nice thought, DA.:)-nate
JoinedPosts by unanswered
Be Thankful
by DevilsAdvocate_DA in"be thankful".
be thankful that we don't already have everything we desire.. if we did, what would there be to look forward to?.
be thankful when we don't know something,.
mmmm...Sunday mornings
by Kristen insunday mornings are now my most favorite day of the week.. it used to be that i'd get up early and prepare for service or study my wt.
yep, i was one who had her wt highlighted in several colors and had scriptures jotted in the margins.
if i didn't have it underlined, i felt guilty.
ahh, how sundays have changed for me as well.:) sometimes, my wife and i get up early, pack up the dog and poles, and go fishing on a river about a half an hour away that feels like a whole other world. that's where my "church" is now. even the simple pleasure of getting up, drinking coffe, and mowing the lawn on a beautiful sunday morning is something to be happy about. or waking up to pounding rain, turning up the heater and watching movies with my wife can seem blissful. whatever it is, i think that now i have a better appreciation for what makes me happy, and i realize that it's important to make the time for it without guilt. thanks for the nice thoughts, kristen and others.:)-nate
Your Top Ten Books
by GinnyTosken ini love the book lists on amazon; i get lost in them for hours.
recently someone asked me for book recommendations, and i thought it would be fun if we shared our lists of top ten books that helped us think our way out of the jw dogma.
im putting aside the obvious ones, like crisis of conscience and apocalypse delayed.. heres my list, in the order i discovered them as best i can recall.. ginny.
it was hard to pick 10, so i just thought of what are my favorites right now. seems like i have a new favorite all the time, these are classics for me.
"the tao te ching"-has to be in my top 5 if not number 1. introspection-i agree.
"the bible"-no matter what your take on it, a great piece of literature.
"alices adventures in wonderland"-carroll-this book is my longest running favorite. i know, i know.
"thus spoke Zarathustra"-nietzsche-one of his more obscure writings, i admire his confidence in the human being.
"celtic"-t.w. rollestone-a great reference that really helped me get in touch with my ancestral past.
"my name is asher lev"-chaim potok-i found it to be a parallel with growing up as a jw.
"servant of the bones"-anne rice-i just really liked this one.
"lakota woman"-mary crow dog-probably my favorite autobio. ever.
"the metamorphosis"-kafka-i know his writing is weird and disjointed, i like it because it doesn't follow any rules.
"the other bible, ancient esoteric texts"-edited by willis barnestone-opened my eyes to a belief system i was never allowed to investigate when i was younger.
well, that's my spouting. i've enjoyed everyone else's responses, gave me some new ideas for reading material. nate
Pétition électronique pour Rémi
by chasson inremi 21 ans, atteint de leucemie froudoyante a besoin d'une transfusion pour.
etre traite par chimiotherapie.
si il acceptait ce traitement il aurait 70 a.
chasson-my french is VERY rusty, so itook forever to get through the post, only to realize people were already translating it.(silly me) i don't have the info. you need but i just wanted to add my support and say that it's fortunate for remi that he has help from you. jesus talked a lot about treating our fellowmen with love, compassion, and support, why is it that the apostates seem to have the jws beat in this regard?hmmmm....-nate
what brought you out?
by uncle_onion ini was intersted in what brought "you" out.. with me it was the 607 bce thing.
i always followed the org and would have died for it but when i saw the fallacy of the 607 date that blew it for me.
i am now on a quest to try and find something to feel comfortable with.
so many things, but i guess a big one was being led by men who said they got their info. from god, but, if you ever called them on it, denied being inspired. i'll take my fate in my own hands, thank you very much.-nate
Did you/Do you actually LIKE Field Service?
by LovesDubs ingod i hated it..every living breathing minute of it.
it was pure hell for me, and based on the pace i see the jws all over the world moving, they aint so fond of it neither.
the persecution that the jws feel they get is from irritated householders who know nothing about their religion except that they hit people over the head with it and then judge them because they dont like being hit over the head with it.
question:did you/do you actually like field service?
answer:no, no, no, no. not at all. not by a long shot. not even when i was forced to smile. no. my favorite thing was listening to jw's complain about being woken up on saturday morning by salesmen when they decided to take a day off from witnessing to sleep in. what????-nate
Goodbye and i want to say thanks
by nogs inthis is my farewell message.
i just want to say thanks to the number of people who i have spoken to and share stories with, i thought i was the only one who left for the reasons i did but i have met many and they have strenghened me in my life course now, basically i had never looked up witnesses before and was thinking about returning to the borg when i found this site, you all made me see that it would be like going backwards.
i feel strong now and will be not returning to this site, mainly as i want to let the past stay in the past, wts is the past and while i keep re-hashing it it will always affect my life.. thanks all.
frenchy, i too am glad to see you here again. i've missed your thoughts on things. the "what did you do" thread might also help you to figure out stillin's deal. you've probably already seen it though. i thought maybe you had left the site, i'm happy to see that you didn't.:)-nate
Eminem and censorship
by Uni girl inwhen my son came home from the meeting, he told me that they were told not to listen to eminem because (in his words) he's bad.. i can not stomach the kind of censorship that is put upon people...aren't these things a personal choice or at least a parents choice.
by censoring everything they make a child go behind their parents back and close the line of communcation which could result in some real harm.
i listened to eminem with my son and whilst some of the things are very offensive it was quite clear to me that although he was talking in the first person, he was actually expressing what he thought societal problems were,(no one think bob marley actually son the sheriff do they??).
sfjim-i've read your comments, and i empathize with your view in that i'm sure it is motivated by a good heart. i hate censorship. it starts with things most of us dislike, and ends up trampling down things many of us like. i do think that eminem isn't out there trying to gay bash, but i do see how it could be taken that way. with most music, the motivation behind the lyrics is VERY open to interperetation, which is precisely why i think we cannot censor it. i remember when matchbox 20(i'm not a fan) came out with a song that upset many people because they thought it was speaking from an abusive man's point of view. then, when it was discovered that it was about an abusive woman, there was no problem. my point in making this reference is that it is a mistake to start bringing our own definitions to something that someone else has brought forward as art, even if we don't see it as art. i also agree, however, that some material is not appropriate for children. that is when the parent can chose what their child can encounter.
jim-i have no problem with methods taken to ensure that young children will not have access to certain materials w/out their parents permission, as long as it doesn't start that evil censor snowball rolling.
i think that with censorship, the gray area is to large to start drawing lines on what is and what is not acceptable. also i think that humans need to be very careful when it come to judging something based upon how it appears on the outside-it's to easy to make a mistake. besides, we all have the ability to chose for OURSELVES what we want to be exposed to and what we don't. just my opinion, not trying to offend anyone-nate.
Just getting Started..
by Casper inhi everyone........i love this site...!!!.
i just recently found it...and it feels so good to hear.
people talk about things that have been buzzing around in.
hey casper, welcome to the board. COs are pretty cool, aren't they?-nate
To StiLLinTruth
by LoneWolf inthis is only the second post that i've made on this board, so i hope that by posting this a second time, that i'm not violating some rule that i'm unaware of.
if i am, then i apologize to all.. however, this answer to stillintruth is on the fourth page of his last post, and i want to make sure he and as many others as possible can see it.. you will note that i sign my real name to the bottom of this.
that is meant as an open challenge to any and/or all to do something about it.
i second that motion, farkel. hey, still, it's really easy to be that cocky with someone like lone wolf when you're sitting at your computer, isn't it? btw, is the sort of yuppy slang you use cool? just a question. -nate