Ha ha ha, I just realized my ramblings are taking on the appearance of Ted Kazinki's UNIBOMBER manifestos which nobody wants to read.
a forensic investigation disproving watchtower’s self-made myth(chosen by jehovah as the only true religion on earth).
[ it all began when joseph rutherford removed four members of the watch tower society board of directors under a legal technicality that equally applied to himself, and then authorized the writing and publication of the book "the finished mystery" contrary to pastor russell's will, the society's official charter, and without approval of the board, and then falsely advertising the book to the public as the "posthumous work of pastor russell".
] pastor-russell dot com.
Ha ha ha, I just realized my ramblings are taking on the appearance of Ted Kazinki's UNIBOMBER manifestos which nobody wants to read.
jehovah’s terrorist?.
(a personal memoir).
john f. kennedy's brother, robert (bobby) was assassinated in 1968 shortly after he won the california democratic presidential primary.
I can't imagine what it must be like being a young man in Palestine in a "Christian" community (heterogenous), then moving to California and being exposed to THAT lifestyle (laid back Christianity) and having an erratic father with a short fuse . . .
Would it be racist to make the following blanket statement?
In the Middle East, polarized, binary religious / political views are not casual, philosophical pastimes--they are life and death, black and white absolutist mindsets.
To be living in California and yet so passionate about a Democrat from Boston being "pro-Jewish" to the extent you'll murder him---well--what can I say?
Cool your jets, young man. Live a little.
The JW mindset is very "middle east".
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
Man, you got too much f'ing time in your hands.At 69 years old, I wish that were true :)
absolute obedience to watchtower cult leaders is only necessary because of coercion and intimidation and the duress of having the shun gun pointed at their head for those jw's who are now awake.
the threat is as real as that of a fully loaded pistol.. .
we are all aware of friends and family who are still inside the kingdom halls with very little actual conviction that they are in the truth.
I'll never forget when the doorbell rang and two young JW's arrived with beaming smiles and eager faces at my door holding Jehovah's buttwipes.
I gently informed them of my status.
Without blinking an eye or twitching a lip, the JW's reached for a sentimental tract on the possibility I could Return to Jehovah.
"You can always come back. . . because---"
I felt this surge of adrenaline suddenly. . .
"Let me stop you right there!"
I didn't shout. But, my ugly old man's face must have spelled trouble. Or perhaps the whites of my eyes had gone reddishly suffused with blood.
I gave them a snappy version of my life as a JW including prison rape!
The expression turned from Disney to Hammer Horror.
The happy couple left skid marks on the sidewalk as the departed in a Beep Beep, Roadrunner scenario.
The very thought of going back was like a punch in the diaphragm.
It viscerally sickened me.
That's the point I wanted to make. I think I did.
jehovah’s terrorist?.
(a personal memoir).
john f. kennedy's brother, robert (bobby) was assassinated in 1968 shortly after he won the california democratic presidential primary.
absolute obedience to watchtower cult leaders is only necessary because of coercion and intimidation and the duress of having the shun gun pointed at their head for those jw's who are now awake.
the threat is as real as that of a fully loaded pistol.. .
we are all aware of friends and family who are still inside the kingdom halls with very little actual conviction that they are in the truth.
Absolute Obedience to Watchtower cult leaders is only necessary because of coercion and intimidation and the duress of having the SHUN GUN pointed at their head for those JW's who are now awake. The threat is as real as that of a fully loaded pistol.
We are all aware of friends and family who are STILL INSIDE the Kingdom Halls with very little actual conviction that they are in The Truth. Why do they stay?
What do we call such persons? I'd say VICTIMS intimidated to live a joyless life of drudgery.
Pretending to be what they are not, each day is filled with compulsory duty enforced by watchful eyes of Elders and informants with the power to destroy the solidarity of family.
I know a married couple who were each the children of Congregation Elders and who secretly celebrate Christmas but who can quickly remove all traces when the grandparents come to visit. They are compelled to live like Bootleggers hiding a still from Federal agents!!
Imagine, if you will, the stress on the kids! Imagine the distorted sense of loyalty being taught! Imagine what values are at conflict and the psychological destruction being wrought!!
What can you say, what can you do that could possibly solve this dilemma?
In effect, such Jehovah's Witnesses-in-name-only, suffer an identity crisis which destroys any sense of reality and which makes a genuine life impossible.
Over time, these victims have chosen a living hell which they LEARN TO LIVE WITH as though it were NORMAL!
Repression, suppression, and dual allegiances are default settings in their consciousness and consciences.
Living a fraudulent life or one of ostracism is an awful dilemma! No person in a free country should face such an ambivalent fork in the road of life!
Can you imagine Jesus shunning anybody? He did not shun Peter who denied him nor Judas who would betray him. He did not shun Pharisees who baited him or those "despicable" Samaritans who were apostate. Jesus is the only model worth considering if you are serious in embracing Christianity.
But, no--the Watchtower religion has a seemingly "higher" standard than the founder of Christianity itself!!
Or is it?
Is it "higher" or is it a distortion of the very purpose of Christianity?
Should we not ask ourselves what the purpose of Christianity actually is?
Doesn't the Good Shepherd LEAVE the faithful flock to pursue and embrace the apostate sheep who has left the fold?
The 99 are left behind as the Shepherd lovingly seeks out and enfolds the 1 self-ostracized sheep!
Those who strayed were important to Jesus.
Jesus was INCLUSIVE.
His message is FOR the weak, not for hearts hardened into cold steel.
What good is forgiveness to those not allowed to fall short?
Look at the contrast with the Watchtower religion!
Witnesses are taught to NOT EVEN PRAY FOR the stray sheep, to hate them, marginalize them as mental defectives as well as to anticipate their imminent destruction!
How could an actual footstep follower of the Good Shepherd Jesus be so contrary in disposition to their supposed Master??
The leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses has proved they are not the "faithful" slave, but rather, are the "evil slave" who beat up those under their oversight!
Jehovah's Witnesses are all too eager to pull the trigger on dissent and worship as a death cult. Dead men's bones are their joy.
Kingdom halls become museums for shackled saints rather than hospitals for needy sinners.
And if you greet your brothers only, what extraordinary thing are you doing? Are not also the people of the nations doing the same thing? (Matthew 5:43-48; NWT)
And just as he who is without sin could cast the first stone (and none could of course), then a witness should consider that he who is without sin can commit the first act of shunning. Or marking. Or any of the other things that they do to punish one another.
Why--why then, does the Watchtower Organization point the Gun of Shun so eagerly?
Would it be going out too far to say that: remove the SHUNNING POLICY and the Kingdom Halls would lose an immediate 33% of its membership?
FREEDOM to leave might prove catastrophic!
destroying the governing body’s claim of authority.
begin at the beginning.
what source authority did early christians have?.
Nope, this isn't revoked, unless it's been revoked since March of this year. Per the March, 2016 WT, Questions From Readers:1919 is a revoked teaching.
Then, in 1919, Jesus appointed “the faithful and discreet slave” over God’s cleansed people to give them spiritual “food at the proper time."
Per previous explanations (from late 2012 onward), this appointment is only over the "domestics" while the appointment over "all my belongings" is still future. Phizzy is correct with this one.
I stand corrected, leaving__quietly. I was way too inclusive in the way I made that absolute statement. Probably a couple of months back I would have said it more carefully. I seem to be entering the twilight of my sanity.
The Bible and the Great Commission are only for the anointed as we all know. When the Watchtower was arrogating unto themselves the ownership of the non-anointed, they used that as Authority to manhandle and abuse the rank and file. They can still do that to the anointed :)
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
A great view to match a great tribulation!
meet papias.
if you had lived in the time of the living apostles of jesus would you have personally investigated stories about.
or, would you simply read whatever was written instead?.
This is an interesting addition to our discussion. . .
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
So, has the purchase of the Welsh property been mentioned no where in jw organization's literature or presentations?
Not that I have found so far. I'd love to know.