Its interesting that the article said the government requested the organizations help. It didnt say they gave it. Also did you note the title of the talk given around country...? "Obediance saves lives". How much of that talk was about ebola and how much was about obediance to the org IN ALL THINGS, ebola or not?
JoinedPosts by Justnowout
Jehovah's Witnesses Respond To Ebola - What do you think?
by toweragent in
i usually find most of what they post on the news or updates section of the website repulsive or even nauseating.
but i really thought this was nice of them to finally be proactive in something like this.. the article even mentions helping non-witnesses as well.
How to tell how effective JW.TV will be
by bohm inhere is a simple and obvious way to tell how effective is going to be:.
in the past, how effective has religious tv been for you?
has watching religious tv made by moonies, evangelists, mormons or scientologists made you seriously reflect on spirituality?
I agree with everything you say bohm.... From a certain point of view ;) i still have to revert to the cult factor though. I look at it this way: dubbies are very much like someone who goes to a magic show. Few people who pay to go see a "magic" show actually think penn and teller REALLY catch a bullet in their teeth or think seigfied and roy REALLY made a tiger fly around the room.... But those that pay to see these shows WANT to believe as a default. They paid to go and be entertained and amazed. They are predisposed to accept what they see No matter how much their rational minds fight against them.
Dubbies are the same. They tune in predisposed to believe and accept what they see. It confirms and affirms their already determined mindset. In the 4 days its been available two men im aquatinted wit, men who normally see through disengenious talks and content lacking platitude filled public talks, have absolutly fawned over this crap. They fawn because its directly from the GB. They fawn because its TV and their is natural disconnect from an imperfect human delivery. The tv screen becomes a barrier to reality, they willingly accept what they see as better, special even, compared to what they see in real life. They WANT to believe and the tv magnifies the illusion. This crap is getting rave reviews from dubbies locally and on FB and twitter.... They all buy into the collective delusio, the shared fantast inthralls them and they feed of each other. A single gasp of excitment leads to twenty more. No one wants to be the one who says the emperor has no clothes and so they all convince themselves how wonderful it is. Its the ultimate magic trick.
How to tell how effective JW.TV will be
by bohm inhere is a simple and obvious way to tell how effective is going to be:.
in the past, how effective has religious tv been for you?
has watching religious tv made by moonies, evangelists, mormons or scientologists made you seriously reflect on spirituality?
Bohm, i agree with the premise but i think one factor to add into the equation is the cult acceptance/belief. The average dubbie will accept any steaming pile of crap if they think a GB member flushed it to them. They may have recoiled at jim baker but if the rubber faced buffoon lett says the same things its from GOD! In short, 'the other guys are wrong, we are right' cult mentality will easily overrule any discomfort dubbies feel about the video feeds. The built in cult filter tells them that anything the GB say or do must be right, even if its wrong, because the GB are Always right.
New December KM with changes all over
by pixel inis not on the public website yet, but here it is, full more changes:.
to the 2015 school:.
bible highlights: brothers as- signed this part will have two min- utes to consider one interesting and practical scriptural point from the weekly bible reading.
@joe - agreed 100% On the song book trial
New December KM with changes all over
by pixel inis not on the public website yet, but here it is, full more changes:.
to the 2015 school:.
bible highlights: brothers as- signed this part will have two min- utes to consider one interesting and practical scriptural point from the weekly bible reading.
Wow no more first sat bible studies...... Wonder Why. Also f*** that new 3 rd student talk. That sounds like a BI***H
I think a huge issue with getting others to do the videos is that this version of the GB are attention whores. How many times did the letter announcing the video streams use the words "giverning body", and use it in successive sentances?!?! Its unreal. They have this need to be seen and be exposed and be in the lime light. Its a very concieous effort to put themselves front and center.
Sam, i have always liked you and appreciated you pov but i think on this you are speaking from an emotional memory, not a logical reasoned position... You say you have been df'd for 8 years..... Who would jesus have ignored for 8 years? What illistration showed that...? In the story of the good samaratian who was it that helped and who passed by? What was the point of the tale? Do jw's really apply that in df'ing people?
I hear what your saying and i see the good intent in individual jw's and i remember the warm fuzzy feelings.... But that dosent make them close to god or the truth.
Letter Re: JW Broadcasting
by pixel inre: jw broadcasting.
dear brothers:.
we are writing to inform you of an exciting initiative that was announced on october 4,.
although i think its signifigant in its establishment and mentioning in official branch communications a specific worldly company, dont let be taken to afar afield by roku. Roku is simply a device to bridge a tv and the internet. especially for older people it seems to have wide appeal because of its ease of use. Most tech savy people use tablets or laptops and tie them to their tv's or have smart tv's to begin with. People in countries where roku isnt mentioned or isnt available will easily be able to get the rubber faced buffon lett without it. However as i stated, i think it is extremly noteworthy that they mentioned this device by name and created the channel for it. It seems that when they wrote the app for android and IOS they crossed a bridge and headed strait out to sea!
Well, it was your basic KH wedding, now 40 years later
by JeffT inmy wife and i still like each other.
fortieth is "ruby.
" since rubies aren't in the budget, we went to ruby beach for the weekend.
It was a teenage wedding,
and the old folks wished them well
You could see that Pierre
did truly love the mademoiselle
And now the young monsieur
and madame have rung the chapel bell,
"C'est la vie", say the old folks,
it goes to show you never c an tell
Congrats :)
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
No. There will not be.