I've always wondered if any Jew at any moment in history dared to try and pronounce the "sacred name" other than the High Priest on the Day of Atonement.
I mean, why would they?
a forensic investigation disproving watchtower’s self-made myth(chosen by jehovah as the only true religion on earth).
[ it all began when joseph rutherford removed four members of the watch tower society board of directors under a legal technicality that equally applied to himself, and then authorized the writing and publication of the book "the finished mystery" contrary to pastor russell's will, the society's official charter, and without approval of the board, and then falsely advertising the book to the public as the "posthumous work of pastor russell".
] pastor-russell dot com.
I've always wondered if any Jew at any moment in history dared to try and pronounce the "sacred name" other than the High Priest on the Day of Atonement.
I mean, why would they?
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
JW Cult= stool samples
A petri dish of Truth.
the remarkable sister pettifog.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early, before the intensity of the texas sun boiled to full blaze rendering me a soggy, wrung out mess.. i took up my perch on the outdoor patio in the shade, eager to work on my book of short stories.
this will be my 3rd book and i’ve been enjoying the process daily.. .
It was well written, don't get me wrong. It was just was past my attention span which was that of a gnat yesterday, lol. Keep 'em coming.
A good writer will not commit the unforgivable sin: Boring the reader!
It could use severe editing--I just didn't do my job properly.
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
i just frightened a jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits!.
i just frightened a sweet jehovah’s witness lady half out of her wits.... .
she took off like a sprinter at the sound of a starter pistol!.
Oppostate: What I find interesting is that you were very upfront with her--you didn't try to mislead her into some sort of 'poztate trap. You told her exactly what your experience had been and your estimation of the WT religion being a "cult".
I was just thinking about that Asian lady and wondering what ripples I made in her pond and if the experience was more that of triggered panic/fear or of curiosity and investigation. There is no way to know.
We plant seeds. However, we aren't around to see what develops. It could be years before doubt, anxiety, and dissonance reach critical mass.
Maddening. It is simply maddening.
boondoggles and preppers watchtower style!
a religion of doom and luxury!.
in 1866, the times of london wrote:.
Perhaps Marvin is in jail
or in the hospital
or deceased
or . . .or . . .
the remarkable sister pettifog.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early, before the intensity of the texas sun boiled to full blaze rendering me a soggy, wrung out mess.. i took up my perch on the outdoor patio in the shade, eager to work on my book of short stories.
this will be my 3rd book and i’ve been enjoying the process daily.. .
ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ wasn't expecting a tome. Did he die?
I started out to write just a paragraph on my encounter just so's I wouldn't loose any fresh details which fade pretty fast at my age. Then, being a writer, I had the nagging awareness of the need for a set-up exposition.
The next thing I knew, I was looking at the whole thing objectively (as a reader) rather than subjectively. It was at that juncture I decided to turn it into a short story for non-JW's to include in my book of short stories. That is why it reads the way it does and why it may appear unnecessarily long.
the remarkable sister pettifog.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early, before the intensity of the texas sun boiled to full blaze rendering me a soggy, wrung out mess.. i took up my perch on the outdoor patio in the shade, eager to work on my book of short stories.
this will be my 3rd book and i’ve been enjoying the process daily.. .
Wow how fascinating it must ve been to speak to that lady. Did you get her number? She must have many many more stories to tell.
No. I'm not comfortable asking strange ladies for their phone number. I told her I'm always at one of the Starbucks, however, in case she wants to pay a return visit. Naturally, today I can think of a million questions which eluded me yesterday!
the remarkable sister pettifog.
this morning i arrived on my bicycle at the local starbucks early, before the intensity of the texas sun boiled to full blaze rendering me a soggy, wrung out mess.. i took up my perch on the outdoor patio in the shade, eager to work on my book of short stories.
this will be my 3rd book and i’ve been enjoying the process daily.. .
Did the woman you spoke with mention if anyone other then herself woke up after listening to her grandmother?
I don't think there is any way to know that. Such awakenings are a process rather than a sudden explosion; at least in my experience. A little here and a little there adds up.