The restructuring of the Watch Tower organization always screamed : We are playing a game of Cover Your Ass.
The cut-outs are transparent to courts because criminals so often utilize the same shady strategies.
JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
Judge sanctions WTS - $4k per day penalty for not producing sex abuse documents
by Simon injudge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
What happened to Marvin Schilmer and his Blog against the JW's?
by TerryWalstrom in
The beauty and simplicity of Shilmer's Blog is that he let the EVIDENCE speak for itself.
I was always filled with self-loathing at how easily and effectively he got his point across while I rely on a quadra-jillion words.
Brevity. Conciseness. Transparency. And photographic documentation!
What happened to Marvin Schilmer and his Blog against the JW's?
by TerryWalstrom in
I'd love to have as much as I can acquire of Marvin's superb assemblage of honest rebuttal to the assertions and malfeasance of the JW's.
From the Spirit Realm: Weird Interview: Russell and Rutherford
by TerryWalstrom inrussell: oh my yes!
russell: oh my no!.
russell: certainly.
Weird POSTHUMOUS Interview with Russell and Rutherford
Q: How do you wish to be called? Is it Pastor or Doctor, or what?
Russell: For many years I served as a Pastor. I never darkened the doorway of an institution of theology to obtain certification in Christendom.
Rutherford: Call me Judge or Joe, as long as you call me for supper! ha ha ha ha ha ha.
Q: Very well. Pastor Russell and Judge Rutherford can you briefly describe your relationship?
Russell: We live on in the capacity of disembodied beings.Rutherford: I'm serving in an executive capacity in heaven on the board, as it were.
Q: Board? Of what?
Rutherford: Board of Directors!
Russell: He only thinks he’s directing!
Rutherford: I DIRECT the preaching work and oversee the protocols of doctrinal dissemination.
Russell: He blusters and bullshits!
Rutherford: Shut yer pie hole, you old fossil.
Q: Have things changed for you since your demise and resurrection? I far as your mission in connection with Jehovah's Kingdom?
Russell: Oh my yes! So many things are clearer now than in my earthly state.
Rutherford: For instance: the first thing you discover in heaven is that God's name isn't JEHOVAH!
Q: Startling news for a Jehovah's Witness!
Russell: Not for me...I never was one; although I used "Jehovah" to reference deity.
Rutherford: At any rate....Jehovah is not the name our Lord prefers to be called. In fact, He despises the very use of it.
Q: What exactly IS the Lord's name?
Rutherford: He says it’s Jerry Randolph.
Russell: I too was shocked.
Q: How is this possible?
Rutherford: He says He can call himself anything He likes and He likes Jerry Randolph!
Russell: All those Jehovah's Witnesses drive him batty with their constant, “Jehovah this and Jehovah that--like they go out on double-dates together or some such.”
Q: So, can we assume Jehovah's Witnesses ARE God's's chosen people?
Russell: Oh my no!
Rutherford: They are on his shit-list!
Russell: Jerry mainly blames old Freddy Franz. Too much imagination in one little man--and no room left for actual facts!
Rutherford: And----look around heaven all you like; you won't find Freddy anywhere!!
Q: Oh! Should we assume he another less appealing place?
Rutherford: Oh yes! He is in Detroit!
Russell: In a very small walkup apartment without central heat and air!
Q: Say whaaaat?
_______Rutherford: That's right. He has been set the task of reading all of L.Ron Hubbard's writings and giving a report on them to the Big Guy in the sky.
Russell: Jerry is fascinated by Scientology! He hasn't made up His mind. He can't understand most of it....
Rutherford: ...but, He really likes Tom Cruise movies!
Q: Since you mention Scientology----exactly what IS the only true religion?
Russell: Oh, I asked Jerry that myself right off when I reached the spirit plane.
Rutherford: So did I!
Q: And......?
Russell: Jerry hasn't made up his mind. He’s sort of leaning toward the Magic 8 Ball.
Q: This is astounding! The Supreme Being doesn't KNOW which religion is true?
Russell: His Holiness, Mr.Randolph, insists He is not the SUPREME being. He thinks of Diana Ross as the Supreme being.
Rutherford: Imbecile! Jerry was making a play on words when He said that! Idiot!
Q: Um....this raises more questions, naturally....
Russell: Don't call me idiot, you buffoon.
Rutherford: Kiss my pucker, whisker boy!
Q: Gentlemen!! Gentlemen!!
Rutherford: We're NOT men anymore. I told you. We are spirits in a material world-don’t you listen to Sting?
_____Q: All Right. Whatever you like. Can we move on? I'd like to know what purpose God, er uh, Jerry has for mankind. Can either of your give a detailed synopsis?
Russell: Certainly. Jerry woke up in the middle of the universe in the middle of endless eternity and decided He existed. After that, He was really bored.
Rutherford: Yes. Who wouldn't be with all that time on His hands?
Russell: So, He decided to start a hobby or two to occupy Himself.
Rutherford: And, to cut to the chase, He has been improvising and experimenting ever since then!
Q: Fascinating!
Russell: He began toying with..the act of creating. . . using parts of Himself.
Rutherford: That is where his bosom companion came from that we used to think of as Logos.
Russell: Yes, but we were wrong, Joe--don't leave that out!
Rutherford: It was Freddy who was wrong. He wrote most of Watch tower material that didn't make any sense, you see.
Russell: Don't go scapegoating Franz, Judge. You approved of everything he wrote!
Rutherford: Hogwash! I had a magazine to fill. I needed SOMETHING to put in it; even the horse plop Freddy churned out.
Q: Excuse me---are you saying that God and His son are not part of a Trinity?
Rutherford: You can explain that one, Charlie.
Russell: Not much to explain, really, God is really bored. He suffers from Multiple Personality Disorder. He switches back and forth all the time.
Q: Astonishing!
Rutherford: Worse than that. Tell him, Pastor!
Russell:Jerry can't really be regarded as "sane" in the same sense that you and I are sane.
Rutherford: Speak for yourself, Pastor!
Russell: I WAS speaking for myself! Anyway, Jerry gets depressed. His interaction with humanity is a lot like a young lad with toys.
Rutherford: Or dinosaurs! He was fascinated with strange concoctions for millions of years!
Russell: Yes. He came up imaginative and scarifying inventions. Finally, He ended up making them fight and eat each other.
Rutherford: Then--Jerry sent a huge asteroid to crash into Earth and He started all over.
Russell: Yes, with HUMANS!
Rutherford: He was maturing a bit. Humanity was a more refined game.
Russell: Hardly that!
Q: Are you saying God did not have the divine purpose temporarily thwarted by man's SIN??
Rutherford: You can think what you like. Jerry told me He was just making everything up as He went along.
Russell: Jerry use to love putting a good scare into primitive humans.
Rutherford: And impressing them with miracles and wonders!
Russell: Or getting really angry with them when they failed to play the game His way.
Rutherford: Oh boy--did He ever get angry!!
Q: Are you saying the Bible isn't true, not fully accurate?
Russell: The Bible is mainly man’s guesses, opinions and rumors.
Rutherford: Yes, unfortunately for the True Believers there isn't much substance there after all.
Q: Amazing!
Russell: Sigh. Yes, all those theology students may as well be partying it up.
Q: So then, there is no Hell either?
Rutherford: Oh YES there is! But, it isn't what humans think it is!
Q: Explain, please?
Russell: Hell is a continual seeking to make sense of who God is and what He wants mankind to do.
Rutherford: Yes, He seems to be sulking right now. He’d love to end it all, but since He can’t ever die--He craves the distractions and the company.
Russell: What the Judge fails to tell you is that Jerry sometimes will whisper "inspirations" into men's ears and convince them of this or that to start a new religion going and see what kind of marvellous ideas they come up with.
Rutherford: Like hiring scriptwriters for a movie.
Russell: I suppose you could say that.
Q: Such as?
Rutherford: He really liked what Muhammed did with some the ideas Jerry gave him. That fellow went out and conquered most of the world.
Russell: Joseph Smith was a favorite for awhile too, don't forget.
Rutherford: Not as much as you were, Pastor. Don't be modest!
Russell: Oh my---well, I suppose I should be straightforward and admit I was a favorite of His for awhile.
Rutherford: Not JUST you! He really liked my style too.....for awhile!
Q: Are you both saying that has set into motion first one religion and then another and another all through history JUST TO OCCUPY HIS MIND???
Rutherford: I'd say that's pretty much it.
Russell: Yes, time is really nagging at Jerry. He is very sick of it!
Rutherford: Even tried to commit suicide back in the day.
Russell: You know the story---He got Himself crucified!
Rutherford: Tried every way He could to get Himself done in!
Russell: Just one aspect of Jerry's Multiple Personality Syndrome.
Q: Explain, if you can.
Russell: Jerry is depressed and pretty unstable. He has done everything there is. He tires easily of the same old same old things.
Rutherford: That is true! He starts messing with what He has going. It confuses the hell out of people, animals and Earth itself!
Q: I just don't know what to make of this.....
Russell: I'm surprised you didn't ask about Satan!
Q: OH! Yes, please tell me---is there a real devil?
Rutherford: Nobody knows for sure. Nobody has ever seen the devil. We only hear rumors from the angels that all is not as it seems.
Russell: Yes, most angels will not discuss Him-whose-name-must-not-be-mentioned without trembling.
Rutherford: My own opinion is that this is just another of Jerry's darker personality disorders at play.
Russell: Perhaps. It is difficult to surmise.
__________Q: Have the two of you been involved in any SANE aspects of the Preaching work among the group Jehovah's Witnesses?
Russell: Yes, I write "New Light" doctrines and Joe changes them!
Rutherford: Ha ha ha ha---that's a good one. ha ha ha ha.
Q: Is that true?
Rutherford: Certainly not. Freddy is in charge of that.
Q: And Fred Franz is where?
Russell: Nobody knows. However--let me just tell you this one thing. . .whenever Freddy’s name is mentioned all the angels tremble.
End of InterviewTerry Walstrom
For the peculiar Interview with Russell and Rutherford in the Spirit Realm:
__________________________ -
Judge sanctions WTS - $4k per day penalty for not producing sex abuse documents
by Simon injudge sanctions jehovah's witnesses.
imposes $4000-a-day penalty for not producing documents in sex-abuse case.
by dorian hargrove, june 24, 2016. a san diego superior court judge has ordered the church of jehovah's witnesses, also known as the watchtower bible and tract society of pennsylvania, to pay $4000 a day for every day that it fails to produce documents requested in a civil lawsuit brought by former parishioner, osbaldo padron, who claims a church elder sexually abused him when he was seven years old.. in a june 23 ruling, expected to be made final today, judge richard strauss admonished the church for willfully ignoring a court order to produce all documents associated with a 1997 body of elders letter that church leaders sent to parishes around the world in a quest to learn about sexual abuse of children by church leaders.. over the course of the past year, the watchtower society and its lawyers have fought hard to keep the letter confidential, claiming that turning over the documents would infringe on the privacy of those mentioned in the letter that were not associated with the case.. in march 2015, the church turned over a heavily redacted version of the letter.
What happened to Marvin Schilmer and his Blog against the JW's?
by TerryWalstrom in
His entire site is gone, gone, gone.
I Just had a CLOSE ENCOUNTER of the Dub kind
by TerryWalstrom ini just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
I'm at my post today j-u-s-t in case M'Lady returns because of troubling visions of wrongdom in her false Kingdom.
Do I expect a return visit? No.But, there's this tingling on the back of my neck. Call it intuition. Call it heat stroke. . .
but there's something there. . . I hope.
The Watchtower leaders are afraid of our elephants
by TerryWalstrom inin the 1960's, when i was most active as a jehovah's witness, it was a different, more relaxed religion.
we were filled with confidence about our "truth" because we were skilled in rebuttal, overcoming objections, and we encouraged tough questions to test our mettle in the door to door work.. when an anti-dub book like "30 years a watchtower slave" was released, we all couldn't wait to read it and comment about was seen as a pathetic effort at spite--never as a serious threat to our confidence in what we had.. so--what was different about the jw religion and our skillset back then from the watchtower world of paranoia and enforced loyalty today?i think i know.. we were like boxer george foreman before ali knocked him out.
we were mike tyson before buster douglas introduced his face to the canvas in that ring in japan.we were bullet proof.. not until you have a bone-shaking reckoning do you lose confidence and wonder, "wtf just happened?
Pretty sure that whatever the case, they'll want a membership of just hard-core True Believers.
Accretion.The smart ones wake up and leave (or are driven out and shunned) which leaves the less smart. Being less smart, these remainders are easily controllable.
The constant sifting and shifting leaves the Watchtower members dumber and dumber-er.
The dumber the membership is, the more maneuver room the puppetmasters are given room to shuck and jive.
The ideal version of the Jehovah's Witness religion would be a once a week check-in by tablet or PC with a pledge payment and a Check YES on "Are you still brainwashed?"
The GB -
The Watchtower leaders are afraid of our elephants
by TerryWalstrom inin the 1960's, when i was most active as a jehovah's witness, it was a different, more relaxed religion.
we were filled with confidence about our "truth" because we were skilled in rebuttal, overcoming objections, and we encouraged tough questions to test our mettle in the door to door work.. when an anti-dub book like "30 years a watchtower slave" was released, we all couldn't wait to read it and comment about was seen as a pathetic effort at spite--never as a serious threat to our confidence in what we had.. so--what was different about the jw religion and our skillset back then from the watchtower world of paranoia and enforced loyalty today?i think i know.. we were like boxer george foreman before ali knocked him out.
we were mike tyson before buster douglas introduced his face to the canvas in that ring in japan.we were bullet proof.. not until you have a bone-shaking reckoning do you lose confidence and wonder, "wtf just happened?
I choose to see all the downsizing as twofold:
1. Squeezing money out of assets to afford lawsuits.
2. Reinventing the religion ala Worldwide Church of Gawd
What happened to Marvin Schilmer and his Blog against the JW's?
by TerryWalstrom in
I would hate for it to be either a lawsuit brought by the Watchtower or the awful thing that happened with Farkle.