JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
by TerryWalstrom inthe watchtower june 2015 (bullshit).
the latest watchtower (online at j-dub dot argh!
) features a hilarious article.
While the Watchtower does not often inform, it never fails to entertain! -
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
I dreamed last night that a group of Apostates actually built an
anti-J W HitchBOT and placed it outside one of the District Conventions.
Now that is an exciting idea; especially if there was a hidden video recorder to permanently record the fun:) -
Confusion about annointed
by Diogenesister inmashiach means messiah which means annointed or christos, christ.
messiah =annointed =christ.
governing body is annointed = is messiah = is christ .
The secret teaching called the "Mystery Doctrine" about the anointed as “The Christ,” has never been discussed publically since the death of JF Rutherford, but which, equally, has not been repudiated either, teaches that the word "Christ" refers to a Person, the One we know as Jesus, but the expression "The Christ" has been invested with a separate, deeper meaning. It refers to the "Christ Class" those making up the 14,000 plus Jesus .
Writing in his book, "Apocalypse Delayed" Penton tells us:
"The Mystery, as understood by Pastor C.T. Russell, meant not only had Jesus offered himself as a ransom sacrifice for mankind, but the body of Christ, the 144,000 members of his church also participated in the ransoming and atoning work" [pg 40]
He went on to say :
"Pastor Russell divined the mediator for the New Covenant was "the Christ" and that expression meant the 144,000 actually participated in Christ's sacrifice for the world" [pg 187 of "Apocalypse Delayed"]
Going back to Russell’s day, the original idea was a distinction between "Christ," who is Jesus, and "the Christ," which is composed of Head (Jesus) and Body (all spirit-begotten Christians).
In Rutherford's day, those who partake of the bread and wine belong to "the Christ" and who share in the glory of Christ (the mystery doctrine).
But wait! In the 1950s or 1960s, there was "new light" that claimed that there is no distinction between "Christ" and "the Christ" in the Bible, and so they got rid of the latter expression.
Note: Rather than giving up the concept, they simply changed "the Christ" to "the anointed", and they continue to claim that the 144,000 has a special position vis-a-vis the "great crowd" (e.g. the latter are "saved" by the former through association with them).
Edmund Gruss, in his book "The Four Presidents Of The WTS," devotes an entire chapter to this teaching. He recounts meeting Freddy Franz, who when asked to elaborate on this teaching, refused to do so, unless Gruss admitted to being of the "anointed" This reaction indicate the secretive nature of the teaching as maintained by the WTS, and the way it is viewed by those claiming to be of the "Anointed."
Comparing translation renderings
Colossians 1:27
Young's Literal Translation (YLT)
27 to whom God did will to make known what [is] the riches of the glory of this secret among the nations -- which is Christ in you, the hope of the glory
NEW WORLD TRANSLATION read a little differently:
27 to whom God has been pleased to make known among the nations the glorious riches of this sacred secret,+ which is Christ in union with you, the hope of [his glory] **
Fred Franz felt the inclusion of "his" in brackets [As in "The hope of [his] glory"] was needed to complete the sense. With that innocent and unobtrusive insertion into the text, Franz shifted the expectation of the anointed from glory in the abstract, to the glory that belongs to Christ exclusively. In a sense therefore, taking on His Glory, they become Him, hence correctly termed "The Christ"
Gruss unearthed the WT of June 15, 1911: "This Christ is composed of many members. This age will end when the full number of the "elect" shall have been found and tested. Then the body will have been completed. When the Messiah is complete, The Christ will be complete" [reprints, pg 4841]
The last public statement made about this teaching was back in 1927 in "The Harp of God", JFR's opus. This is what he said [pg 202]: "The Christ is a composite body made up of many members" He argued that it was through "this Christ" and not the Person we know as Jesus Christ, that the blessings to humankind must come.
Duane Magnani, who also made a study of this doctrine mentions that in the WT of 15 June 1942, [pg 188] the R&F were cautioned not to call the anointed "the Christ" publicly—yet-- he says, the teaching was never officially repudiated. It has been retained to this day, but secretly.
**In the brand new NWT the brackets have been dropped and the word "his" has been absorbed into the translated text.
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
I can't begin to tell you how enjoyable it was writing it! -
Confusion about annointed
by Diogenesister inmashiach means messiah which means annointed or christos, christ.
messiah =annointed =christ.
governing body is annointed = is messiah = is christ .
This is, historically, part of the 'secret doctrine' of Jehovah's Witnesses almost from the beginning.
The anointed are co-Christs.
They are OUR composite mediator.
There is a detailed examination of the rather convoluted, ever-evolving schema of the anointed here:
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
That sucks -
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
Thank you.
I'll look that reference up, appreciate your putting me on to it.
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
by TerryWalstrom inhitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across u.s.. .
did you hear that, honey?
i dont have time for tv!
Hitchhiking robot embarking on coast-to-coast tour across US
Jul 17, 1:29 AM (ET)
By COLLIN BINKLEY(AP) Co-creator David Harris Smith carries hitchBOT, a hitchhiking robot, during its'...
Full ImageBOSTON (AP) — With its thumb raised skyward and a grin on its digital face, the robotic creation of two researchers in Canada is about to start a hitchhiking journey across the U.S.
The humanoid robot named hitchBOT has already caught rides across Canada and in Europe, relying on the kindness and curiosity of strangers. But on Friday it starts its first U.S. tour, setting out from Salem, Massachusetts, with dreams of San Francisco ahead.
Along the way, it hopes to see some quintessential American sites, including Times Square, Mount Rushmore and the Grand Canyon.
The kid-size robot is immobile on its own, so it gets from place to place by being schlepped around by strangers. Travelers can pass it off to others they meet, or leave it at a gas station or shop. They can just leave it seated on its kickstand with its thumb raised.
Ideally, the creators hope, drivers won't leave the bot along busy roads and will charge the battery when it runs low. Otherwise, there are no rules.(AP) HitchBOT, a hitchhiking robot, is formally introduced to an American audience,...
Full Image"We want to see what people do with this kind of technology when we leave it up to them," said Frauke Zeller, one of the creators and an assistant professor in professional communication at Toronto's Ryerson University. "It's an art project in the wild — it invites people to participate."
On the outside, hitchBOT looks like it's built for play rather than performance. It has a bucket for a body and bendy foam limbs capped by yellow gardening gloves and matching rubber boots. The whimsical attire is intentional, its makers said, to make it approachable and to deter potential thieves.
"It has a really low-tech look to it, something we dubbed the 'yard-sale aesthetic,'" said David Harris Smith, the other creator and an assistant professor in communication studies at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. "The head is actually an acrylic cake-saver."
Designed to be a talking travel companion, the robot can toss out factoids and carry limited conversation. It can be charming and cheeky, its makers said.
So far, there are no signs of anything nefarious done to the robot, but there's also no proof. Its creators intentionally cast their gaze aside.(AP) Co-creator Frauke Zeller introduces hitchBOT, a hitchhiking robot, to an American...
Full Image"We want to be very careful to avoid surveillance technologies with this; that's not what we're trying to do here," Smith said.
A GPS in the robot can track its location, and a camera randomly snaps photos about every 20 minutes to document its travels. But the team behind the robot seeks permission from people in the photos before posting them to social media, where hitchBOT has built a devoted fan base.
More than 30,000 people follow the robot on Twitter, and dozens have posted their own selfies with it. Researchers are culling data from social media to study how people interact with a robot that needs their help, unlike traditional robots designed to help them.
Among the chief questions researchers are asking, Zeller said, is whether robots can trust humans.
During past travels, the robot has attended a comic convention and a wedding, and it had its portrait painted in the Netherlands. It once spent a week with a heavy metal band.
The cross-country tour of Canada took 26 days, spanning more than 6,000 miles. As for the U.S. trip, researchers don't know how long it will take, or what will happen along the way.
"We want to create something that has a bit of narrative to it, a sense of adventure," Smith said. "We don't really know what's going to happen."