Where did you get that info from? I need it! Can the info be verified by Museums etc?
BTW Simon, I prefer this board to H20!
Edited by - uncle_onion on 22 March 2001 4:14:19
been doing a bit of reading on mithras.. this essay contains some interesting information.
count the parallels between the legends of mithras and that of christ.. one of the "proofs" given to show that the gospels must be divinely inspired is that relatively simple men of the first century could not have fabricated such a powerful mythos.
a simpler explanation is that they merely made use of thousands of years of pre-existing religious ideas, shaping them to fit their own needs, as follows.. expatbrit.
Where did you get that info from? I need it! Can the info be verified by Museums etc?
BTW Simon, I prefer this board to H20!
Edited by - uncle_onion on 22 March 2001 4:14:19
i recently finished reading the bible unearthed: archaeology's new vision of ancient israel and the origin of its sacred texts by israel finkelstein and neil asher silberman.
here is part of a review that drew my attention to the book:.
the book reaches its conclusions from a huge array of archaeological evidence of different kinds, some quite clever, such as the analysis of camel bones; others representing new trends in field archaeology, such as settlement surveys.
Hi Ginny
Does the book make mention that th eSumerian legends were VERY similar to the Genesis account?
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
so what about the "prophecies" in the Bible etc, etc etc? Where do you define what is inspired and what is not?
BTW the text says "all scripture is inspired".
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
now you got me really confused. How can you put your trust in a book that you believe not to be inspired?
How can you take ANYTHING in the Bible to mean what it says then?
Was there a Christ?The Bible tells us that there was but how do we know that this bit was not "inspired" and just a story that sounded good?
I am not taking the Mickey. These are real questions that I have been asking myself these last two weeks. My wife has became a born again christian and cant believe that I am even doubting that there is a God.She wants me to have Faith but I can not unless I see some real prove. I have been decieved for 27 years. It is not going to happen again!
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
So how would you answer the question that ALL scripture is inspired of God for beneficial......
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
"I do not believe, however, that God tryed to explain it to us in inspired scriptures. I think the early writings were man's attempts to explain it to themselves. "
So are the scriptures inspired or not?
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
"You don't need anything but psychological explanations for these pheonemena"
So where are ethe psychological explanations? This is what I need to see before I can go any further.
i am doing some research on neanderthals.
we know that this species existed and by very recent dna test we can tell that they are definitely not human.has any one done anything on this subject or the accuracy of carbon dating?
Thanks "D"
Thanks everyone for their comments.The question on the tongues is the crunch for me.
in my daily bible reading this morning, i read from luke chapter 8 about the man in the country of the gerasenes who was demon-possessed.
jesus cured this man by commanding the demons to come out of him and enter into pigs who jumped over a cliff into the sea.
then verses 38,39 read:.
Funny this one as I had an Evangelical vicar around the other day to try and "prove" to me the Trinity and this was the first scripture that he showed me.
The classical JW answer will be that because Jesus gets his power from Jehovah, then this is what the scripture means.
Seems to me that there are scriptures for and against the Trinity. It is not clear cut as we were led to believe as JWs.
my dilemma.
those of you who know me personally and via the web will know that i am a studious person.
now take a look at genesis 36:31. this verse says these were the kings who reigned in edom before any israelite king reigned.. at the time of writing genesis, they were no kings of israel.
No, Noah wouldn't necessarily "have to have an eleven month food supply" for the animals ... not if God Himself miraculously supplied their needs, perhaps on a daily basis even. Certainly, He's capable of performing such a feat. Then there's also the possibility that God caused the animals to go into hibernation ... or something similar to when God "had a deep sleep fall upon [Adam]" in order to create Eve from Adam's rib.
So what was the point of the ark and the flood? Why didnt God just wipe it clean and start again?Why bother with the fuss of the flood? If you are going to use the miracle arguement, then anything is possible! This is the kind of thinking that I cannot fathom out. People try to show the validity of something by defining it logically, then when this "logical reasoning" is shown to be ilogical, they say "well God must have done this or that for it to happen". Then what is the point of this thread. If we are to believe that God used miracles for the flood to happen,then we might as well stop this thread now.:-)
I have been in discussion with a christian friend about this and he tries to show me from history that the flood existed from Geology etc. But when I raise an objection to his reasoning, he then replies "well it what you out your faith in". Then why try and show me Archeaological evidence if it is a case of faith?
Uo (who doesnt know what way to turn now!)