Pastor Russell's little world in which he was the one-eyed king among the blind, vanished in 1916.
There was a cloud of confusion and out stepped a magician.
The Judge waved his iron wand and a new order appeared. It was Warcraft.
He made all the rules. It was a "My way or the Highway" religion.
In 1942, his rectum killed him and another a**hole took over, Knorr.
Knorr was an odd mixture of Luddite and Labor leader. He invented a school for salesman: Gilead and parlayed rules and regulations into a control mechanism of carrots and sticks.
Each change of regime is a new solar system the previous cosmos would not recognize or accept as true.
like the horrid parasitic ALIEN in Ridley Scott's film, the Watchtower is capable of becoming anything it needs to be to survive.
If you dare injure the Organization the corrosive acid spews all over you.
It seeks to multiply its numbers, creating armies of new parasites now numbering 8 million.
They are coming for us.
They are coming for all of us.
The only remedy is preparedness--turning the spotlight on their collateral damage and demonstrating the plague in its true magnitude and virulence.