Research fraud and rhetoric wrapped in misconduct and misquotes.
A panel of experts lays it out for you. I suggest you use earphones and crank it up.
research fraud and rhetoric wrapped in misconduct and misquotes.. a panel of experts lays it out for you.
i suggest you use earphones and crank it up..
Research fraud and rhetoric wrapped in misconduct and misquotes.
A panel of experts lays it out for you. I suggest you use earphones and crank it up.
sit a spell and listen to my story.. i once met a fella unlike any other.
let me tell you about the man--a strange and wonderful guy--one of a kind--but housing two personalities at the same’s a quick list to capture your interest.. .
Candy Clark was somebody outside of "type" in that she wasn't a dumb blonde, wasn't voluptuous, wasn't 'dizzy' or zany, and wasn't a schemer or rich bitch. She was more like an actual person we might know who is somebody's neighbor or friend and is easy to talk to.
I think she found a niche and explored the possibilities and discovered the Hollywood life is way tougher than it looks.
She's been back in Fort Worth a long time and says she quite happy.
the mystery of the locked cabinet.
when i was about 10 years old, there was a tall, white handmade cabinet back in one of our storage sheds (a converted chicken house from back in the 30's, when my grandparents raised chickens in the great depression).
affixed to its door, there was a big padlock on the cabinet.
Fernando has it right, Terry. He just says it better than I ever could.
I really enjoy your stories. Keep 'em coming!
I appreciate the appreciation. Thanks for the accolade!
two men who changed watchtower history but you never heard of them!
cults are famous for control--especially controlling information about people, places and events which are embarrassing to their self-myths.. especially is this true for two important figures in watchtower history.. .
the first man is william f. hudgings.
I'm currently looking for information on the WatchTower's
official portrait photographer: W.R. Mitchell.
Anybody have anything to offer?
doublethink and doublespeak.
doublespeak among the leaders of the watchtower1.
jehovah has worked through one organization only to serve spiritual food at the “proper time.” (wt 1/15/88 p22).
Let's face it--Dubs love to parse words in the Bible.
Historically, Russell teased at the frayed ends of Scripture, but Judge Rutherford snatched, tugged and ripped away unravelling sacred secrets.
The 2nd Coming is not that simple to the GB.
Coming isn't good enough.
We have the word presence. We have the word arrival.
We also have Second Presence.
How much juice can you squeeze, Watchtower?
Now we have Jesus' second coming but NOT his arrival.
Go figure.
the mystery of the locked cabinet.
when i was about 10 years old, there was a tall, white handmade cabinet back in one of our storage sheds (a converted chicken house from back in the 30's, when my grandparents raised chickens in the great depression).
affixed to its door, there was a big padlock on the cabinet.
Fernando: "My grandfather came from Old School discipline tempered by Old Testament injunctions."
What a grand and true turn of phrase Terry, you sure are a gifted master of language and story telling.
Well, that's very gracious of you to say that.
You can tell what kinds of authors I'm drawn to by my extravagant self-indulgence.
A weird combination of Ray Bradbury and Cormac McCarthy pervade my prose, with a dash of Isaac Asimov . . .
two ball bearings manufactured at the same time, in the same factory, by rigorous engineering standards, and produced to serve the same function inside a particular machine.. question: are they identical?.
the practical test of identity is separateness which identifies some reason for a rational distinction our mind demands!.
you can replace one ball bearing with any other ball bearing of the same batch.
We are our consciousness and nobody can define that, much less wave it away with a motion of their hand. We are a truly mysterious phenomenon, a singularity--all of which doesn't make a comfortable fit inside the JW category of "soul". Dubs are awful on philosophy because they don't actual reason--they are magpies imitating the sound of reason. Poly doesn't really want a cracker.
the mystery of the locked cabinet.
when i was about 10 years old, there was a tall, white handmade cabinet back in one of our storage sheds (a converted chicken house from back in the 30's, when my grandparents raised chickens in the great depression).
affixed to its door, there was a big padlock on the cabinet.
Wow! those are the exact houses. The one I grew up in used to be surrounded by wonderful trees.
The house Prince lived in looks so tiny now.
It gave me a weird thrill to see them in a phot.
Thanks for that!
doublethink and doublespeak.
doublespeak among the leaders of the watchtower1.
jehovah has worked through one organization only to serve spiritual food at the “proper time.” (wt 1/15/88 p22).
More Bull thank winkle :)
the mystery of the locked cabinet.
when i was about 10 years old, there was a tall, white handmade cabinet back in one of our storage sheds (a converted chicken house from back in the 30's, when my grandparents raised chickens in the great depression).
affixed to its door, there was a big padlock on the cabinet.
I barely remember when I was about 5 years old, (1952) a Drive-In Theater in Fort Worth advertised a showing of BIRTH of a NATION and the place was jam packed with cars!
I understood nothing, but the image of a whole field of thundering horses with Klansmen riding toward the camera filled me we dread and awe.
There was an 18-year-old girl (my babysitter) in the back seat and she let me put my head in her lap to nap. She was so beautiful! She stroked my hair like I was an over-sized Angora pussycat. I vividly recall the feeling of wonderment boiling inside of me. I was convinced I had fallen in love. Imagine that, will you?
That combination of the KKK and my first love in the same night. All these many years later--it's still there like it's carved in granite.