Certain people, certain audiences, certain mindsets are more vulnerable to
this particular form of persuasion.
1, You have to believe and be convinced that the Bible is a supernatural book.
2. You must be convinced all the important answers to life are contained in the Bible.
3. You have to entertain the notion there is Bible Truth which can be extracted under the right circumstances.
If the above conditions are met, what else is necessary?
1. You must be self-centered enough to believe the time in which you live is the most important in all human history. This is a measure of egocentricity stronger in some people than in others.
2. You must believe you are smart enough to recognize "Truth" when you see and hear it and that you are too smart to be fooled.
3. You must be able to confuse promises of everlasting life with guarantees.
Russell had just the right amount of education and money and intelligence to assemble (buffet style: a little from here and a little from there) titillating false data and assemble it into bite-size, 'logical' sequences of patterns and numbers.
The fish only sees the worm--not the hook inside---not the fisherman on the shore.
Each of us met the above requirements.
We were smart, self-centered, skeptical at first and then gradually persuaded.
The story solved all the problems in the world and we were insiders in possession of absolute Truth.
What's not to like?