't overcome my hatred of Dad and Mom, that is why I am here today, to show my reasons for not visiting Mom in the hospital. Can you understand where I am coming from, I obey the Slave and obedience to my weak family, is option.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
Underlings is the wrong word, you had the courage to get off the crapper and take a stand and stop wasting the brothers time. I respect you all for your courage, I wish there was a way out of this nightmare I invested my whole life in. We are stuck because my husband enjoy's his status and we get a large amount of work via networking at the Kingdom Hall.
I blew a gasket because somebody called me today to harrass me about not visiting my mother who had a stroke. The doctors think she is going to die and deep down I feel happy about that. I make my points of avoiding my parents with all my heart and soul, I watched Monday as the ambulance drove my mother off to the hospital, and I felt a sigh of relief this might be a answered prayer? It feels like Jehovah is removing her off this earth, so I can move on with my life. I do not care if she dies, people at the Kingdom Hall are talking shit, asking "why won't Connie visit her mother? What is wrong with that bitch? How can she be so cruel and unethical?" when they don't know the whole story of why we stopped talking to her. They brought reproach on Jehovah's Organization by socializing with people your not suppose to!
So here I am, witnesses don't understand the concept of "marking" or "silent disfellowshiping" which my family made a pact to do. It's been seven years since I talked to Mom and Dad, I think Jehovah is punishing them for talking to disfellowshiped witnesses!"
Newchapter where I am suppose to go at this point in my life, I have almost sixty years invested around this group. My whole life revolves around Jehovah's Faithful Slave and obeying their righteous help, the world is spinning out of control and the Slave is my own life-line. I have nothing to gain and everything to loose by walking away from those with "Sayings of life". It might seem simple to you but my social life, other family members are part of my anchor in the crazy zoo.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
I hate my parents because they pushed me to join the religion and now can't attend because of old age, or so they claim that. My pioneer apprentice was 94 years old and never complained! My parents are not even 80 years old and they find every excuse (I have a headache, it's cold, I have the runs, my stomach hurts, I am tired) to miss meetings forsaking the gathering (Hebrews 10:23-26) of encouragement, they talk to disfellowshiped people which I find contemptible.
I tried my hardest to be a shining example of a Witness, my husband has acheived the highest position, we are very active in the field ministry and donate money and time for the Regional Building, my parents are too lazy to attend meetings, not even the phone or internet hook-ups! Why did they want me to do something they were not willing to follow through to the end?
My brother is the biggest screwup, disfellowshiped five times for the same sins and Mother has always given him the most attention. Our family obeys every rule the Faithful Slave provides for our spiritual safety but Dad and Mom think it's optional to obey the "Shunning Rule" by bringing in drug addicts or mental defective people to aid them. If this was up to me, I would allow them to die on the streets where they belong.
My husband likes to play the big-shot by volunteering us to clean up the recently deceased "Hoarders" crazies homes, I once got tetanus from the filthy house of two very insane people. Once our family did this, all the bat-shit witnesses started calling our home for free carpet cleaning, mowing lawns, fixing termite damage, cleaning their fecal matter soaked bathrooms. It sucks being a high profile witness, because everyone expects something out of us.
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
I want to share why I am so angry with everyone, there is no possible arena as a Jehovah's Witness to vent my anger and hatred. My status as a "role model" JW would change instantly, you allow me the gift of personal expression.
This is the first time I feel free to converse with my underlings, individuals who cause my pain and suffering. Are you familiar with terms my heart is going through, I feel very empty inside, is it from "compassion overload", "love burnout" or "apathy to the chronic complaining of sick and mentally ill witnesses.". The duties of the elderettes is not easy, we loose our husbands time from stupid shit, cold dinners because bat-shit debbie's toliet spilled out (from stufffed sanitary napkins and tampoons) into the street, and my husband spends three hours to "snake" her drain." We could have a beautiful dinner if poor JWs with iphones would downsize their spending and call a plumber. Life sucks right now!
My soul is tired of dealing with weak people who blame others for their situation or demise. Try to walk a mile in my "pioneer high heels", driving looney tunes from point A to point Z and you will agree.
Mrs Jones you understand the issues of people absorbing our husbands time, life is hard enough without our husbands heading out to stop a fist fight between two people who never should have go married.
Love Aunt Connie or Hate Me, I don't give a damm either way!
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
I hate my parents most of all!
You take up money Mr. baalam by picketing our "oasis of passion" district conventions, using our buying power and swiping rooms meant for good Jehovah Witnesses.
Stop your hatred of role model Witnesses, don't hate the player, the game or the refs, hate yourself!
Good Reasons To Hate Every Weak And Ex-Jehovah Witness.
by AuntConnie in1. my husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.. .
i hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight.
my family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.. .
1. My husband's time is finite, it's wasted on spouses arguing over money, sex or family mattters with stupid home visits.
I hate people's constant open hand for money, it's the weak individuals asking others to pull their weight. My family worked extra hours instead of begging the strong members for district assembly money, cat food for seven cats or tiny little rag-a-muffins weiner dogs.
Go fix your dam plumbing and mow your own lawn and change the oil, it's not my husband or my problem!
Why don't you allow members with perfect meeting attendance, special seating during the week of special activity? I hate it when the old stay-at-home cripples suck up the premium seats, reserved for spot-less Jehovah's Witnesses.
Is it wrong to expect a few dollars for field service gas money or buy me a coffee at Starbucks? It sucks being a elderette! I hate you all!