Nathan Natas40 minutes ago
LOL! Thanks T, that was un-farging-believable!
Johnny Dangerously thanks you too, Nathan :)
gallery memoriesit was 1982.. california summer.. the entrance of creative galleries.. the limousine arrived and she emerged.. there is a word i’ve been saving for the sort of story i’m about to tell you.
she debouched from the limo.
(she deserves a special word.).
LOL! Thanks T, that was un-farging-believable!
Johnny Dangerously thanks you too, Nathan :)
sit a spell and listen to my story.. i once met a fella unlike any other.
let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same’s a quick list to capture your interest.. .
Ok, can't leave us hanging now, so cough it up. What'd you do in a celebrity's house that made you so guilty?!! This ought to be good.
I'm thinking about whether I want to write this or not. I mean, is there any point to the story or not.
I'll consider it tonight and see what my conclusion is.
sit a spell and listen to my story.. i once met a fella unlike any other.
let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same’s a quick list to capture your interest.. .
Giodorno: I wish you had gotten in the truck and helped him hang the art work at his home.
There were a few instances over the years where I had occasion to visit a celebrity's home and hang art. Two of the stories would have to be censored to protect the guilty. (me).
gallery memoriesit was 1982.. california summer.. the entrance of creative galleries.. the limousine arrived and she emerged.. there is a word i’ve been saving for the sort of story i’m about to tell you.
she debouched from the limo.
(she deserves a special word.).
sit a spell and listen to my story.. i once met a fella unlike any other.
let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same’s a quick list to capture your interest.. .
Sit a spell and listen to my story.
I once met a fella unlike any other. Let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same time.
Here’s a quick list to capture your interest.
Hapkido expert who liked to kick pedophiles in the chin
Presidential candidate
Successful producer, writer, Director, and actor
Expert on Jungian philosophy
Self-styled ‘half-breed” peace activist given to fits of violent anger
Former Green Beret who liked to wear a cowboy hat
Intensely private citizen who hated to be recognized in a public place by me!
Did that get your attention? If so, settle in and off we go!
The 50-year-old man walked in out of the bright sunlight and I recognized him immediately. After all, who hadn’t seen the cult hit film, BILLY JACK?
I muttered quietly to myself, “Tom Laughlin.”
I worked Sundays at Creative Galleries in Culver City, California less than a mile from MGM Studios. It was nothing unusual for celebrities to drift in and take a glance around.
It was my job to approach all who entered and chat them up. After all, I was an ‘art consultant’ and expert on all the artwork hanging on the walls.
I approached the man and smiled.
“Tom Laughlin.”
It was a statement and not a question.
Tom Laughlin slowly turned and squinted at me with a certain sort of slo-mo menace. It was theatrical body language meant to scare me off. At least, that’s how I assessed the situation.
Laughlin spoke.
He looked me right in the eye and his message was clear enough.
I knew better than to annoy any celebrity--especially a surly one.
It was considered rude to approach an actor or speak other than a casual greeting.
That sort of behavior was left to tourists and nutjobs. Neither of those were adjectives I wanted to have applied to myself.
“My mistake. I’m sure you get that all the time since you resemble Tom Laughlin 100%”
I worded my sentence exactly so he’d know he wasn’t fooling me.
I was met with another slo-mo half turn and stare.
Chatty fellow! I thought to myself.
Still, I did my job.
I pointed out various features of the gallery and its artwork. There were framed lithographs, serigraphs, etchings, paintings, photography, and art posters hanging pristinely in every sort of matt and frame.
I turned up the volume on my expertise and charm--suddenly rising to the challenge to do the impossible. This was going to be like the old joke told about President Calvin Coolidge.
(Coolidge had a reputation for quietness and speaking as few words as possible.
One lady, however, at a party at the White House, was determined to overcome the hurdle as she approached the President and spoke. . .
“Mister President, my next door neighbor bet me I couldn’t get you to say three words. I told her I bet I could.”
Coolidge looked up from his meal, fork in hand, and simply said, “You lose.”)
As luck would have it, I took Laughlin into a small showing room with special lighting containing a series of triptychs (3 views in separate frames) with Arapaho, Navajo, and Cheyenne Chiefs depicted in shadow-box style Barnwoo frames. Impressed into the hand-made paper were embossed arrowhead and bear claw bas relief indentations.
I sat him down in front of them as I walked over to the rheostat light switch and dimmed the fluorescent lights while brightening the quartz halogen (diamond) lights.
The dramatic effect immediately impressed Laughlin, I could see it plainly on his otherwise inscrutable face.
Naturally, I had no idea how connected was his life and wife to Native Americans, but I seized on his intense scrutiny as a pretext for a presentation.
I won’t go into all that was said by me--this story is about Laughlin. Suffice it to say, he opened up. He became more human. I breached the pikes, moat, and wall around his citadel of privacy. Transformed, he became engaging and talkative. My version of Calvin Coolidge spoke more than 3 words after all!
“I met my then future wife in South Dakota where I was a student. She lived on an Arapaho reservation and invited me for a closer look.
My stomach churned when I saw the poverty and degradation there. Worse than that--the racism. When the tribesman went into town to pick up their monthly allotment of flour, some of the local assholes would dump it on their head and try and provoke them. I carried that around inside me for years.”
He paused thoughtfully and I offered him the sort of libation available for V.I.P. customers.
“Can I offer you a glass of Chablis, Tom.”
His head jerked sideways like a hornet had stung his ear.
“I’m not Tom Laughlin.”
This amused and puzzled me, of course.
“Sorry, not-Tom-Laughlin, may I get you a refreshment?”
He loosened up a bit. I couldn’t read his expression. He’d have made a helluva poker player.
“Sure, whatever.”
Presently, he continued. . .
“We moved around a lot after we married since I worked the TV circuit for years. Altman auditioned me for a film and cast me in the lead and we had to move again; this time to Hollyweird.”
As he spoke, he sipped his drink, stood and made a sweeping gesture with his left hand indicating he wanted to buy the triptych. He continued speaking and I suddenly realized I was listening to a kind of personal soliloquy. There was no part where I had to prod or move things along.
I’m not saying his words were scripted. It was simply spoken with gravitas and a faraway look in the eyes, no doubt triggered by some true thing he witnessed in the artwork--a memory and an emotion rooted deep.
I pulled each framed piece off the wall and proceeded to process the order and wrap each separately as he took up with his story.
I thought to myself, “This is what happens to the shy, quiet types who hold everything in check. Once they open up--it all spills out like gold dust!”
“Altman was a close-minded son-of-a-bitch. I didn’t get on with him at all. He wouldn’t listen or accept any ideas from. . . “
I interrupted. (I couldn’t help myself!)
“Wait, I thought Robert Altman is famous for the freedom he gives actors to improvise their parts?”
“Not with me. Everybody else--just not me. He called me a “pain-in-the-ass.”
Not-Tom-Laughlin grinned as he relived the memory.
“You either make it or you hang on until you disappear. I had other plans. I saved what little money I made. The studio wouldn’t promote anything if they didn’t control it. This was what drove Cassavetes out and Corman got a handle on it and I thought, “Why not?”
We were now in the main sales office and it was quiet in the gallery; the right time of day for conversation and swiping credit cards the old-fashioned way in those little machines we used to have pre-Internet.
“My wife and I started our own Montessori school trying to make a difference in the world. It’s not all that easy to do if you buck the Hollyweird system. But studios were dying, choking in the garden on TV weeds. So, I wrote my script and took the money I saved and packaged my movie myself. I put the cash into promotion, distribution, without studio help. Sure, two studios got their paws on it and started making changes--but I got it back and did it all myself. I remembered that Navajo reservation and saw how Civil Rights had completely ignored the plight of aboriginal Americans. I wanted to change how people saw the problem and I succeeded. We made back 41 times what it cost and even Hollyweird sat up and took notice.”
I expected a smile of great satisfaction to accompany his boast. There was none. He said everything like he was reading the label on a can of roach powder.
He reached into his leather, hand-crafted billfold and pulled out an American Express card and handed it to me. A mischievous thought balloon popped up over my head.
“So, what name do I put on this order--if you don’t mind me asking?”
I grinned and waited.
He pursed his lips and hesitated for a beat and then spoke.
“Just put down Lloyd E. James.”
I was holding his American Express card in my hand. The embossed letters on the card clearly shown in the light of the sales office. The card read:
“Tom Laughlin.”
What would you have done? What would you have said? Here’s what I did.
“Well, I guess I’m going to have to call the police Lloyd.”
“What? Why?”
“I have to report a stolen credit card which Mr. Tom Laughlin will no doubt appreciate.”
If you really knew me you probably wouldn’t say I am a jerk or an asshole--I’m just mischievous. Why did I say that?
Well, I’ll tell you.
Here sits Tom Laughlin, Billy Jack himself, telling me the biography of Tom Laughlin and yet--for whatever crazy reason--insisting he is Lloyd E. James. Why shouldn’t I call him out on it in a ‘calling-his-bluff sort of way? I mean--just because I thought I could do it--for the challenge, you see?
Tom Laughlin’s face was impassive. He worked his jaw a bit. . . calculating a couple of beats and then his eyebrows lifted and he sniffed.
“I’m not Tom Laughlin. I’m his older, fatter brother.”
Now it was my turn. I had to smirk. Of course, he wasn’t Tom Laughlin’s older, fatter brother--but--he was now calling my bluff.
It was my return serve . . .
“Shouldn’t you be Lloyd E. Laughlin, then?”
Unexpectedly, the man laughed out loud at that! (Much to my relief.)
He chuckled and wiped his nose with the back of his hand as I handed him his American Express card and gave him the bill of sale to sign.
“You’re probably right about that. You’re probably right.”
I tore off his receipt and helped him carry the artwork out of the gallery. He pulled up his pickup truck and I settled the wrapped pieces in on top of a Navajo blanket he kept there nestled safely for the journey.
We shook hands. I couldn’t resist saying:
“Tell your brother Tom, ‘Hello’ for me. Tell him I’m sorry The Trial of Billy Jack made the list of Worst Films of All Time.”
The man didn’t blink. He shot back:
“Yep, it only earned 89 million. Heartbreaking.”
He attached a half-smile and actually winked!
I watched his ponderous truck pull out onto Culver Blvd. and make a hard left. A trail of blue smoke lingered in the afternoon sunlight and faded into a thin curtain of Hollyweird dreams.
“Go ahead and hate your neighbor; go ahead and cheat a friend.
Do it in the name of heaven; you can justify it in the end.
There won't be any trumpets blowin' come the judgment day
On the bloody morning after, one tin soldier rides away. . .”
Terry Walstrom
Epilog: Tom (Billy Jack) Laughlin lived another 32 years. He died at the ripe old age of 82 in Thousand Oaks, California in 2013. He had retired in 2010. I had met him around 1982,
gallery memoriesit was 1982.. california summer.. the entrance of creative galleries.. the limousine arrived and she emerged.. there is a word i’ve been saving for the sort of story i’m about to tell you.
she debouched from the limo.
(she deserves a special word.).
T said, "...from the top of her head to the souls of her shoes."
I've become so reliant on my GRAMMARLY app I've stopped my analytical
vetting of my own writing. I'm not saying it's not my fault--but--I'd sure like for you to believe it was Grammarly's fault!
T, didn't you once go dancing with Billy Jack?
I do have a Billy Jack story, fer sure!
gallery memoriesit was 1982.. california summer.. the entrance of creative galleries.. the limousine arrived and she emerged.. there is a word i’ve been saving for the sort of story i’m about to tell you.
she debouched from the limo.
(she deserves a special word.).
Charles Gillette--
I take a 'wait and see' attitude. Why be wrong?
I'm really not in any hurry to find out, actually :)
i was a small child when my grandmother explained god to me.. as humans, we owed god.
he had given us everything.we could thank god by putting our hands together and saying a "prayer.".
i was a small child when my grandmother explained god to me.. as humans, we owed god.
he had given us everything.we could thank god by putting our hands together and saying a "prayer.".
We each speculate and build from scratch our own private version of "How it all works."
When we do it as a group we end up with one of the 41,000 Christian denominations.
That's a lot of differences.
My Aunt used to say, "There's only one God, Terry."
Was I supposed to argue?
So what?
What possible difference does it make? We have the same world in the same situation and nothing we situate inside our head is going to alter the reality of--well, reality.
We don't change anything by thinking or believing something. We simply adjust how we feel about it.
BELIEF is a thermostat for our emotions.
i was a small child when my grandmother explained god to me.. as humans, we owed god.
he had given us everything.we could thank god by putting our hands together and saying a "prayer.".
I was a small child when my Grandmother explained God to me.
As humans, we owed God. Bigtime!
He had given us EVERYTHING.
We could thank God by putting our hands together and saying a "Prayer."
Somehow, He could hear what we were saying!
I asked how that was possible and my Grandmother explained.
"Children have a guardian angel who listens and take our prayers to God."
On the wall in our house was this rather ubiquitous illustration of an angel watching
over two small children as they cross over a bridge.
Additionally, there were spontaneous prayers (ad lib) as well as memorized prayers (Our Father) and pious recitation prayers (23rd Psalm) which would convince God that we were truly conscious of His magnificence.
I definitely had a lot of questions for my Grandmother!
She had been reared in a Convent by nuns and constantly disciplined by recitation of hundreds of prayers.
I found that interesting, to say the least!
"What did you do wrong?"
"I was late to Mass . . . or I didn't clean my room. . . or I fell asleep in Catechism class."
For those horrendous crimes against the Almighty, the punishment was--oddly enough--reciting Hail Mary or Our Father prayers over and over and over and over.
She could not actually explain the logic of all this to me and I could see she was troubled by my questions.
Nobody in my family attended any church. . . ever when I was growing up.
I made the mistake of going only once. I hated it. (Vacation Bible School.)
My Grandmother would watch Catholic programs and read her Bible (with Jesus' words in red) and my mother would read aloud from the Book of Revelation (the horror. . .the horror!) and my Grandfather was trying to find the "True" religion for himself but never succeeded. (He read books--dozens of them--about religion, meditation, Yoga, sects, denominations, etc.)
As a boy growing up, I talked to God all the time when I was alone. I didn't ask for anything for myself. I'd ask on behalf of my aging Great Grandmother when she was feeling poorly.
"God, please help my Groogie (childhood name for my great granny) stop hurting. She's having trouble sleeping. . . "
These were feckless one-sided conversations, of course, but they made me feel like I was doing something positive on behalf of others. Well, I wasn't. I just felt like I was.
Then, I met the kid who would become my best friend and he was a Jehovah's Witness. He was relentless about evangelizing me.
Long story short: it worked.
Now, instead of praying to 'god' I prayed to JEHOVAH god.
But, I never ever prayed to Jesus. Not even once.
I'm 69 years old and I still have never once offered a prayer to Jesus Christ.
From the time I was a child, I never thought of Jesus as the same as God. I thought of Jesus as the Son of God and that seemed awfully different.
My Grandmother had apparently slept through the Catechism lesson on Jesus. . . or something. I had reverence for Him--but--I didn't love him.
I learned to love Jehovah God--but the old boy let me down when I was serving time in prison and He strung me out and abandoned me.
So, I stopped "feeling" love--but I continued praying until the day I was disfellowshipped.
After that I still prayed--but. . . felt more and more distance and isolation.
Finally, one night before I fell asleep, as I was lying in bed. . . I tried to start my perfunctory prayer and I stopped cold.
"Heavenly Father Jehovah, I approach your throne of undeserved kindness to ask---"
I just stopped and listened to the silence of my empty bedroom, the sound of cicadas in the trees outside and the whoosh of traffic on the freeway or the rumble of freight trains a quarter mile away.
I had an Epiphany.
All this time I thought I was talking to God, Jehovah. I wasn't and I hadn't been talking TO anybody but myself. I was talking to myself!
I said it out loud: "I'm talking to myself."
I kept repeating that and it felt absolutely true.
I realized gradually that I now had the freedom to not kiss God's ass any longer.
I don't pretend I'm "doing" something for others by praying.
What is prayer?
Prayer is pretending to do something when, in fact, you're not doing a damned thing but talk to yourself."
Naturally, your mileage may vary.