I have three Starbucks within bicycling distance and I triangulate locations for variety's sake. I like to sit outside because I'm a fresh air and sunshine addict. (Yes, I will die in agony of cancer.) JW's come and go and it is easy to spot them. For some reason unknown to me, there hasn't been any effort to blacklist me or post a WANTED DEAD or ALIVE poster. I think this is for a very good reason.
My persona is not confrontational. I speak quietly and don't push. With the exception of the Asian lady, nobody has made a fast getaway before--although, now that I think about it--there have been some abrupt endings.
Honest Dubs have secret worries and inner questionings. What I say to them is spoken without cynicism or bluster--it is stated matter-of-factly.
I know for a fact, at least 2 young JW's within the last year have definitely had their Wake Up Call as a direct result of our continuing conversations. A 21-year-old JW calls, texts and visits with me often.
He is an invaluable inside source for me as far as getting the pulse on young Dub's thinking within the Congregations he attends.
I would enjoy a "Gotcha" with a smug JW as much as anybody else. However, I think it is counter-productive. Why would anybody I have humiliated want to return for a chat?
Slow and steady wins the race. In the case of activism, the "win" should never come at the cost of somebody's mental health.