JoinedPosts by Penelope1
by Penelope1 inim mad as hell!
how many times is another child molester going to get away with murder before the watchtower bible & tract society decides to do something about it?!.
a close friend who left the org.
Thanks so much JW daughter! I will check it out but I'm 99% sure that he's not a registered offender. That's why I'm PISSED--he has molested several girls yet has never been reported to police! -
by Penelope1 inim mad as hell!
how many times is another child molester going to get away with murder before the watchtower bible & tract society decides to do something about it?!.
a close friend who left the org.
I just checked the registry LisaRose but he's not listed, as expected. This is why I'm so pissed! The sicko has never been prosecuted because his victims refuse to notify the police lest they "bring reproach upon Jehovah" (GAG!!!) Each time he gets away with it is another opportunity for him to eff up someone else's life!
by Penelope1 inim mad as hell!
how many times is another child molester going to get away with murder before the watchtower bible & tract society decides to do something about it?!.
a close friend who left the org.
Thanks so much for your help everyone!
My own personal experience with a child molester, which i mentioned in my post, didn't involve a JW. And because child abuse laws have changed substantially since he was prosecuted years ago, I'm not sure how to go about this! The person who does --my friend's daughter, just recently started attending meetings again and has since decided to keep quiet. No surprise there, right? GRRRR!!!
Here's more info.: his family moved to El Dorado County, Calif. 20-25 years ago and his parents and other family members still live there.
by Penelope1 inim mad as hell!
how many times is another child molester going to get away with murder before the watchtower bible & tract society decides to do something about it?!.
a close friend who left the org.
I’M MAD AS HELL! How many times is another child molester going to get away with murder before the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society decides to do something about it?!
A close friend who left the Org. about a year prior to my departure shared some very disturbing news recently. The Jehovah's Witness who sexually assaulted her daughter over a decade ago was disfellowshipped last Sunday for the same offense. But this is not the first time he's been sanctioned for the crime of sexual abuse!
The abuser’s father, a long-time elder in my former congregation in Northern California, was made aware of the problem many years ago when her daughter first spoke to him about it. Not surprisingly, he took no action, nor did the judicial committee. The loser was invited to serve at NY Bethel shortly thereafter but they asked him to leave some years later due to a similar incident. He relocated to New Mexico, fully aware of the fact that his past deeds would be kept secret by the local elders per Watchtower policy. Unaware of the impending danger, the children were sitting ducks and parents and others, oblivious bystanders. He seized the opportunity as any pedophile would under such ideal conditions. The elders eventually found out and disfellowshipped him but he was reinstated, only to strike again.I've known this individual from the time he was 19 (he's almost 40 now) and yet had no knowledge of any of this until six months ago thanks to Watchtower's gag order.I am sick, disgusted, outraged that this piece of ... um, work is still on the loose rather than behind bars. As mentioned at the outset, he was disfellowshipped again recently but the problem, which the Watchtower REFUSES to acknowledge, is this: no amount of prayer or repentance will stop a pedophile! Only a prison cell can do that.
Child sexual abuse is a subject I'm passionate about because I've been there. I know what it's like to be tortured mentally, emotionally and physically by a sexually depraved monster, to reach out for help only to be ignored by those who say they care. Yes, silence is a sexual predator's best friend, an enabler that gives him the freedom to victimize again and again!That brings me to the purpose of this post. I want to get the word out so that can't hide behind Watchtower's protective veil anymore. And I want him put away. Can you help ex-JW's? Your voices, suggestions and fighting spirit are needed in order to stop the abuse and bring this criminal to justice! He is still living in New Mexico so any offers of assistance from those also residing there would be most appreciated. Message me if you would like additional details and/or can help out.
Please pass it on!
So have any of you seen this site?
by nonjwspouse in
i apologize if i am double posting about this..
what a riot!! thanks for sharing nonjwspouse :-)
I think it is important to remember that even though most JW's are in a comatose state so to speak, there is a small minority regaining a bit of consciousness everyday (most of us on this site are living proof of that). These are the ones who are searching & investigating, who watch videos such as the one above and cannot deny the truthfulness of its message. Such experiences tend to have a snowball effect which often leads to the eventual removal of the Org's cognitive straight jacket --and freedom!! And what about the thousands of bible studies? For them and many others (non-JW family members, for example) AAWA's videos are public service announcements that can alert them to the dark realities that lurk behind the pleasant, smiling faces on the other side of their kitchen tables.
Given this clear and present danger, I don't understand why these videos bother some. Why would anyone want to add a spoonful of sugar to something that's laced with cyanide?? The messages are presented candidly and to the-point as they should be considering the seriousness of the subject matter; we're not talking about the side-effects of red dye #40 in children's cereals afterall.
I would like to thank AAWA for the excellent JW videos they have produced thus far; I have yet to see anything on the internet that is as well put together and professional.
Should I send this letter to my non-JW cousin who refuses to listen to ANY criticism of our JW relatives?
by nicolaou insome background here; non-jw family members who are overly respectful and protective of the jw's.. i thought i might try a completely different tactic.
what are your views on my letter below?
i thought i'd let it sit with her for a couple of weeks or more before following it up .
Here's one more for you steve2 so that there is no question as to who the REAL fear mongerers are....
Should I send this letter to my non-JW cousin who refuses to listen to ANY criticism of our JW relatives?
by nicolaou insome background here; non-jw family members who are overly respectful and protective of the jw's.. i thought i might try a completely different tactic.
what are your views on my letter below?
i thought i'd let it sit with her for a couple of weeks or more before following it up .
This is for you steve2...Mr. Reeder was a contributor to this site at one time; that is, before he took his own life as a result of being shunned by his family. One "death by disfellowshipping" is one too many in my book...
Should I send this letter to my non-JW cousin who refuses to listen to ANY criticism of our JW relatives?
by nicolaou insome background here; non-jw family members who are overly respectful and protective of the jw's.. i thought i might try a completely different tactic.
what are your views on my letter below?
i thought i'd let it sit with her for a couple of weeks or more before following it up .
Dear Steve2,
I'm a bit put off that you have accused me of fear-mongering. Can you be more specific about that please? Is it not true that "God's organization on earth" is leaving behind a trail of tears, a trail of broken families, broken lives(including many children who have been sexually abused) mental and emotional problems, suicides, etc.? I was a jw for nearly twenty years so i speak from experience my friend. But hey, don't take my word for it; research these things yourself.
To imply that i should be more "soft" in communicating these matters is far worse than the fear-mongering you accuse me of; in fact, considering the reality of what is taking place within the Org., I find it shameful.
I will not stop speaking the TRUTH (very differerent from fear-mongering) until: 1. there are no more human fatalities at the hands of the Watchtower Org 2. child abuse policies change in favor of the children, not the pedophiles 3. WT Disfellowing policies are no longer used a weapon 4. the flat-out lies and propaganda are silenced.
Lastly, and maybe you missed this part--i did not tell the gentleman what to put in his letter; rather, i stated that i felt he should send it and gave my reasons why. Ephesians 4:25a
Subtle wording in today's study article (3/15/13 WT)
by leaving_quietly inw13 3/15 p. 28 par.
"first, we must proclaim that name to others, recognizing that only those who 'call on the name of jehovah will be saved.
' (rom.
Hi Heathen (lol)....In response to your post (6/2), which was a response to my post about "the great mountain" that gets hurled into the sea (Rev. 8:8; compare Jeremiah 51:25,26), that is definitely not what the Org. believes about itself! Check your Revelation Climax book if you still have one (pages 135-136, paragraphs 24-26).
The Org. states that this great, burning mountain represents the worldly governments that "make waves in the sea of mankind"; however, i believe it's the Organization itself--a counterfeit that claims to be the "visible part of God's Mountain-like organization". It is not only a fraud that "seems" or "appears" to be a genuine part of God's symbolic mountain (Isaiah 2:1-4), it is a foe and enemy because it acts as a decoy to attract and decieve the chosen ones (Matt. 24:24; 7: 13,14). Those that fall for it wind up commiting spirtual idolatry, i.e, "defiling themselves with women" (Rev. 14:4) by giving exclusive devotion to the Org., not Jah; they lose their crowns as a result (Revelation 3:11).