Gather around the campfire, boys and girls.
I have a little journey for us all to take together.
Long, long ago in this Universe not so far away . . .
Once in timeless nothingness, there existed a timeless Being we now call GOD.
Whatever "perfection" is or was--God was. God was perfect.
But wait--that's not all!
And here is where the story begins!
If perfect and timeless God had been content being perfect and timeless, existing in perfection and timelessness---WHY did the next thing happen?
God changed!
Floating. . . Alone. . . in Darkness. . . just being perfect. . . was something God wouldn't endure any longer! Perfection and Existence were not ideal.
God decided to become a CREATOR.
RECAP: Not a creator became CREATOR. Alone became not alone.
That is a change.
An existential change signals a NEED.
Contentment is not troubled by need.
Buddhists might describe the ultimate state of existence as NIRVANA.
Nirvana means that the candle has been blown out.
It describes the darkness and peace God was in BEFORE he decided to change.
Nirvana is the liberation from the need for change = contentment.
So, can we say our lonely, floating, eternal God was NOT content in Nirvana? Yes.
If Nirvana (or Heaven itself) was not enough for God---why is it the solution for man?
Humans exist in Nature.
Humans begin as single cells inside a male and female.
Those two cells combine and transform over and over and over.
We are the product of millions, billions of cell divisions. We are cyclical.
A butterfly is not all at once a butterfly.
A butterfly is first an egg, then a caterpillar, and finally a bag of goo which becomes
a butterfly.
If the butterfly is the BEST of those states of being---why is there a need for the egg and cocoon?
Nature is whispering in our ear, "Start, Change, Stop"
Well now, my fellow campfire companions, are you still with me?
The question is not too difficult, is it?
Why is man's idea of Paradise or Heaven a solution to anything?
If God could not / would not be content--why would we expect to become content?
Aren't we fooling ourselves?