I loved Westwood.
It really was a "village" at that time.
The corporate side of things had barely begun to gnaw at the indigenous commerce but plenty of local charm remained.
I'd eat at the Good Earth for lunch and walk to the record store on...Gailey? Was that the street? Something like that.
The movie theaters were superb. I saw the world premiere of Never Say Never again there and Road Warrior (the original).
I'm sure it's all a vapor of memory now. I carry around what's left of the real estate inside my head.
JoinedPosts by TerryWalstrom
Hollywood Memories: Crucified by Salvador Dali
by TerryWalstrom inhollywood memories: crucified by salvador dali.
have you ever met anybody who’s been crucified?
and no--it wasn’t a religious delusion on my part.
Hollywood Memories: Crucified by Salvador Dali
by TerryWalstrom inhollywood memories: crucified by salvador dali.
have you ever met anybody who’s been crucified?
and no--it wasn’t a religious delusion on my part.
HOLLYWOOD MEMORIES: CRUCIFIED by SALVADOR DALIHave you ever met anybody who’s been crucified? Well, I have! And no--it wasn’t a religious delusion on my part. His name was Russell Saunders and this is my memory of our conversation.You can meet a remarkable variety of people on a Friday night in Westwood Village (Los Angeles suburb) if you’re working at Billy Hork Galleries in 1980. For one thing, this gallery was next door to a highly popular French restaurant ( Moustache Cafe’) as well as a movie theater. Long lines of people waiting for a table or a ticket wandered into the gallery and likely as not encountered me and my penchant for exploratory chit-chat.I was an Art Sales associate at the time and there was supposed to be two of us on duty. However, the other fellow had a second job selling Ferrari sports cars and his cocaine habit often meant he didn’t show up for work. This was wonderful from my standpoint--I had every customer to myself!One of my hobbies was creating mixtapes of film music to play inside the gallery for Hollywood ambiance.“Excuse me, can you tell me what music this is?” This was a common query.This particular weekend, a very fit older gentleman approached and flashed a smile at me.“This is Victor Young’s music from SHANE.” It was a statement--not a question.Our conversation had begun on my favorite topic--Movie Music!“How’d you know that?”“I was Alan Ladd’s stunt double in that movie. It is considered one of the best fights of its kind.”“It certainly was--a classic, if you ask me. My name is Terry, and you?”“I’m Russell Saunders. I was a stunt man for many years. I doubled for all the greats.” _______________________
In the next fifteen minutes, I confess to neglecting my duties as a salesman for the opportunity (once in a lifetime) to listen to this extraordinary man tell me his life story.________“I grew up in Winnipeg. I was a diving champ and acrobat and I was particularly good at what we use to call ‘tumbling.’ I knew how to hit the ground without hurting myself.”“You obviously ended up in California in the early days.”“Oh yeah. I was chasing a diving scholarship. I was best friends with Steve Reeves, Vic Tanny, and Jack LaLanne, working out at Muscle Beach. Talent scouts were down there all the time and one of them spotted me doing my tumbling routine. I taught acrobatics to several actors and ended up doing stunts as a double.” _________________________Saunders was solidly built, medium height, and he had one of those classic faces which had “leading man” imprinted in the bone structure :)He rattled off a list of movies and actors which impressed me mightily. He doubled forErrol Flynn, Gene Kelly, Danny Kaye, Charles Boyer, Red Buttons and Richard Widmark, Alan Ladd, and the list goes on and on.King Kong, The Thing from Another World, The Three Musketeers, Spartacus, Shane, Singing in the Rain, Hatari, Logan’s Run, The Goonies, etc.________We got around to the subject of Art this way. On one of the walls of the gallery hung Salvador Dali’s lithograph of his painting "Christ of Saint John of the Cross" (1951)"Saunders tugged at my sleeve, pointing at the portrait with pride and a large smile.“That’s me!”I did a double take. “You’re joking?”“Nah. I answered an ad in the newspaper for male models to pick up extra cash between films. It was for Salvador Dali. He needed a man of excellent physical proportions he could hang on a cross and experiment with various lighting schemes. He took one look at me and my resume’ and I was hired.”Naturally, I pumped him for personal information on Dali--insight you couldn’t ordinarily get from reading a magazine or formal Art journal.“Let me tell you about Dali,” he began, “He was a real piece of work. Unique in every way. Dali was in Hollywood working with Hitchcock on SPELLBOUND in 1945, and designing dream sequences. He told me how uncomfortable it was for him being in Hollywood because he was accustomed to being the center of attention back in Spain, of being ‘far out’ and weird, but he felt commonplace and ordinary in California around movie people!”Saunders revealed how Dali had strapped Saunders to a gantry so he could see the effect of the pull of gravity on his body. All sorts of strange ideas were explored. Dali saw himself as the first artist to paint pictures that could combine science with religious belief and called this Nuclear Mysticism.“Dali worked on his sketches for years. He invited me to travel back with him to the Dali Castle in Spain--by ship--he hated the idea of flying. How could I refuse? Even if I would lose out on Hollywood revenue--the opportunity and the experience were too fascinating for me to refuse. Dali lived like an Emperor. He was very pleasant as a conversationalist and host. He was surrounded by sensuality, debauchery, and extravagance that put Hollywood self-indulgence to shame. He was great friends with Picasso and his conversations about the atom bomb were out of this world. I had the time of my life. I flew back and forth for parts of 3 years working with Dali on this project.”I would have loved to go on talking to Saunders but there were customers asking me if they could purchase art…”PLEASE!” I was forced to do my job!I suggested to Saunders that he sign the litho hanging on the wall but he wanted no part of that. He was offended, in fact, at my suggestion that he do so.“Not for love or money would I do that. Everybody has taken advantage of Salvador Dali over the years. The people he loved and trusted, business associates, his own atelier, and there is no way for me to know what is legitimately approved and what is counterfeit.”I apologized for my venal brainstorm saying, “Actually, I wanted it for myself. I would buy the litho and keep it as a remembrance of our conversation.” He understood, he said, but there was no persuading him. My loss!!I was called away to assist other customers and when I looked up again, like the Lone Ranger, he had vanished.I could have kicked myself for not asking for more details! I wanted to know about Dali’s one true love--his wife--Gala. What might he have revealed? I’ll never know.I did research years later. I wanted to know what became of Russell Saunders. What I was able to find was this.Russ Saunders passed away in L.A., CA, on July 2001 at the grand age of 82. That was another 21 years he had lived following our conversation in Billy Hork Galleries.He was still working in the business at that time, having just finished working on the comedy classic Airplane!While his work in films was almost always uncredited, his image in Dali’s painting holds a particular significance for me.I would never have known had he not told me, how many hours he spent ‘crucified’ by one of the greatest painters in history, Salvador Dali.How many people on earth can make a claim like that?__________© Terry Edwin Walstrom -
Getting pissed with Sean and Michael (Hollywood Memory)
by TerryWalstrom ingetting pissed with sean and michael (hollywood memory).
the year is 1983. .
two new james bond films are slated for release, one of which will star the one, the only, sean connery, while the other one sports jolly roger moore.. never say never again vs octopussy, and i am one of the original james bond fanatics--so, how can i possibly miss out on the opportunity to attend the world premiere of connery’s flick?
I once sat in a restaurant in Westwood Village (California) called THE GOOD EARTH and realized, when I looked to my immediate right on the other side of a partition, Dustin Hoffman was having lunch with a person I didn't recognize.
This was mid-afternoon and the noise level was subdued. I could catch snippets of conversation if I strained to do so. (Naturally, I did try.)
The upshot centered on Hoffman's efforts to purchase some presumably stolen 16mm film cans from-we'll call the guy a 'broker'-and the voice level was getting a bit heated.
After a bit, I conjectured these films were part of Hoffman's personal collection and somehow he now had to ransom them back. (I'm more or less guessing.)
I distinctly heard the 'other' party state, "So, why don't you call the Cops, then?"
Hoffman replied, "You know damn well I can't."
Did this imply Hoffman shouldn't have had them in the first place? This was in the 70's and there was only one way to view old films (the video tape recorder had not yet been marketed.)
I'm sorry to say, I don't have a beginning or an end to that. It's not even a story. Just one of those random moments...out of context and yet interesting to me at the time.
I was in my early 30's and transplanted from a small town in Texas into the huge metropolis of L.A.
Encountering celebrities was a completely new experience for me. My eyes were constantly bugging like a cartoon character.
While I was in the "Art Business", I crossed paths with many interesting characters, many of whom were larger than life. There was a gallery owner who was trafficking in fake Dali lithographs who wanted me to try and sell them, for example.
An actor, Alan Rich, who I knew casually, was said to be an expert on Dali. I showed him the prints and it didn't take him ten seconds to clue me in.
He told me Dali had been more or less incompetent in his declining years and was taken advantage of.
I met a Hollywood stuntman who worked on the side as a male model. He told me of answering an advertisement in the newspaper for a well-proportioned model. He discovered Salvador Dali needed him for a project (The Crucifixion of St. John).
Ah, the stories he told of Dali!
Those were the days, my friend! -
Getting pissed with Sean and Michael (Hollywood Memory)
by TerryWalstrom ingetting pissed with sean and michael (hollywood memory).
the year is 1983. .
two new james bond films are slated for release, one of which will star the one, the only, sean connery, while the other one sports jolly roger moore.. never say never again vs octopussy, and i am one of the original james bond fanatics--so, how can i possibly miss out on the opportunity to attend the world premiere of connery’s flick?
I was high on my V.I.P. status! That's my only excuse for taking the center :)
Years later and looking back--I should have taken my son rather than my wife. Wives come and go, but Sons are special.
I still can't grapple with the Rhonda Fleming popcorn embargo.
I left out a part of the story which probably is too politically incorrect to even try to tell. -
Getting pissed with Sean and Michael (Hollywood Memory)
by TerryWalstrom ingetting pissed with sean and michael (hollywood memory).
the year is 1983. .
two new james bond films are slated for release, one of which will star the one, the only, sean connery, while the other one sports jolly roger moore.. never say never again vs octopussy, and i am one of the original james bond fanatics--so, how can i possibly miss out on the opportunity to attend the world premiere of connery’s flick?
GETTING pissed with SEAN and MICHAEL (Hollywood Memory)
The year is 1983.
Two new James Bond films are slated for release, one of which will star the one, the only, SEAN CONNERY, while the other one sports Jolly Roger Moore.
Never Say Never Again VS Octopussy, and I am one of the original James Bond fanatics--so, how can I possibly miss out on the opportunity to attend the WORLD PREMIERE of Connery’s flick? The premiere was to be held at the Mann National theater in Westwood California.
Was I excited or what?!
Tickets were impossible to obtain--UNLESS--you had contacts in “the Biz” and fortunately for me, I did. I was friends with a celebrity photographer at the time, Dick Zimmerman, and he owed me a favor. Zimmerman, a Scientologist, shot top celebs for magazine covers and publicity events. He was invited to everything, of course.
Terry: “Dick, let me get right to the point without pretext: I need 2 tickets to Never Say Never. Can you get them for me?”
Zimmerman: “No. Everybody who's anybody will show up. Even people who used to be somebody will show up. Hell, people who nobody has heard of in years will want tickets. So, I’m sorry--I can’t help you. I’m using my tickets for myself.”
Terry: “Dick--do I have to say the magic words?”
Zimmerman: “What--what magic words?”
Terry: “You know.”
Zimmerman: “What the fuck are you talking about? What are these magic words?”
Terry: “Okay. You have left me no choice. YOU OWE ME.”
Zimmerman: (Silence.)
Terry: “So, when can I pick them up?”
Zimmerman: (Pouting) “Tomorrow at noon at my studio. Bastard!”
Terry: “Thank you, Dickie-bird!”
Zimmerman: “Fuck you.”
Now I know you are curious. So here it is. I was friends with set decorators from MGM Studios and I came up with the idea of putting Zimmerman together with the set decorators for the purpose of using Zimmerman’s photography studio (a fabulous location) for shooting TV and feature films. The studio was in close proximity to MGM and Zimmerman would pick up $$ (covertly paid without tax liability) for the use of his location after hours. A sweet deal for both parties.
What did I get out of it? Well, if you are paying attention: TICKETS to the world premiere of Never Say Never Again with Sean Connery!
I was living in Redondo Beach, California at the time in a condominium not all that far from the ocean. I mean, if you went out on the sundeck, squinted your eyes, craned your neck around the side of the condo, and the light was j-u-s-t right, you could glimpse the Pacific Ocean. Sort of. Pretty neat, eh? I told my (then) wife, Jadzia (Yah-jah) “Wear something very ‘Hollywood’ because we’re going to a Premiere!” She had something slinky and gorgeous, of course, and off we zoomed in the FIAT convertible (top down) for the dream event of my lifetime!
Zimmerman was right!
Every breathing Hollywood relic appeared for the klieg lights, cameras and Entertainment Tonight stroll by microphone interviews. Some of these old stars, up close, didn’t appear to be human--so much make-up and face-lift engineering had gone into their facade of glamor.
Zsa Zsa Gabor, for example. When the lights hit her cheeks, they gleamed like the leather on a tuck n’ roll seat cover in an old Rolls Royce. She wore a red silk sort of Chinese thingy and her diamond earrings dangled like chandeliers from the Paris Opera.
Dudley Moore appeared bedazzled by the hubbub, standing next to his 6 ft. tall blonde date, Susan Anton (who did all the talking).
The question of the night: “When have you said 'Never Again?"
Susan Anton: (Nodding toward little Dudley) “I said I’d never go out with HIM again.”
Zsa Zsa: “I said I’d never again divorce!” (She had 9 husbands!)
Robert Culp: “I said I’d never do I SPY again.” (He later said he would and then changed his mind)
Neil Simon: “I have never said never. Well, just once. No, I never have.”
Larry Hagman: (Gesturing toward his wife, Maj, next to him). “I said I’d never get a divorce and we’ve been married 29 years.”
Michael Caine: “I said I’d never again go to a movie premiere...and here I am.”
Yes, movie premieres are silly but fantastic fun!
This one was a charity event for the WCIL (Westside Community for Independent Living).
My wife Jadzia and I arrived early so we’d nab great seats.
My coerced Zimmerman tickets were in the V.I.P. section, as it turned out.
We didn’t have to worry about reserving a good spot.
We elected to stand just inside the front entrance rather than outside on the sidewalk with all the chaos and commotions. The celebrities would perforce enter directly in front of us!
Co-star Barbara Carrera is the epitome of stunning in her red dress and sleek black hair and flashing eyes. And yet--my eyes were riveted on Sean and Michael! As they walk past us, I fell in behind as close as I could without looking like an idiot.
I felt a tug at my elbow--my wife had clutched my arm and yanked me backward.
“Don’t abandon me like that--it’s rude!”
Well--oops. I did have a pretty good excuse. How often would I find myself standing next to Sean Connery and Michael Caine? (The answer to that is contained in the title to this story.)
The two of us were starving. I elected to buy a large container of buttery popcorn. We stood rooted near the entrance, munching away as half of Hollywood's elite traipsed past us--staring at the popcorn with envious eyes, I might add.
What happened next, is just plain nuts.
Red-haired Rhonda Fleming (carefully preserved at the age of 60) marched up to my wife and with her flouncy out-of-date evening gown and teased hair confronting us directly with hands on hips.
Rhonda: “You aren’t allowed to eat down here during the ceremony.”
Terry: “Hi, Rhonda.”
Rhonda: “Did you hear me? Eating is unseemly.”
Terry: “What was that 3-D movie you were in 30 years ago? Those Redheads From Seattle ?”
Rhonda: “You’ve been warned!”
Terry: “Thanks for stopping by.”
No--I don’t have the slightest idea what THAT was all about or who died and made her Empress of the Premiere.
In no time at all the signal was sounded for the throngs of worshippers and elite to take their seats. Bearing V.I.P. tickets we were shown to our seats. I almost died when I saw who was seated behind us: we were seated directly in front of Mr. and Mrs. Sean Connery and his best buddy, Michael Caine!!
I swear I just about lost it. I’m not a fanboy...not usually. I’ve seen or met plenty of actors and actresses. However--you have to cut me some slack here. This was JAMES BOND!
The lights dimmed. Cue the projector. We’re off to the movies!!
About halfway through the film, I needed to pee. I mean BIG TIME!
I held it as long as I could--then arose and sauntered up to the aisle and out the door searching for a restroom. An usher was standing close by.
“Sir--the V.I.P. restroom is up to the stairs in the private room to the right.
Well awwww ri-i-i-i-ight!
I leaped like a gazelle upward on the stairs skipping two at a time until I found the private door.
I swung it open and found three lovely urinals lined up on the other side of a lavish gold and marble bathroom with subdued lighting.
I took my spot directly in the center urinal and reached for my zipper at just about the exact moment I heard the door behind me opening.
The voices of the 2 men who entered were absolutely unmistakable!
Here I am, my plumbing in my hand, Sean Connery on my left and Michael Caine on my right--and they are CONVERSING with me in the center!
Not only could I NOT release the contents of my bladder...I was almost losing consciousness!
I haven’t a clue what either of them said to each other or how long I stood there producing nothing but memories!
Yet--there you have it--not only my brush with fame...but my flush with fame.
As Hollywood memories go--this may be my favorite!!
(Dick Zimmerman created portraits for Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson's "Thriller", John Travolta and was personally commissioned by Salvador Dali to create his 50th wedding anniversary portrait with his wife, Gala)
___________ -
The Spider House
by TerryWalstrom inspider house.
bob perkins: “i’ll take it outside and let it loose.”.
i asked him about that nickname, "hound" he used for my mother.
SPIDER HOUSE_____________I was 5-years-old.“Mommy” was on her 3rd husband. Not literally--but you know what I mean.We lived in a great old house in the Forest Park section of Ft.Worth. The exterior had an outer wall casing of sandstones. The spaces between those stones were a paradise for scorpions, ants, and spiders.As pests are clever at such enterprise, the interior of my home was accessible to anything which walked or crawled...or could bite!It was evening. Sundown signaled its approach through piercing shafts puncturing the sycamore and pecan trees outside. My stepfather, Robert Perkins, stood feeding (Lucky and Flucky) Guppies; carrying on a pretend conversation with the two mindless swimmers.Even at my tender age, I knew why he was “being funny.”Mommy was in a snarling fit about something. Bob Perkins possessed a peculiar talent of light-hearted nonsense talk which found its way into her funny bone. Sometimes. Hit or miss, it was worth a shot. He was emptying the barrel to no avail.Within the next few minutes, I would be bitten by a spider and things would spiral into chaos.Bob called my Mom by the nickname he had given her.“Hey, Hound--Lucky says Flucky is in a bad mood because they’ve been arguing about God. I asked him to tell me about it. Lucky told me all about it. Wanna hear?”A cold silence in the outer room. Bob charged ahead anyway.“Flucky said, ‘There’s no God’, and Lucky told her, ‘Oh yeah, well if there’s no God--WHO’S BEEN CHANGING THE WATER?”Bob giggled to himself and cocked an ear for laughter on the other side of the wall.At that moment, I felt a stinging heat on my throat just under my right ear. I instinctively swatted and a gangly-legged spider fell to the floor.I shrieked. Bob hurried over and assayed the situation, locating the many-legged assailant scurrying from the scene of the crime.Straightaway, Mommy appeared, having recognized the sound of her only son’s distress.Little Terry: “A spider bit me on the throat. It’s burning!”Bob Perkins: “Don’t worry, I caught it.” He held out both hands cupped together like a clam shell.Mommy: “Are you out of your mind--kill it before we all get bitten!”Little Terry: “Waaahhhh, it hurts! It burns!”Bob Perkins: “It won’t hurt anybody, it’s a Daddy Long-legs. They aren’t dangerous.”Mommy: “The hell they’re not! Damn it Bob, kill the damn thing.”Little Terry: “I feel like I’m going to throw up!”Bob Perkins: “I’ll take it outside and let it loose.”Mommy: “Give me that god damned spider, you bastard--if you let it go, it will just come back inside again.”Bob Perkins: “I told you, Hound, it’s not dangerous…”I think you have a snapshot of what was happening at that moment and why our happy home would ever after be known as the SPIDER HOUSE.I’m not done with this.Bob was pretty much coerced into spider murder without a fair trial. (For either Bob or the spider.)My step-dad was ordered to take me to the nearby ice cream parlor to “take Terry’s mind off the spider bite.”Yeah.Half-way to the ice cream, I threw up on Miss Doris Fletcher’s peonies. I know that’s what they were. Miss Fletcher kept saying, “My peonies! My peonies!”I couldn’t apologize, I was busy fainting dead away.In the next four days, I would awaken from something the Doctor called “a coma.”I would wake and find myself either inside my bedroom smothered in heavy blankets (I was shivering like mad) or awaken in the backyard sweating profusely with sunshine blinding my eyes. This went on, as I said, for four days. Snippets of time; little patches of consciousness--Oh--and lots of vomiting.You are probably thinking, ‘This isn’t much of a story so far.”You would be correct.It is a LIFE LESSON I want to share with you.First of all, Bob’s amazing capacity for spider compassion irked me to no end. Why? He was far more concerned about getting a court-appointed attorney for the daddy-long-legs than tending to my bite. As it turned out, whatever bit me may well have been some other creature (brown recluse) and I could have died from the long walk to the ice cream parlor.Speculation and drama aside, my mother and Bob split up over the incident and we moved back home to my grandparent’s house away from the now infamous ‘Spider House.’So, Terry, what IS this life lesson you wish to share with your readers?1. Don’t talk to Guppies or name one of them Flucky.2. Whatever bites you--you need medical attention.3. Physical activity is the worse thing for a person with venom in their neck.4. A light-hearted attitude exhibited when others are serious will lead to calamity.Unfortunately, I grew up with the same attitude Bob Perkins possessed. When others are in distress, I tend to kid around. Did I adopt this persona or is it a coincidence?I don’t know. I only know it isn’t helpful and it annoys the hell out of others--especially my Mommy and 4 ex-Wives!And that, my friends, is the only lesson to be learned (by others, not me)._____Post Script:Many, many years later I caught up with my former step-dad, Bob. He had long white hair and a beard--like an Old Testament prophet.I asked him about that nickname, "Hound" he used for my mother."Why did you call her "Hound", Bob?He gave me a sly look and responded, "Because she could be a real bitch." -
Junkyard Photo (Door)
by TerryWalstrom ini see where you were shooting and what did i tell you?
don't bother lying!".
the heavyset man could have been a bulldog or a gargoyle.
I got the idea for the story by stumbling upon the photo.
My reaction (there was no caption) was one of technical interest in the 'artistic quality' of the photo. Purely dispassionate and esthetic consideration--AT FIRST.
I read a paragraph UNDER the photo, however...and was suddenly struck by the words
Auschwitz interior door to "shower house" gas chamber!
Then and there--I had to write something which framed the situation. -
Junkyard Photo (Door)
by TerryWalstrom ini see where you were shooting and what did i tell you?
don't bother lying!".
the heavyset man could have been a bulldog or a gargoyle.
Thank you.
It has been many years since I watched the Documentary SHOAH.
It has remained with me. (Except for the detail about the gas.) Much obliged. -
Junkyard Photo (Door)
by TerryWalstrom ini see where you were shooting and what did i tell you?
don't bother lying!".
the heavyset man could have been a bulldog or a gargoyle.
"You again! I see where you were shooting and what did I tell you? Don't bother lying!"
The heavyset man could have been a bulldog or a gargoyle. Hard on the eyes and offensive, he jabbed accusingly at the young man with his craggy finger.
Karl hefted his camera bag and shouldered the bulky tripod, trudging toward the junkyard owner.
"Sorry--I've been looking for interesting textures all morning...right where you told me...there's only junk and--"
"This is a junkyard! Are you feeble? Now get out."
Karl lifted the burden from his shoulder, laying the Nikon ever so gently on the gravel road which ran along the fence.
"I tell you straight out--I've won awards for my pictures. I'm not just any idiot student whose parents spent a fortune on a hobby."
The old man stood planted without blinking; saying nothing.
Karl kept going. What could it hurt?
"My pictures hang in galleries. I have a gifted eye. I will credit your...your...establishment, I promise."
"Gustav Schmidt's Junkyard?" The proprietor growled. "A prize-winning photo?"
Karl felt his heart leap. He thought, "Ego! I've got him!"
The young man took two steps closer and reached into his khaki jacket. Schmidt's eyes narrowed when he caught sight of the brochure.
"See. Herr Schmidt, 1st Prize, blue ribbon, one-man show. These are mine. My work sells well and important people...influentials purchase the images. That's why I'm here. I have this commission for Volkswagen regional headquarters. The image must have industrial texture but it cannot be a mere 'object d'art' sort of image."
"Volkswagen? I don't understand. Go to a car lot, not a junkyard."
Karl wiped sweat from his grimy brow and heaved a long breath.
"I'm sorry--I didn't properly explain. The entrance hall needs an image which is not product-specific. It must be highly evocative and mysterious to capture the eye--yet allowing each person's imagination to elicit a personal reaction."
"Humpf!" Schmidt snorted dismissively. "Nonsense!"
The tall, gangly photographer turned slightly and swept his arm in a half circle, indicating the vast hoard of castoff litter, rusted parts, bent pipes, and strewn wreckage.
"Just a minute ago, I found exactly what I was looking for. An old sliding door with scratches. I caught the light just so. It means nothing and yet evokes a strong feeling to my eyes. I bracketed my shots moving the stop as I snapped. I'm sure it is perfect."
Gustav Schmidt frowned and shook his head menacingly. Yet he said nothing.
"As I said, I shall make certain your establishment is credited as the location."
Schmidt sneered and his eyes reddened suddenly. "You'll do nothing of the kind! I shall take you to court if you mention me at all--you understand? Get out of here and don't come back!"
Karl snatched up his bag and tripod and nodded. He had what he needed. To hell with the old fool.
Some months later, Schmidt entered the great foyer to the Volkswagen Regional Headquarters. The architecture was magnificent. The old man shuffled laboriously toward the mural on the far side where a billboard sized photo was installed next to a billowing fountain.
Yes. Just as he had known. Schmidt pulled off his tattered cap and threw it violently on the polished marble floor of the vestibule.
"Ignorant asses!" The old man shouted and heads turned his direction. A man in uniform strode over and whispered something in Schmidt's ear. The two of them walked off together.
In the following week, money changed hands. Attorneys conferenced. Newspaper journalists were bribed.
The enormous photo was removed in the dead of night.
Hardly a soul noticed.
When the matter finally settled, Karl the photographer worked up the courage to return to Gustav Schmidt's Junkyard.
The old man wrinkled his nose as though he were about to spit--but thought the better of it.
"I'm sorry Herr Schmidt. I thought you ought to know. I've installed that offending piece elsewhere. I donated it. No money changed hands. I thought you would be happy to hear there is proper attribution. A plaque beneath the framed art clarifies everything."
The young man's head hung slightly, like a scolded mongrel.Herr Schmidt raised an eyebrow and nodded quietly.
He spoke as though he were in a holy place in careful, emotive words.
"Ferdinand Porsche knew what he was doing. Volkswagen is an abomination. That family is famous...rich...they've gone unpunished. You have no idea..."
The low voice trailed off like the echo of a wounded animal in a distant cave.
Karl nodded.
"I do know. Now, I do. Something about that old steel door spoke to my soul. Nothing accidental about it. Things happen for a reason--I believe."
Schmidt flushed crimson as he half-turned and confronted the young man.
"You're damned right. Things happen because men make them happen. I lost my family there. Those scratches--the fingernails of innocent Jews clawing at the only door as Xylon gas filled the chamber. I told you to stay away from the fenced area. You didn't listen. Now get the hell out of my sight."
Weeks later, Schmidt fumbled with his spectacles, placing them on his nose as he squinted at the plaque under the enormous photo of the steel door.
"Auschwitz Gas Chamber Door."
Is there truth in religion
by bola ini am asking this questions due to the teachings, beliefs and practices of different religions..