First of all I would like to thank you all for the input. I haven't had internet access but I have been kept abreast of your thoughts and I did take it into consideration.
I would like to explain that I didn't feel right about a relationship with her from the beginning. She told me that she wanted me to be monogamous after we had been out 3 times. She knew that I had a few "female friends". At that time I didn't think it would last more than a week or two and I fully intended to be monogamous. Oh and by the way, she asked me that when we were naked in bed. What am I supposed to say at that point? "Um no I don't think I want to have sex with just one woman"???? That would have really spoiled the mood. I did tell her that I had no intention of getting serious and yet she got serious on me in less than 3 weeks. She kept making plans for the future. She even bought a house and suggested that there was room for me and my daughter. She told me that she was having very strong feelings for me and asked me what I thought of that. I told her "I don't think that's a good idea." I explained at that point that "I'm not in love with you but I do enjoy hanging out with you" I told her that I thought that there was a good chance that she would get hurt if she had feelings for me. She told me "You're not responsible for my feelings".
I was dating her because I found her interesting and attractive. I did not want to have a serious relationship or a long term relationship. In hind sight, I should have been more clear about that. I should tell every woman I meet that I'm just looking for sex buddies. Right? Come on! We all know that dating is a game. Rarely do we find someone that we can be completely honest with especially if we don't want to settle down right now. It can happen and it has. I have at least 4 female "freinds" who are ok with that.
Anyway. Last night I did tell her that I didn't have feelings of love for her and that I didn't think it was possible. I explained that we had some very important differences in our personalities that made it impossible to progress. I told her that it wasn't that there was a problem with her. She agreed. She got angry saying that when we made love she saw things in my eyes that told her that I felt differently. She felt that I was being dishonest. I told her that in that moment, what I felt was genuine but it may not have been what she thought it was. I apologized and took my verbal beating without any more defense. She still wants me to come back and do some electrical work for her.
For the record. STDs are not an issue. I use protection. Also I didn't see anyone new during that period. The only women I was with were ones that I had been with just prior to her.
It's interesting to see some still clinging to the judgemental attitudes that we were taught in the borg. Yes, I am different than most but if you were to talk to the people who know me, including my ex, you would find that although I do make some bad decisions I am still a decent human being.
Again thanks for the advice. It worked.