I remember there was a brother who had a hard time speaking on stage...I do have to mention if you just talked to him he always pronounced words just fine but when he was on state you would crap yourself sometimes at the things he would say.
I can't remember the topic of the talks but his illustrations would go like this..."You know those maggots in the trees?" WTF? Maggots in the trees. We all just looked at each other and to this day we have no idea what the heck he was trying to say.
Same brother, "you know those octopuses they grab you with their testicles.... and they hold you tight with their testicles....having their testicles all over you" I think he was comparing Satan to an octopus. I remember several people around me were having to hold back the laughter. I was laughing out loud, I just couldn't hold it back!
Another brother giving a Sunday talk, it was about keeping your life simple or something like that...so he was bragging that his 70's style suit (this was later 90's when he was giving this talk) was just as good as the day he bought it so why should you brothers buy new suits every year...then he went on to talk about the sisters buying new clothes and he then points to his wife and says, "look at that nice dress she has on," everyone turns and looks at her, "she bought that at a thrift store." Well her dress was from the 60's or 70's and looked it. It was all worn out and really should have been thrown in the trash. Their kids were dressed the same way. Then he goes "brothers and sisters you don't need that expensive new crap!" He said crap from the platform and he actually said it 3 times, but I can't remember what he was talking about.