Make my day~
The phone rang today at 11am. It was mama.Of course I reconized her voice and listened to her.She said again how much she loves me and how things would and could be different.I was pleasant to her and told her I was fine.I also told her how depressed the news had made me and how I had overcome it.I told her that I was sure NOW more then ever that I would never accept a religion that destroyed family units.She said BRO had more or less told her that about me.
It was as loving conversation that is possible considering her main focus is honouring her hovah.She said she thinks of all of her girls and that her health was fair and she was taking her needed medications.She mentioned she had recieved a card (brief) from Karen/Sentinel and had spoken to Polly.She also felt that Polly did not want to be in the middle relaying messages and she understood that.I also informed her that Polly had been told by me before her call to her.The blow was softenned considerably.
She mentioned calling Karen/Sentinel and I told her to save her self being hurt and that I needed to discuss it first with her.I know how Karen/Sentinel feels about the situation and it could be a hurtful thing on both ends.I told mama I will continue to make her labels and such,write once in a while and call every so often.
I asked her how she felt about all of Abraham's people~Ismael and his descendants and Issac and his offspring and all the others before and after that do not carry the label of JW's and how did she believe they ALL would be destroyed????
Of course she said that is all in the written word and even if I did read it,I would not understand it because the light doth not shine on me....well La te da!
I thought to myself(just let it go).
I ended the conversation with my intent that she remains happy,content and steadfast in what makes her happy and fullfilled.I also let her know that I was NOW fine with her decision and what else could I be?
I also assured her of my unconditional love...after all isn't Universal unconditional Love and compassion what it is suppose to be ALL about???
It is her choice.I also said she is getting older and she mentioned how BRO had spoken to her and how it had made her realize that she cannot completely eliminate our responsilities to her.She is OUR mama.
She said our Uncle is much worse.
I have been just letting the days go and come and each day has been one of two things.Either I am very high on enlightment or I am very unconcerned.We each have to make our lives fit patterns that are useful and bring enjoyment to us.I want to show as much love and compassion that I am capable of showing.I apolized to mama for my behavior on first hearing the news.I did not apolize for how it made me feel.
I wake most mornings around 4:44 and I belch,fart and pour a glass of ice tea and think of dad:)That was three of his most favorite things:)
I am having the best of happy and loving dreams.I have been doing more things for my daughter,family and friends. It is in giving that we do recieve.
For me,hearing mama's voice made my day.