Catholic Vow of Poverty
externalfile:drive-3e65282231ebe507f8152f3896594c993048742f/root/A NEW DOWNLOAD folder June 17/09sme_and_vows_poverty_red.pdf
vow of poverty scanned from 2002 documents.
i believe these are the latest ones unless someone has a newer one.
i posted these in another thread but i thought it deserved its own.. ocrd with 98% accuracy.... initial cover page 1 of 4. vow of obedience and povertyto the.
Catholic Vow of Poverty
externalfile:drive-3e65282231ebe507f8152f3896594c993048742f/root/A NEW DOWNLOAD folder June 17/09sme_and_vows_poverty_red.pdf
jehovah’s terrorist?.
(a personal memoir).
john f. kennedy's brother, robert (bobby) was assassinated in 1968 shortly after he won the california democratic presidential primary.
Kennedy is facing in a direction at an angle to Sirhan. The first bullet misses.
RFK turns his head the opposite direction and takes a bullet from behind.
The kitchen's acoustics was confusing to the ear.
The same sort of thing accounts for the various reports of JFK's shooter. Depending on where the onlooker was standing, more than three shots were heard.
Acoustic analysis, decades later, correlated the echoes with the shots (3).
i ran across this cool video.
i think it's a parody on some recent jw video series or something.
i'm not up to date on jw news and such.
I'll never understood why they didn't turn off the lights.
No infrared cameras on hand.
safe to say, if you walked up to any of the 8 million jehovah's witnesses on earth today and told them the.
governing body was a fiction, not only would they refuse to believe you--they'd consider you their immediate enemy!.
what if i told you jw's embrace a mental construct which is at odds with history?.
There was indeed a governing body in the first century.
Let's take the Bible we have --and just for the sake of argument-- stipulate it says what it means. ( I don't personally think the latest scholarship verifies such a stipulation, but there are too many side roads to tempt us into an eternal loop.)
If Jesus' death did indeed bridge the gap between man and God, what need have any of us for a "Governing Body"?
We have the Bible. We have God's Holy Spirit. We have prayer.
We can have fellowship (where two or more are gathered in my name. . . ) but we ALREADY have leadership: King Jesus.
In fact, when the universal Christian Church (Catholic) fell in the 16th century, (human Magisterium and tradition, bound Heaven to its rule) it was because it governed-- and by means of said governance, did so corruptly.
A pause in Governance ensued.
The Protestant Reformation was a scrambling around among the intelligentsia eager to lay down Governing rules and principles. (Out of the Catholic frying pan into the Protestant fire.)
The result was, among other denominational manifestations, the Thirty Years War.
Sola Scriptura has given us--not unity under a governing body--but dissonance and 40-thousand denominations as variations on a theme.
What would a "restored" Governing Body give us that the Advent of Christ and the resurrection of kings and judges at his side- not give us?
Show me the necessity of a GB and we have a platform for discussion.
The obsession to go back to the 1st century and duplicate primitive Christianity makes about as much sense as deciding to drive Model T Fords rather than modern automobiles.
It is some sort of Luddite compulsion isn't it?
Why isn't Jesus enough of a governing body? He is the only Mediator between God and man. Only seems to mean. . . .well. . . nobody else.
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
Pastor Russell's little world in which he was the one-eyed king among the blind, vanished in 1916.
There was a cloud of confusion and out stepped a magician.
The Judge waved his iron wand and a new order appeared. It was Warcraft.
He made all the rules. It was a "My way or the Highway" religion.
In 1942, his rectum killed him and another a**hole took over, Knorr.
Knorr was an odd mixture of Luddite and Labor leader. He invented a school for salesman: Gilead and parlayed rules and regulations into a control mechanism of carrots and sticks.
Each change of regime is a new solar system the previous cosmos would not recognize or accept as true.
like the horrid parasitic ALIEN in Ridley Scott's film, the Watchtower is capable of becoming anything it needs to be to survive.
If you dare injure the Organization the corrosive acid spews all over you.
It seeks to multiply its numbers, creating armies of new parasites now numbering 8 million.
They are coming for us.
They are coming for all of us.
The only remedy is preparedness--turning the spotlight on their collateral damage and demonstrating the plague in its true magnitude and virulence.
is this the same religion?.
a whim isn’t falsifiable.. .
answer: is it testable?
The Jewel in the Bully's Crown: knocking all the pieces off the board and declaring victory!
Richard Nixon did it. It was his secret plan to end the war in Vietnam. He pulled out and declared victory.
George Bush tried it by landing a jet on an aircraft carrier with a giant banner reading: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED. What he failed to do was pull out of Iraq!
The Governing Body has junked everything but 1914 (lynchpin) and declared: 'Finnegan begin again!"
The "overlapping" solution to the "Generation" noose around their collective necks was an intellectual mush bowl suicide.
Vagueness, thy name is Watchtower!
i was studying this fascinating composite graph of jw growth.
lots of interesting things there.
Rutherford can't have written Let God Be True since he died in 1942.
Maybe he was editing the Watchtower from heaven like Russell did :)
" As in the type that date three and a half years after the death of Christ marked the end of all special favor to the Jew and the beginning of favor to the Gentiles, so we recognize A.D. 1881 as marking the close of the special favor to Gentiles-the close of the "high calling," or invitation to the blessings peculiar to this age to become joint-heirs with Christ and partakers of the divine nature." The Time Is At Hand 1916 ed. p.235
Rutherford recycled this concept, and without any Biblical basis moved the sealing of the 144,000 from 1881 to 1931: "God having a fixed time for every purpose (Ecclesiastes 3:1), his time to give creatures on earth the opportunity to get in line for a heavenly reward has been from A .D. 29 until, chiefly, 1931, called the "day of salvation". "Let God be True" 1946 ed. p.298
"Although Jehovah had come to his temple in 1918 and had begun judgment of this anointed class, still others must be brought in, because some were found unworthy and they must be replaced. The evidence (variously) show that this continued until especially 1931 when there began a work of gathering those recognized as "other sheep" of the Lord Jesus Christ." Jehovah's Witnesses In The Divine Purpose 1959 p.139
This was later changed to 1935: "Hence, especially after 1966 it was believed that the heavenly call ceased in 1935." Watchtower 2007 May 1 p.30
"Their being identified in 1935 as the great crowd of the other sheep was an indication that the choosing of the 144,000 was then about complete." Revelation, Its Grand Climax Now at Hand p.125
Myriad changes to dates but the only scripture quoted by Rutherford was Ecclesiastes 3:1: "There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven." Even then, Rutherford claimed the heavenly calling ended in 1931. My parents became Witnesses in the late 1930's and they were told that heaven was full up, so they would have to settle for the earthly hope. But the number claiming to be part of this heavenly group is still increasing! Check out the link below for the official excuse:
"That calling began in 33 C.E. and continued into modern times. After 1935 the thrust of the disciple-making work turned to the gathering in of the great crowd. Some who were baptized after 1935 have had witness borne to them by holy spirit that they have the heavenly hope, so we cannot set a specific date for the end of that calling."
Posted on Yahoo answers 2014
today my wife showed me the new medical directive and power of attorney form she got at the meeting.
surprisingly she asked if i wanted to fill mine!
i have been inactive for 6 years and i don't go close to any jw gatherings because i don't want friends who only care for me unless i share their beliefs.
So, logically, if Life must be respected, how is dying respectful?
What is the purpose of the Laws of the Sons of Noah? To allow Gentiles to be viewed as Righteous even though they don't have to follow the Law of Moses (contained the Levitical injunctions.)
The Priests slit the throats of living animals and the blood went on the altar. Why? Under the Law, the blood of an innocent animal was a proxy for the human sinner.
Jesus once and for all time traded his blood for all mankind's sinners.
So, the respect for Blood is now respect for Jesus' sacrifice.
When the Jerusalem council gave its opinion on Gentile converts, it passed along the Laws of the Sons of Noah a PRE-CHRISTIAN and PRE-JUDAIC set of standards.
That's all.
No big deal.
The Jewish saying is : He who saves one life saves the world entire.
Jesus gave one life and saved the world entire.
jehovah’s terrorist?.
(a personal memoir).
john f. kennedy's brother, robert (bobby) was assassinated in 1968 shortly after he won the california democratic presidential primary.
(PDF of Los Angeles News Dispatch article:
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
I hope you use a helmet to protect your brain ....not for the great tribulation for that certainly not
No. No helmet. I actually did research on bike helmets, including the leading bicycle magazines and the consensus is, I'll still be badly injured--it will just take longer to die with a helmet. I have a really bad problem with claustrophobia. I can't even wear sunglasses or a baseball cap.
Crazy? Sure!
I prefer a quick exit