William Miller was a Baptist farmer and war hero who sat down as an unschooled, non-academic, amateur sleuth and concocted 2 years worth of "proof positive" indicating the arrival of Jesus Christ in 1843.
Well, sure he was WRONG!
But instead of William Miller's extreme failure (and false prophecy) becoming a cautionary tale for C.T.Russell--it had the opposite effect. He was like the Jim Carrey character in Dumb and Dumber who takes "1 in a Million against him as a positive indication of opportunity FOR him"--Russell went down the same amateur path of self-teaching and we all know where that led!
The Doctrine of the "Faithful and Discreet Slave" is the product of amateur inquiry by Maria Russell and Wow! It became the central doctrine of authority for all the madmen who have led the Watchtower religion into the sewer for 130 years!