I would hate for it to be either a lawsuit brought by the Watchtower or the awful thing that happened with Farkle.
JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
What happened to Marvin Schilmer and his Blog against the JW's?
by TerryWalstrom inhttps://www.blogger.com/blogin.g?blogspoturl=https://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2013/07/complete-donation-what-happened.html.
What happened to Marvin Schilmer and his Blog against the JW's?
by TerryWalstrom inhttps://www.blogger.com/blogin.g?blogspoturl=https://marvinshilmer.blogspot.com/2013/07/complete-donation-what-happened.html.
The Watchtower leaders are afraid of our elephants
by TerryWalstrom inin the 1960's, when i was most active as a jehovah's witness, it was a different, more relaxed religion.
we were filled with confidence about our "truth" because we were skilled in rebuttal, overcoming objections, and we encouraged tough questions to test our mettle in the door to door work.. when an anti-dub book like "30 years a watchtower slave" was released, we all couldn't wait to read it and comment about it.it was seen as a pathetic effort at spite--never as a serious threat to our confidence in what we had.. so--what was different about the jw religion and our skillset back then from the watchtower world of paranoia and enforced loyalty today?i think i know.. we were like boxer george foreman before ali knocked him out.
we were mike tyson before buster douglas introduced his face to the canvas in that ring in japan.we were bullet proof.. not until you have a bone-shaking reckoning do you lose confidence and wonder, "wtf just happened?
Make the Sign of the JW with your middle finger, at least. . .
I Just had a CLOSE ENCOUNTER of the Dub kind
by TerryWalstrom ini just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
It was rather unsettling to become a source of terror!
I Just had a CLOSE ENCOUNTER of the Dub kind
by TerryWalstrom ini just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
edvip20002 hours ago
Nice read, but i'm trying to understand why you wanted to put an end to the conversation (you know you were). Pulling out the "cult" card almost always means run to the exits, and you certainly knew this would happen
My feeling is that you thought the language barrier presented an extra hurdle in trying to reason with this woman - you really didn't think you would have any success anyway, so you pulled out the big scary conversation stopper just for fun.
Communication was a problem.Her accent was thick.
Mainly, I was unable to determine the proper way to proceed.
In speaking to active JW's there is a tendency to throw the kitchen sink at them like a shotgun blast.She struck me as intelligent, kind, devoted, and perhaps vulnerable.
Maybe I'm wrong about the 'vulnerable' part because she was, after a bit, protective of her self.
I'm at a different Starbucks today.
I had never seen her before and doubt I'll see her again.We are always wiser the next day.
I should have asked her personal questions rather than doing a soliloquy. That was my biggest failure. -
Church of God pastor writes what could be to some a helpful synopsis of Ray Franz "Crisis of Conscience."
by AndersonsInfo inhttp://www.thejournal.org/issues/issue92/crisiscn.html .
a 'crisis of conscience' opens eyes part 1.
he continues on page 346: .
This is essential and just as true today (if not more so) than when R.F. wrote his book:
In reference to a Judicial committee:
"An inquisition, in the religious sense, is an inquiry into individuals' personal convictions and beliefs.
"Historically, its aim has been--not to aid the individual, or to provide a basis for reasoning with him--but to incriminate, to convict as heretical.
"The initiating cause for the inquiry often has nothing to do with the individual's being disruptive, malicious or even being particularly vocal about his beliefs. Mere suspicion is the only sufficient cause to set in motion the inquisitory action. The suspect is viewed as, in effect, having no rights: even his personal conversations with intimate friends are treated as something the inquisitors have full right to delve into."
My "best" friend (active JW) has just died
by Terry injohnny santa cruz and i met around 1959 at a movie theater in fort worth, texas.. the purpose of that meeting was to create a fanclub for horror movie director william castle.
a week or so later, johnny stopped me as i was walking home from elementary school.. "hey--i think i know you.
weren't you at the william castle fanclub thing?".
I never had a friend like that Terry. You were blessed. I know this is 3 months from your original post, but I just found it. My condolences.
Thank you. I have now a tenuous connection with two of Johnny's kids on Facebook. It warms me. They really love their Dad and miss him.He was one of a kind. Not a day passes that I don't evoke him in constant thought. I have flashes of anger that we missed out on what older people most need--a constant companion with whom you can relive the glory of youth.
But the past has passed. I have to be real and that doesn't come easily if you think more about yesterday than you do today and tomorrow. -
I Just had a CLOSE ENCOUNTER of the Dub kind
by TerryWalstrom ini just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
I have three Starbucks within bicycling distance and I triangulate locations for variety's sake. I like to sit outside because I'm a fresh air and sunshine addict. (Yes, I will die in agony of cancer.) JW's come and go and it is easy to spot them. For some reason unknown to me, there hasn't been any effort to blacklist me or post a WANTED DEAD or ALIVE poster. I think this is for a very good reason.
My persona is not confrontational. I speak quietly and don't push. With the exception of the Asian lady, nobody has made a fast getaway before--although, now that I think about it--there have been some abrupt endings.
Honest Dubs have secret worries and inner questionings. What I say to them is spoken without cynicism or bluster--it is stated matter-of-factly.I know for a fact, at least 2 young JW's within the last year have definitely had their Wake Up Call as a direct result of our continuing conversations. A 21-year-old JW calls, texts and visits with me often.
He is an invaluable inside source for me as far as getting the pulse on young Dub's thinking within the Congregations he attends.
I would enjoy a "Gotcha" with a smug JW as much as anybody else. However, I think it is counter-productive. Why would anybody I have humiliated want to return for a chat?Slow and steady wins the race. In the case of activism, the "win" should never come at the cost of somebody's mental health.
Interesting Bit of History
by Old Goat insome of you have read schulz and de vienne's separate identity, vol 1. a rough draft of a chapter meant for vol 2 is on their blog http://truthhistory.blogspot.com/ .
some don't like history at this depth, but i do.
give it a look.
The 'theory' of Christianity in the 1880's strikes me as passing strange.
Accretion: the process of growth or increase, typically by the gradual accumulation of additional layers or matter.
To put it crudely, it was like eating each other's poop over and over trying to extract the last molecule of nutrition.
At least, with Sola Scriptura, the Holy Spirit was there to help!
But, Russell, et al, relied on intellect, imagination, painfully brittle chains of logic ending in blind alleyways.
What was the saying? 'Let scripture interpret scripture.' A recursively doomed enterprise, to say the least.
Maria Ackley Russell's THE TWAIN seems to mirror the peculiar notion that the CHRIST is a homogenous amalgam of Jesus+Bride in the person of Maria and C.T. Russell, her husband.
Isn't this the 'secret doctrine' of the Watchtower? The anointed are part of the Christ?
I Just had a CLOSE ENCOUNTER of the Dub kind
by TerryWalstrom ini just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
I am trying to understand what you think you accomplished. Your narration certainly does not sound like you take the above statement very seriously.Sounds more like you were just playing with her.
The tone of this--the manner in which I wrote it, is light-hearted to make it more readable. The actual encounter wasn't a laugh riot, believe me.I try to be very aware of what it is I'm saying and attempt to 'read' the reaction it is creating. In this instance, I can only say I did the best I could and that was all I could do.