JoinedPosts by TTaTT4U
Circuit overseer secret guidebook . 2016
by TTaTT4U in
re: race.
New Tool To Help Cult Survivors. From an EXJW
by TTaTT4U in.
After twenty years of private practice as a licensed psychotherapist, Bonnie Zieman is recently retired (although she occasionally conducts therapy sessions via Skype for current or former JWs). As both a therapist and a former, born-in Jehovah’s Witness, Bonnie has the skills, knowledge, education and experience with which she can offer others help to leave high-control environments and recover from mind-control, coercion, manipulation and/or abuse. Bonnie is the author of the following books:
- The Challenge to Heal: A Recovery Guide to Help Reclaim Your Life After Leaving Any High-Control Group
- The Challenge to Heal Workbook & Journal
- Exiting the JW Cult: A Healing Handbook
- Fading Out of the JW Cult: A Memoir
- Bibliotherapy: 350+ Psychological Resources to Help With Recovery From: Manipulation & Exploitation, Domestic & Sexual Abuse, Undue Influence, Mind-Control and Cult Abuse
Bonnie Zieman is also on the Board of Review of the Open Minds Foundation which is dedicated to exposing and combating all forms of undue manipulation, mind-control and coercion.
New Tool To Help Cult Survivors. From an EXJW
by TTaTT4U in.
New Tool To Help Cult Survivors. From an EXJW
by TTaTT4U in.
JW Sound System Hacked During Meeting . #jworg #jwonly
by TTaTT4U in
Why are U throttling this post Simon?
Convention audio clips mentioning 1975
by Splash inthis is very topical so i thought i'd share a compilation document of 10 audio clips.. these are mostly from before 1975, taken from convention recordings at the time, stressing the importance of 1975 and getting the crowd excited in anticipation.. entire talks are embedded but it's been typed out what was said and the time point it occurs.. this document is 220mb, so be warned.. i hope you're not triggered by the drawn out assembly speech style because this is full of it.. if anyone ever tries to tell you that there was no mention of 1975, hopefully this will give you some evidence.. if anyone with the ability could turn this into a short, shareable video, that would be much more useable and shareable than this (no disrespect to the creator).. click here for the recordings.
it will be gone in one month..
1000s of talks. The motherload
Did you ever have a discussion with an apostate that helped your journey out.
by jwfacts inthere seems to be a number of different ways that apostates try to get jehovah's witnesses realise they do not have the truth, ranging from subtle comments to aggressive attacks.
do you have any that looking back helped you finally leave.
some of the methods include:.
No EXJW helped me in person waking up. Awake for 5 years . helped me . Also activists on YouTube , especially
JWstruggle and AnonDude2 Ethan Hatcher