Christ=anointed (christos)
Antichrist=false anointed (pseudochristos)
End of story
it finally happened.. years ago i speculated on this happening but can't find the posts.
anyway, this is a tactically aggressive move by wt.
Christ=anointed (christos)
Antichrist=false anointed (pseudochristos)
End of story
watchtower governing body leadership directly impacts 7 million members earth wide.
would he change a true teaching?
up to that point christians have obeyed the command at romans 13:1: "let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities.
If the GB are currently teaching it--it is Light.
Light is Truth.
Truth is channeled from Jehovah through his 'mouthpiece' the Governing Body.
No explanation has been given which passes the smell test.
Rutherford, at first, said Pastor Russell was editing the Watchtower from heaven.
Yeah. A dead guy was being channeled!
When the Judge couldn't wring any further juice out of Russell's reputation and name, he started changing everything. In fact, Rutherford claimed angels were bringing Light from heaven as he dismantled Pastor Russells schema, brick by brick.
Next, dates were shifted, the Pyramid scheme was turned into a Satanic plot to mislead.
The Bible Students were disempowered and an official brand-name, Jehovah's Witnesses was invented.
Rutherford had two disasters in a row. His approval of THE FINISHED MYSTERY for publication resulted in being tried and convicted in court for treason.
Secondly, his Million Now Living nonsense led to 1925 and the return of 'ancient worthies.' Fiasco!
Finally, Beth Sarim was built and he went off to live there with his hangover and rectal cancer.
Where was the "Light" coming from through all these failures?
He pulled so many incredible crackpot schemes out of his ass, no wonder he died from it.
watchtower governing body leadership directly impacts 7 million members earth wide.
would he change a true teaching?
up to that point christians have obeyed the command at romans 13:1: "let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities.
Watchtower Governing Body leadership directly impacts 7 million members earth wide.
If the GB’s policies, doctrines, and interpreted “truths” led to death, injury or damage to others because of deliberate malfeasance on the part of the GB, how would we prove it?
Any religious directive is authoritatively imposed and agreed to by members—it is usually considered a voluntary submission, rather than coercion.
But wait! Watchtower teachings are never passed off as the ideas of imperfect men. The policies, interpretations, and doctrines are directly spoken of as channeled TRUTH from Jehovah God.
QUESTIONS: Would Jehovah give a False Teaching to be taught? Would he change a true teaching? Would Jehovah change back to a False teaching?
Romans 13:1 King James Version (KJV)
13 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.
Historically, within the framework of Christianity, submission to the “higher powers” set in place by God is interpreted to mean governments, magistrates, secular authorities.
For the Bible Students under the teaching authority of Pastor C.T. Russell, we find the traditional understanding of Romans 13.
In The Watch Tower, July 15, 1916, three months before he died, Charles T. Russell wrote the following in the article, "Militarism and Conscience":
“While Christians are enjoined to be subject to the "Powers that be"—the kings, governors, magistrates, etc. - nevertheless this is not to be understood as meaning the renouncement of our fidelity to the King of kings and Lord of lords. He is our Over-Lord. Our allegiance to earthly lords and powers and their commands is merely to the extent that they do not conflict with the commands of our Over-Lord. The Jews in renouncing Jesus cried, "We have no king but Caesar"! The Christian's position is, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's but unto God the things that are God's. Whenever Caesar and his laws conflict with the divine requirements, all true soldiers of the cross are left no alternative.”
The above is clear enough.
We now move on to the second part.
Russell died in 1916. Authority passed to Judge J.F.Rutherford. Rutherford sought absolute power over direct leadership of all congregations. Obedience to his directives was imposed and enforced.
In 1929, Rutherford as Governing Body, President of the Watchtower, changed the interpretation of Romans 13: 1, 2. This was a summary act of unbridled authority made in the name of Jehovah.
NEW LIGHT! "Superior Authorities" was NOT secular at all--now it was Heavenly!
Because of Rutherford’s drastic change, all during WWII and the Korean War Jehovah’s Witnesses were required upon pain of excommunication to regard Rutherford’s CHANGED interpretation as correct. This set off dramatic impact on members worldwide resulting in acts of defiance of secular authority. The backlash by the secular authorities led to prosecution, imprisonment, executions, fines, riots, litigation, pressure on children to defy teachers, etc.
Here is the trumped up ‘explanation’ for such dramatic change in doctrine.
The Watchtower, November 1, 1972. p. 644 sought to argue a reasonable explanation for the changes of 1929 from what Russell taught.
Read their words and pay particular attention to the lies told about what USE TO BE taught. It is deliberately misrepresented.
"Romans 13:1 had been construed to mean that the governments of the world must be given unqualified obedience, the witnesses interpreted the "higher powers" or "superior authorities" there mentioned as applying to Jehovah God and Christ Jesus. However, a closer examination of the context revealed that Romans 13:: does indeed refer to political governments of this world But by comparing this scripture with others, such as Acts 5:29, which states, "We must obey God as ruler rather than men," it was seen that the "subjection" mentioned at Romans 13:1 must be a relative subjection, not an unqualified one. That is, Christians are to be in subjection to the governments of this world so long as these do not ask Christians to go contrary to God's laws."
Now let us stop!
QUESTION: Is it true that Russell taught ‘unqualified obedience’ to secular governments?
ANSWER: No! Russell did not teach what the Watchtower tries to say he taught.
Charles Russell taught the meaning of Romans 13:1, 2 as relative subjection of Christians to worldly governments.
J.F. Rutherford, (Watchtower President) reinterpreted ‘worldly governments’ identity to that of Jehovah and Jesus rather than secular powers. The obligation to obey world leaders disappeared. Even relative subjection ceased to be a command of God from 1929 forward. (REFERENCE: "The Higher Powers," The Watch Tower, June 1, 1929, pp. 163-69. "The Higher Powers" (Part 2), The Watch Tower, June 15, 1929, pp. 179-85.)
Nathan H. Knorr (Watchtower President) changed BACK AGAIN to view #1, misrepresenting honest reasons for either change.
Another attempt at a LYING explanation for changing in 1929 and yet—BACK to previous interpretation appeared in December 1, 1981 issue of the Watchtower.
“Happily, in the year 1962, Jehovah led his people to an understanding of the principle of relative subjection. It was seen that dedicated Christians must obey secular rulers as the "superior authorities," gladly recognizing these as "god's ministers," or servant for their good. ((Rom. 13:4) However, if these "authorities" ask them to violate God's laws, what then? Up to that point Christians have obeyed the command at Romans 13:1: "Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities." But this is qualified by Jesus' words, as recorded at Matthew 22:21: "Pay back, therefore, Caesar's things to Caesar, but God's things to God." So whenever "Caesar" asks Christians to do things contrary to God's will, they must place Jehovah's law ahead of "Caesar's."
Does the above support the 1962 change by ‘explanation ‘honestly?
The understanding of Bible Students guided by Pastor Russell was quite adequate and needed no change. The real reasons for the un-called-for change in 1929 have never been explained by the Society.
SCRIPTURE STUDIES, Vol VI., The Watch Tower 1915, reprints p. 5755
“We reflect that to become a member of the army and to put on a military uniform implies the duties and obligations of a soldier as recognized and accepted. A protest made to an officer would be insignificant - the public in general would not know of it. Would not the Christian be really out of his place under such conditions?
"But," someone replies, "If one were to refuse the uniform and the military service he would be shot."
We reply that if the presentation were properly made there might be some sort of exoneration; but if not, would it be any worse to be shot because of loyalty to the Prince of Peace and refusal to disobey his order than to be shot while under the banner of these earthly kings and apparently giving them support and, in appearance at least, compromising the teachings of our heavenly King? Of the two deaths we would prefer the former - prefer to die because of faithfulness to our heavenly King.”
The understanding of Bible Students guided by Pastor Russell was quite adequate and needed no change. The real reasons for the un-called-for change in 1929 have never been explained HONESTLY, FACTUALLY by the Society.
LOGICALLY, the Watchtower Tower leadership did not channel NEW LIGHT of understanding directed by Jehovah.
1. If Jehovah authorized the change to Russell’s teaching, it would have remained changed because it indicated Russell was wrong.
2. By changing back to what Russell originally taught, the spotlight shines on Rutherford’s deliberate malfeasance. Knorr and Fred Franz, by LYING TWICE, tried to cover up. This shows consciousness of wrongdoing and a pattern of deception.
3. The pattern of deception by the Governing Body indicates willful personal reasons disguised as Truth. As leaders change, new ideas push out old teachings willy-nilly simply because it can all be done under a smokescreen of NEW LIGHT.
4. True teaching cannot become Old Light if it becomes New Light again afterward.
teaser excerpt:.
the minister for the army, percy c spender, had requested a cabinet meeting to decide upon a ban of the sect on 9 december 1940, and he had enclosed with this request a military intelligence report dated 21 november 1940 recommending the banning of the witnesses.
cabinet would have been aware of pressure by the clergy, the returned sailors, soldiers and airman's imperial league of australia (rssaila), local councils and state politicians, particularly mr mairs threat to curtail the witnesses in new south wales if the commonwealth did not ban the sect.
Teaser excerpt:
The Minister for the Army, Percy C Spender, had requested a Cabinet meeting to decide upon a ban of the sect on 9 December 1940, and he had enclosed with this request a military intelligence report dated 21 November 1940 recommending the banning of the Witnesses. Cabinet would have been aware of pressure by the clergy, the Returned Sailors, Soldiers and Airman's Imperial League of Australia (RSSAILA), local councils and state politicians, particularly Mr Mair’s threat to curtail the Witnesses in New South Wales if the Commonwealth did not ban the sect. Menzies himself had received many letters complaining about the Witnesses and had not ruled out the possibility of banning the Witnesses.
"In October 1940 the Sydney Morning Herald reported the Premier of New South Wales, Alexander Mair, as saying: The organization known as Jehovah’s Witnesses was definitely disloyal to the interests of Australia, was anti-British, and was a disruptive element to the community … he was asking the State Attorney-General … if the Commonwealth Government did not declare the organization of an illegal body, to consider whether the State Government had power to legislate to control it.
Mair then wrote directly to Menzies, saying that ‘the feeling of indignation against the organization is increasing rapidly’.xiv Menzies replied in December 1940: Even if the Commonwealth has power to suppress the body, any action by the Commonwealth to that end would probably result in protracted litigation, as the body would undoubtedly challenge the validity of the Commonwealth action.xv However, the paragraph which was to end Menzies’ letter, saying that the government did ‘not propose to introduce legislation on the subject’ was deleted. This was perhaps a prescient move by Menzies, as approximately six weeks later, the Commonwealth Government banned Jehovah’s Witnesses."
Read the details in this PDF
click on the above link and have a most enjoyable read!.
below, the opening paragraph.
The worldwide web is like an archeology dig. You never know when something will surface which lends another layer of understanding to what is already known.
Finklestein: Perhaps thats why he proclaimed himself a Freemason for intensionally moving away from mainstream Catholicism, even criticizing its teachings, they were nevertheless his own albeit influenced proportionately from other sources such as Pyramidology.
I find this site to be exceptionally persuasive in addressing the issue of MASONIC connections to Russell. Check it out:
Doug Mason: Russell was absolutely determined that Lev 26 showed that in 1914, the Jews would be restored to become the world's dominant nation, to being restored to God's favour, I recognise, of course, that this lies outside the scope of the thesis you uncovered.
This site is a treasure trove, Doug
some terrible flooding happening there.. i never realized that texas was so prone to serious floods and flash-floods because of the geography and weather.
it tops the stats nearly every year for flood fatalities.. stay safe, stay dry if you can and don't take any chances.
water is unbelievably powerful - whatever vehicle you have it can sweep it away like a twig.
I've lived in Fort Worth, Texas way long. This last month has been quite an adventure.
The pattern of daily storms reminds me of tropical islands. You wake up to hard rain which eventually slacks off around noon. The clouds remain threatening all day. The thunderstorms and lightning return just after dusk and hit harder and harder through midnight.
Rinse and repeat.
I keep an eye on my weather app on my iPhone. That way I can get out on my bike almost every day. There are usually at least four hours of non-rain.
A night or two ago, we had hailstones aplenty for the better part of an hour.
Many low-lying areas in the city flood quickly. The sewer system is overtaken and gorged almost instantly. The poorer areas such as where I grew up on the south side of Fort Worth don't have paved streets or any sewer runoff in place. Every man and beast for cover!
If I wanted this much gloom I'd be living in Seattle :)
This too shall pass.
click on the above link and have a most enjoyable read!.
below, the opening paragraph.
Gene Ahlstrom wrote this thesis.
University at Santa Barbara 1990. I just stumbled on to it today.
It is for the purpose of comparing Russell's thought on restoring the primitive church pre and post 1900, contrasted and compared with the layers on top wrought by subsequent Watchtower leaders.
click on the above link and have a most enjoyable read!.
below, the opening paragraph.
Click on the above link and have a most enjoyable read!
Below, the opening paragraph
the land of judea?
he then did signs in judea (3:22).
i think the greek is saying that this healing was jesus second sign, and he did this one after he had come from judea into galilee.
Jesus is just a form of Joshua (Yeshua) and Greek is yay-soos, Iesus).
It was a common name. The thing is, determined minds have poured so much 'meaning' over so many thousands of generations of interpretations, extrapolations, and such--it is like a pointillist painting. You have to back up and look at the BIG PICTURE to actually see anything. When you get too close it is all reduced to splotches of color.
the land of judea?
he then did signs in judea (3:22).
i think the greek is saying that this healing was jesus second sign, and he did this one after he had come from judea into galilee.
I like the following quotation: "To those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who don't understand, no explanation is possible."
When it comes to religion and 'truth' and all that numinous miasma of miniscule misery, I say--there is no 'there' there.
But--there sure are a lot of highly intelligent people attracted to sorting it all out and making something out of it.
Pattern-seeking humans can really cook up a pot of stew--can't they? :)