Interestingly "Dick" a stele was found in 1956 that was inscribed with the reigns of the kings that Adad-guppi had lived under. It states that evil Madduch reigned for two years.This is one bit of evidence and there are a lot more to back it up.What makes it even more important is that it is dated from that era and not 800 years later.
"Dick" you dont get it do you. If you are trying to cast doubt on the validity of the Babylonian history, you are going to come into a lot of difficulty.If you are trying to say that the worlds historians have the Babylonian kingly reigns totally wrong and can proof it then I will have to agree with you.BUT we will have no choice then to throw out the date of 539 BCE as well. You can not have one without the other.
You are also forgetting that we have an adundant amount of astronomical evidence as well, and a mass of cunieform data that also has to be thrown out if you are right.All this dates the kingly reigns and fits in with every thing that we have at the moment.
So what reserach have you done yourself "Dick"? I am not talking about a book that you have read but what actual research.What Cunieform tablets have you actually examined your self? And how come the GB have not used this research that you have "staggered" across in their defence?
As usual I expect a barrage of abuse from you because you are in a corner but quite frankly I am getting used to it.
Over to you "Dick" and this time how about answering my questions which would make a nice change?