jst2laws-i haven't read every post on this thread, mostly because quite a few others are doing a great job discussing the arguments. i wantedto say, though, my opinion of you has grown as i see your willingness to discuss many subjects that are certainly taboo in a congregational setting. i also appreciate that you express human compassion at every turn. this quality was definitely lacking on the comitties i have dealt with.
so now, when i pose a question to you, please understand that i am asking a question that i've tried to ask my parents many times(they are both active jws-my father is veteran elder) with out ever getting an answer that wasn't based at least somewhat on blind faith. you seem to be trying to be very realistic about your religion, yet you feel it is the right place for you to be. if this is so, what has to happen to, or within the org. before you say, "enough, they have strayed to far"?
this is an honest question, not an attack-i ask because it seems like whatever comes up(child molestation, doctrinal flip-flops, corrupt authority figures, etc), even good-hearted witnesses always seem to be able to come up with one excuse or another for staying in the org. so, what is the point where the org. has gone to far? or is there even such a point? i hope to hear from you on this, it sort of covers a lot of issues for me. i'm not headed back to the WT for any conceivable reason, but your answer may help me to understand my family more.thanks-nate