I thought to give a more comprehensive summary, however this pretty well sums up the entire wasted day.
Stand and sing.
Prayer thanking the GB.
Only JW's will survive "the end".
Do more. Preach more. Indoctrinate your children more. Give more to other "brothers" and "sisters". Get those who have awakened to go back to sleep.
Sing another song.
Announcement: It cost a great amount to put this show on. Give, give, give, until it hurts. Show self-sacrifice.
Don't do anything that gives you a sense of self worth, or satisfaction. Preach more. You really should be pioneering. The end is "just around the corner".
Dunking talk.
Stand and sing again. (Golf clap as five young teen-age born-ins file out.)
Mad rush to get prime spot at the very few available tables and chairs for noon dinner.
Sing a song, and pray thanking God for everything and the GB.
How can you tell right from wrong? The GB will tell you. No need to try to discern on your own.
WT Summary. Think and act in lock-step with what the GB suggest order. Blind obedience is good. Thinking ability is bad.
Sing another song. Announcement: We haven't collected much but still sent a few thousand to "mother" and now we have a (perpetual) deficit. We are confident you will be self-sacrificing and give more.
Don't worry about jobs, housing, health etc. Do more and God will take care of you.
Don't buy things.
Don't try to remain youthful. Especially middle-aged "sisters". Don't dress young, Don't groom young. After all what is middle age in the course of forever? (I guess that is why the greater majority of over thirty year old female JW's look like unkempt, overweight, unhealthy, homeless bag-ladies)
Don't get involved in any way with anyone who is not a JW, whether dating, work, or even family members. (Not isolationist much is that?)
God only loves JW's. GT is "very close" and when it starts it will be too late for any who are not JW's to live.
JW's have standards now as set out by the GB to praise God. It won't be any different in the "new world". There will always be standards of conduct, dress and grooming, and where and how to live passed on to the survivors forever through appointed men.
Sing another song. Prayer thanking god for food at the right time through the GB. Another polite golf clap.
Mad rush for the parking lot to get on the road home.
Of course all this was liberally sprinkled with frequent mentions of jw.org!