After twenty years of private practice as a licensed psychotherapist, Bonnie Zieman is recently retired (although she occasionally conducts therapy sessions via Skype for current or former JWs). As both a therapist and a former, born-in Jehovah’s Witness, Bonnie has the skills, knowledge, education and experience with which she can offer others help to leave high-control environments and recover from mind-control, coercion, manipulation and/or abuse. Bonnie is the author of the following books:
- The Challenge to Heal: A Recovery Guide to Help Reclaim Your Life After Leaving Any High-Control Group
- The Challenge to Heal Workbook & Journal
- Exiting the JW Cult: A Healing Handbook
- Fading Out of the JW Cult: A Memoir
- Bibliotherapy: 350+ Psychological Resources to Help With Recovery From: Manipulation & Exploitation, Domestic & Sexual Abuse, Undue Influence, Mind-Control and Cult Abuse
Bonnie Zieman is also on the Board of Review of the Open Minds Foundation which is dedicated to exposing and combating all forms of undue manipulation, mind-control and coercion.